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How we introduced personalisation

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1 How we introduced personalisation
at Impact P O S I T I V E

2 P O S I T I V E Our Personalised Offer
A flexible service offer that customers can shape around their lives and commitments A dynamic, proactive service with a focus on individual strengths, interests, and aspirations; looking at what’s most important to our customers. A uniquely tailored service that fits our customers requirements and is shaped through creative flexible ways of working that take account of their individual talents. P O S I T I V E

3 P O S I T I V E How we introduced Personalisation
Planning for personalisation began in Autumn 2010 Staff discussed and agreed ideas for change Voluntary pilot in Single Homeless (January to December 2011) Learning used to shape personalisation across the service from April 2012 P O S I T I V E

4 P O S I T I V E What’s was different, what we changed
Personalisation – About the person not the process Customer control - choice of support worker and shape of support Choice over venue - when and where support is received Format and ways of delivery – Positive Approach to Risk Customer led outcomes – not commissioner led P O S I T I V E

5 P O S I T I V E Person centred planning
Introduced a range of Personal Plans – designed with customers Introduced core and flexi time Introduced staff profiles Offered customers choice over support worker Customers booked appointments at times to suit them P O S I T I V E

6 P O S I T I V E Staff Led Change Process
Staff led change process and made recommendations for change Staff shaped new policies and procedures Project planning group included customers, partners and commissioners Sub-groups were task focused with key areas of interest Organisational support around HR, finance and IT P O S I T I V E

7 P O S I T I V E Co-production (staff and customers)
Staff and Customers involved in… shaping staff profiles role profiles valued behaviours paperwork recommendations IT processes P O S I T I V E

8 P O S I T I V E Staff and culture
Staff were given the freedom to work creatively to achieve customer goals with solutions which are constantly revised to meet the changing customer needs It is vital we adopt a positive ‘can-do’ culture to ensure the people we work with thrive and enjoy success. People who have common values and goals with a clear understand what is expected from clearly defined valued behaviours Recruit the right people and let them do their jobs P O S I T I V E

9 P O S I T I V E Organisational Support
Senior Management Team – sign off recommendations Human Resources – negotiating changes (roles, job titles, base of work and hours) IT – developing electronic appointment system Finance – day to day financial transactions, petty cash and monetary payments P O S I T I V E

10 Impact of the pilot on our Customers
“Accomplished my goals without even thinking about it – like a reflex” “For the first time I feel in control you can chose who you want to see, where and do interesting things” “I will never forget how bad it was to be homeless but in a way I am now glad it happened that way, as if I did not get evicted I would not have been referred to Impact and I wouldn’t be where I am today, happy in my ‘forever’ home and helping people that need it in my voluntary work” P O S I T I V E

11 Personalisation Pilot Monetary Value June 2011 – December 2011
CORE – 75% Flexi 15 % Personal 10% P O S I T I V E

12 Customer Outcomes September 2010 – 49% Today – 94%

13 P O S I T I V E Challenges, Changes and Learning Monetary element
Electronic Appointments Logistics Team roles Cultural ways of working P O S I T I V E

14 P O S I T I V E Reduction in absence rates
Where we are now…………… Reduction in absence rates Move away from the audit commission approach to performance – work with success factors shaped by our customers Staff and Customers have changed the face of our organisation ( P O S I T I V E

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