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Learning Objectives - To understand the different legislation and regulations that have be created to reduce environmental issues - To understand how designer.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objectives - To understand the different legislation and regulations that have be created to reduce environmental issues - To understand how designer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objectives - To understand the different legislation and regulations that have be created to reduce environmental issues - To understand how designer can have a positive impact in environmental issues Environmental Legislation and Regulations Ecolabel EU voluntary scheme Started in 1993 Aim is for manufacturers to label products which have a reduced impact in environment during it life-cycle EU Packaging and Packaging Wastage Directive EU scheme Started in 1994, altered in 2004 Aim was to set targets for reduction of packaging waste This encourages reduce, reuse and recycle It also targets the use of toxic materials in packaging Target set was to reduce 60% and recycle 55% of packaging waste by 2008

2 Learning Objectives - To understand the different legislation and regulations that have be created to reduce environmental issues - To understand how designer can have a positive impact in environmental issues Energy Labelling Directive EU scheme Started in 1996 Aim was for all electrical appliances to have a energy use rating (A++, A+, A, B, C etc) End-of-Life Vehicle Directive (ELVD) Started in 2003 Aim was to encourage the recycling and reuse of cars and car parts Also restrictions were introduction to limit use of toxic metals in car Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE) EU Directive Started in 2006 Aim to encourage manufacturers to develop electronic product can be dismantled, reused and recycled It also aimed to inform and instruct consumers how to get rid of their old electrical product by takin g them to specialist collection points Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoSH) Aim was to ban the use of hazardous materials/chemicals in electrical equipment This included to use of lead, mercury and cadmium It had public health benefits are was as environmental

3 Learning Objectives - To understand the different legislation and regulations that have be created to reduce environmental issues - To understand how designer can have a positive impact in environmental issues Sustainable and green design Green Design This is an approach to design which has a reduced impact on the environment It considers the use of materials/resources through recycling and reduction An example of this can be seen in the Dyson contra-rotating washing machine It uses a water jet system to reduce the amount of water used It also uses two drums rotating in opposite directions to create more agitation therefore reducing wash time and energy Sustainable Design This is design which not only considers environmental impact but also the impact of a product on social and moral issues Initiative's like Fair Trade are a good indicator of the success and impact of sustainable design Sustainable innovation is an alterative approach to design problems often considering existing products and services as a solution to a problem An example if this Your clothes was washing by a community initiative (reduces the number of washing machines) The vehicle picking up the clothes is run on biofuel (reducing use if finite resources) The washing machines used at powers by renewable energy (solar. wind, wave energy) The clean clothes are delivered back to you with your groceries (not wasting energy by doubling up with another service)

4 TASK – Life cycle assessment of a kettle
Learning Objectives - To understand the different legislation and regulations that have be created to reduce environmental issues - To understand how designer can have a positive impact in environmental issues Green packaging Green packaging considers reducing the amount of materials to store a product This is in line with the EU Packaging and Packaging Wastage Directive Kenco Packaging Eco-design/Life cycle design (LCD) This is when designers and manufacturers try and reduce the impact of a products entire life cycle This is done by looking at the start of a product life (the use of raw materials use in manufacture) all the wat to ends of the products life with the consideration of how the product will be disposed of A life cycle assessment (LCA) is use to conduct this. TASK – Life cycle assessment of a kettle

5 Prep – Compact Fluorescent light bulbs – Electrodeless indication lamps – Light-emitting diodes – Green/Eco design in cars – Electric cars - Hybrid cars – Hydrogen fuel cell – Bio diesel – Bio power - The use of plastics in the car industry

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