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10th Annual World Internet Project Meeting 2009

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Presentation on theme: "10th Annual World Internet Project Meeting 2009"— Presentation transcript:

1 10th Annual World Internet Project Meeting 2009
Health and the Internet: Autonomy of the user From Connected to Networked Citizens Dr. Francisco Lupiáñez-Villanueva ICTs Interdisciplinary Research Group (i2TIC) Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) Dr. Rita Espanha Professor of ISLA - Lisbon Researcher at CIES-ISCTE (Portugal) 10th Annual World Internet Project Meeting 2009 Macao, July 8-10

2 Health and the Internet in the Network Society
Research projects Health and the Internet in the Network Society Portugal Catalonia Health in the Information Era in Portugal Directed by Dr. Cardoso and Dra. Espanha Internet, Health and Society: Analysis of Internet Use in Catalonia Health System Directed by Prof. Castells Researcher: Dr. Lupiáñez-Villanueva

3 Common Research Objectives
Identify, characterise and explain the determinants of the ICT and the Internet use carried out by citizens and health professionals within the health system. Analyze in what way and to what extend ICTs, specially the Internet, are appropriated by citizens and health professionals within the health system.


5 Citizens, Health and the Internet - Highlights
Consequences on Shape and being shaped by ICT Shape and being shaped by autonomy More health information available (quality and use) More communication tools available Online health services Personal Health Management Patient – Health Professional relationship Citizens /Patients relationship Healthcare demands Health status Access Uses Asses Standards Values Efforts Empowerment Participation E-readiness (DIGITAL oriented) AGE – EDUCATION – LABOUR – GENDER (ANALOGUE oriented)

6 Citizens, Health and the Internet - Highlights
Intensive use of health information Determinants of health: Age, Education and Labour Determinants of e-readiness index: Age, Education, Labour and Gender Connected are more likely to be in better health conditions and more likely to use private healthcare services Disconnected are more likely to be worse health and use public healthcare services

7 Hart JT. The inverse care law. Lancet 1971; 1: 405–12.
“The availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need of the population served” Hart JT. The inverse care law. Lancet 1971; 1: 405–12. The Inverse Care Law In areas with most sickness and death, general practitioners have more work, larger lists, less hospital support, and inherit more clinically ineffective traditions of consultation, than in the healthiest areas; and hospital doctors shoulder heavier case-loads with less staff and equipment, more obsolete buildings, and suffer recurrent crises in the availability of beds and replacement staff. These trends can be summed up as the inverse care law: that the availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need of the population served. Hart JT. The inverse care law. Lancet 1971; 1: 405–12.

The Inverse Care Law In areas with most sickness and death, general practitioners have more work, larger lists, less hospital support, and inherit more clinically ineffective traditions of consultation, than in the healthiest areas; and hospital doctors shoulder heavier case-loads with less staff and equipment, more obsolete buildings, and suffer recurrent crises in the availability of beds and replacement staff. These trends can be summed up as the inverse care law: that the availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need of the population served. Hart JT. The inverse care law. Lancet 1971; 1: 405–12.

The Inverse Care Law In areas with most sickness and death, general practitioners have more work, larger lists, less hospital support, and inherit more clinically ineffective traditions of consultation, than in the healthiest areas; and hospital doctors shoulder heavier case-loads with less staff and equipment, more obsolete buildings, and suffer recurrent crises in the availability of beds and replacement staff. These trends can be summed up as the inverse care law: that the availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need of the population served. Hart JT. The inverse care law. Lancet 1971; 1: 405–12.

10 World Internet Project Data Base 2007

11 World Internet Project Data Base 2007
Identify and characterise the Internet users who look for online health information into the E-readiness index to Network Society. Non-hierarchical K-means cluster analysis was carried out to develop a typology of the Internet users: We will now identify and characterise the Internet users who access online information about health issues into the e-readiness citizen to Network Society (Lupiáñez-Villanueva, 2009), on a global scale, using as methodology a selection of Internet users from the World Internet Project database Due to the amount of data and the amount of Internet activities collected in the database, non-hierarchical K-means cluster analysis was carried out to develop a typology of the Internet users. The goal to proceed with cluster analysis not only respond to a need to simplify data, but also to be able to draw a set of levels where we could accommodate citizens according to their respective stages of development of their digital competences. This typology of Internet users could be understood as an e-readiness index to the Network Society. To simplify data To be able to draw a set of levels where we could accommodate citizens according to their readiness to the Network Society

12 Basic Connected Citizen Advanced Connected and Social oriented Citizen
From Basic Connected Citizen Advanced Connected and Social oriented Citizen Advanced Connected and Individual oriented Citizen To Networked Citizen Valid 8271 Missing 7084 Basic Connected Citizen: they are at the button of the Internet uses. Advanced Connected and Social oriented Citizen: they use the Internet to do a lot of activities, especially those related with social and leisure aspects. Advanced Connected and Individual oriented Citizen: they also use the Internet to do a lot of activities, especially those related with individual and personal aspects. Networked Citizen: they are leading almost all the Internet uses Source: WIP 2007 Categories 1- Several times a day 2- Daily 3- Weekly 4- Monthly 5- Less than monthly 6- Never Source: WIP 2007

13 Basic Connected Citizen they are at the button of the Internet uses.
Advanced Connected and Social oriented Citizen they use the Internet to do a lot of activities, especially those related with social and leisure activities. Advanced Connected and Individual oriented Citizen they also use the Internet to do a lot of activities, especially those related with individual and personal aspects Networked Citizen they are leading almost all the Internet uses Source: WIP 2007

14 Source: WIP 2007




18 Source: WIP 2007

19 Characterization E-readiness Index
Source: WIP 2007

20 Characterization E-readiness Index
Source: WIP 2007; p<0’001

21 Characterization E-readiness Index
Source: WIP 2007; p<0’001

22 Characterization Health information
Source: WIP 2007; p<0’001

23 Characterization Looking for Health information on the Internet
Source: WIP 2007; p<0’001

24 Citizens, Health and the Internet - Global
Determinants of health: Age, Education and Labour Age Characterization of e-readiness index suggests… Networked Citizens are more likely to be in better health conditions due to their age. Connected Citizens are more likely to be in worse health conditions. Disconnected Citizens…

25 The inverse care law still works in the Network Society

26 Thank you very much for your attention
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27 10th Annual World Internet Project Meeting 2009
Health and the Internet: Autonomy of the user From Connected to Networked Citizens Dr. Francisco Lupiáñez-Villanueva ICTs Interdisciplinary Research Group (i2TIC) Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) Dr. Rita Espanha Professor of ISLA - Lisbon Researcher at CIES-ISCTE (Portugal) 10th Annual World Internet Project Meeting 2009 Macao, July 8-10

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