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Two Types of Glands ENDOCRINE glands EXOCRINE glands

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Presentation on theme: "Two Types of Glands ENDOCRINE glands EXOCRINE glands"— Presentation transcript:

0 The Endocrine System – Chapter 9
Glands release hormones Hormones regulate the many and varied functions of an organism Hormones bind to receptors Receptors are recognition sites in the various target tissues on which hormones act

1 Two Types of Glands ENDOCRINE glands EXOCRINE glands
Secrete their hormones directly into the bloodstream EXOCRINE glands Send chemical substances (tears, sweat, milk, saliva) via ducts to the outside of the body.

2 Glands of the Endocrine System
See page in text for more information.

3 Endocrine System Common conditions that result in various pathologies of the endocrine system. Hypersecretion or Hyposecretion of a hormone

4 Pituitary Gland Known as a master gland
Regulates many body activities; stimulates other glands to secrete specific hormones

5 Pituitary Gland

6 Pituitary Hormones – Table 9-1
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone – ACTH Promotes secretion of cortisol Hyposecretion rare Hypersecretion causes Cushing’s Disease Follicle Stimulating Hormone – FSH Stimulates ovaries to produce egg and secretion of estrogen Testes in males, stimulates sperm production

7 Pituitary Hormones – Table 9-1
Growth Hormone - GH (Somatropin) Hyposecretion in children causes dwarfism Hypersecretion in children causes gigantism Hypersecretion in adults causes acromegaly

8 Pituitary Hormones – Table 9-1
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Ovaries in females, promotes ovulation, estrogen and progesterone secretion Testes in males, promotes testosterone secretion Hyposecretion – failure of sexual maturation Hypersecretion – No known effects

9 Pituitary Hormones – Table 9-1
Prolactin – promotes lactation Thyroid Stimulation Hormone (TSH) Stimulates thyroid gland to secrete thyroid hormone

10 Pituitary Hormones – Table 9-1
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) – Inceases water reabsorption by the kidney Hyposecretion causes diabetes insipidus Hypersecretion causes syndrome on inappropriate antidiuretic hormone(SIADH)


12 Combining Forms – page 396 Aden/o gland Adren/o
Adrenal/o adrenal glands Calc/o calcium Crin/o secrete


14 Adrenal Glands outer portion, the adrenal cortex
Each gland has two parts outer portion, the adrenal cortex Secretes glucocorticoids, mineral corticoids, gonadocorticoids inner portion, adrenal medulla Secretes catecholamines chemicals derived from amino acids

15 Adrenal Hormones – Table 9-4
Glucocorticoids: influence metabolism of sugars, fats, and proteins (cortisol) and are anti-inflammatory (cortisone). Influences--SUGAR Mineralocorticoids: regulate electrolytes Aldosterone: reabsorption of sodium/excretion of potassium. Influences--SALT Gonadocorticoids: androgens and estrogens. Influences--SEX

16 Adrenal Hormones – Table 9-4
Two types of catecholamine hormones Epinephrine (adrenaline): increases heart rate and blood pressure, dilates bronchial tubes, releases glucose from storage Norepinephrine (noradrenaline): constricts vessels to raise blood pressure

17 Combining Forms Gluc/o Glyc/o sugar Pancreat/o pancreas
Parathryoid/o parathyroid glands

18 Pancreas Located near and partially behind stomach
Exocrine and endocrine organ 18

19 Parathyroid Glands

20 Pancreatic Hormones – Table 9-5
Insulin: promotes movement of glucose into cells and promotes storage as glycogen Hyposecretion causes diabetes mellitus Glucagon: promotes movement of glucose into the blood by breaking down glycogen stored in liver cells Hyposecretion causes hypoglycemia

21 Parathyroid Hormones – Table 9-3
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) Increases reabsorption of Ca from bone to blood. Increases Ca absorption by kidney Increases Ca absorption by small intestine

22 Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
Hyposecretion causes tetnany Hypersecretion causes osteitis fibrosa cystica – bones become soft and deformed.

23 Combining Forms Pituitar/o pituitary gland Thym/o thymus gland Thyro/o
Thyriod/o thyroid gland

24 Thyroid Gland

25 Thyroid Hormones – Table 9-2
thyroxine or tetraiodothyronine (T4) triiodothyronine (T3) Thyroid hormones aid cells in their uptake of oxygen and regulate metabolic rate

26 Thyroid Hormones – Table 9-2
Calcitonin – Regulates calcium level in the blood with PTH Secreted when blood calcium levels are high.

27 Thymus Gland

28 Combing Form/Suffixes
Toxic/o poison -dipsia thirst -trophy development/nourishment

29 Build Medical Words excessive (many, much) thirst: poly/
pertaining to poisonous activity of the thyroid: / /toxic sugar in urine: /uria blood with excessive or abnormal glucose: / /emia

30 excessive (many, much) thirst: poly/dipsia
pertaining to poisonous activity of the thyroid: thyr/o/toxic sugar in urine: glycos/uria or glucos/uria blood with excessive or abnormal glucose: hyper/glyc/emia

31 Build Medical Words instrument to measure sugar: /o/
excessive (many, much) urination: poly/ condition of deficient insulin: hypo/ / secrete within (internally): endo/

32 Build Medical Words instrument to measure sugar: gluc/o/meter
excessive (many, much) urination: poly/uria condition of deficient insulin: hypo/insulin/ism secrete within (internally): endo/crine

33 Build Medical Terms specialist in study of poisons:
inflammation of the pancreas: enlargement of extremities: tumor of a gland:

34 Build Medical Terms specialist in study of poisons: toxic/o/logist or toxic/o/log/ist inflammation of the pancreas: pancreat/itis enlargement of extremities: acr/o/megaly tumor of a gland: aden/oma

35 Thyroid Abnormalities
Goiter: Enlargement of the thyroid What are some treatment options for goiter? Increased supply of iodine, thyroid-blocking drugs, radioactive iodine. What are some conditions that can produce hypothyroidism? What symptoms are associated with hypothyroidism? (fatigue, muscular and mental sluggishness, weight gain, fluid retention, slow heart rate, low body temperature, constipation)

36 Thyroid Abmormalities
Hypersecretion Hyperthyroidism Graves disease – Autoimmune Exophthalmos and proptosis

37 Thyroid Abnormalities
Hyposecretion Hypothyroidism Myxedema Cretinism Neoplasms Thyroid carcinoma

38 Parathyroid Abnormalities
Hypersecretion Hyperparathyroidism Loss of bone density Kidney stones Hypercalcemia What is hypercalcemia and what are its effects? What is hypocalcemia and what are its effects?

39 Parathyroid Abnormalities
Hyposecretion: Hypoparathyroidism Deficient production of parathyroid hormone leads to hypocalcemia which leads to tetany

40 Abnormalities of Adrenal Cortex
Hypersecretion adrenal virilism – excessive androgens amenorrhea, hirsutism (hair growth), acne, voice deepening Cushing syndrome – excessive cortisol Obesity, moon-face, thoracic fat deposition Have students state the potential causes of these abnormalities and whether or not they can be treated. If so, how are they treated and what is the prognosis?


42 Abnormalities of Adrenal Cortex
Hyposecretion Addison disease – low cortisol and aldosterone levels hyponatremia, fatigue, weakness, low blood pressure


44 Abnormalities of Adrenal Medulla
Pheochromocytoma: Benign tumor of adrenal medulla Excess epinephrine and norepinephrine Hypertension, palpitations, severe headaches, sweating, flushing of the face, and muscle spasms

45 Abnormalities of the Pancreas
Hypersecretion Hyperinsulinism – excessive secretion of insulin causing; Hypoglycemia, convulsions, fainting

46 Pancreas Hyposecretion Diabetes mellitus
Lack of insulin secretion or resistance of insulin in promoting sugar, starch and fat metabolism in cells Type 1 : childhood onset typically Type 2 : adult onset typically

47 Abnormalities Pituitary Gland: (Anterior Lobe)
Hypersecretion acromegaly gigantism Hyposecretion dwarfism panhypopituitarism




51 Abnormalities Pituitary Gland: (Posterior Lobe)
Hypersecretion Syndrome of inappropriate ADH (SIADH) Excess ADH Excess water retention Hyposecretion Diabetes insipidus Deficient ADH Polyuria and polydipsia

52 Laboratory Tests Fasting blood sugar (FBS) Serum and urine tests
Measures circulating glucose in a patient who has fasted at least 4 hours Serum and urine tests Measures hormones, electrolytes, glucose, etc. in blood and urine as indicators of endocrine function Thyroid function tests Measures T3, T4, and TSH in the bloodstream What symptoms would prompt these tests to be ordered?

53 Laboratory Tests Radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) test
Administration of RAIU in pill or liquid form. Used as a tracer to test how quickly the thyroid gland uptakes iodine from the blood.

54 Laboratory Tests Glucose tolerance test (GTT)
Measures blood glucose levels at regular intervals (usually 3 hours). Used to diagnose diabetes mellitus with higher accuracy than other blood glucose tests.

55 Glucometer Monitors blood glucose levels (glycemia)
Self-monitoring, usually done before meals and at bedtime

56 Pharmacology Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) Oral hypoglycemics
Oral administration of injection of synthetic hormones. Corrects deficiency in estrogen, testosterone, or thyroid hormone. Oral hypoglycemics Stimulate insulin secretion from pancreatic cells in non–insulin-dependent diabetics with some pancreatic function.

57 Insulin Pump

58 QUICK QUIZ: Addison disease Acromegaly Cushing syndrome Graves disease
What is the pathologic condition in which enlargement of the extremities is caused by hypersecretion of the anterior pituitary after puberty? Addison disease Acromegaly Cushing syndrome Graves disease CORRECT Answer is B, Acromegaly. See page 746 in 8e for more information.

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