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Mount Vesuvius By Brady Long and Maggie Rickerd

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1 Mount Vesuvius By Brady Long and Maggie Rickerd
In 79 AD Mount Vesuvius erupted. It destroyed the Roman cities. This is Mount Vesuvius most famous eruption.

2 Pompeii’s Mount Vesuvius

3 Where it is located It is located on Italy’s west coast , overlook the bay and city of Naples and sits in the Crater of the ancient Somma valcano .

4 It Erupting Only active volcano in Mainland, Europe and has produced some of the continent’s largest volcanic eruptions The last eruption was in 1944

5 Last Series of eruptions

6 Facts about it -Pompeii is famous for the casts the hot ash formed around victims of the eruptions -Under Vesuvius, the lower part of the subducting slab has tumb and detached from the upper part to from what is called a ‘’slab window.’’ -This makes Vesuvius’ rocks slightly different chemically from the rocks erupted from the other Campanian volcanoes

7 The upper view of Mount Vesuvius

8 79 AD eruption Black smoke and firey rocks coming out
Romans trying to go to safety Destroyed most of Pompeii Lots of people died close to 20000 Had to rebuild most things During Roman Empire


10 Ending Thank you for watching our video and I hope you enjoyed it!
Don’t forget, never get close to Mount Vesuvius unless you want to risk your life

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