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Mr. Solomon Kilburn & Mrs

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1  The Effects of MTR on the Health of Appalachian Headwaters in Eastern Kentucky.
Mr. Solomon Kilburn & Mrs. Andrea Waugh, Allen Central & South Floyd High School (litter picture) (AGB) (CWD) Summary Question Instructional Activities Student research teams will evaluate one of Earth’s unique biomes, the Appalachian Headwaters in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field. As a research team, the students will focus their research on the Appalachian Headwaters Health by investigating the soil/water quality as related to the affect of coal mining method of mountain top removal. The research team will create a report on the Appalachian Headwaters Health comparing the typical flora and fauna, and unique organisms of a mountain top removal reclaimed mining site, (Elkhorn Educational Park in Floyd County Kentucky) and a virgin first growth forest, (Lilly Cornett Woods in Letcher County Kentucky. Field Trips Elkhorn Educational Park Lily Cornett Woods Pine Mountain Settlement School How does the ecological quality of Elkhorn Educational Park mountain top removal reclamation site water shed compare to the ecological quality of the Lilly Cornett watershed? Culminating Performance 12 pt 12 pt 12 pt Individually, team members will research the Appalachian Headwaters biome and discuss its specific adaptations. The research team will present work at local outlets such as city and county government meetings. The research team will receive financial support for their ecological field trips to Elkhorn Education Park in Floyd County, Pine Mountain Settlement School in Harland County, Kentucky and Lilly Cornet Woods, a virgin first growth forest located in Letcher County, Kentucky. These ecological sites are located in the Headwaters of Eastern Kentucky. Assessments Standards Project Citizen Community Service Debate Diorama Dramatic Presentation Multimedia Presentations Photo Journal Transactive Writing Website Public Presentations Video SCSh6. Students will communicate scientific investigations and information clearly. SCSh9. Students will enhance reading in all curriculum areas. SB4. Students will assess the dependence of all organisms on one another and the flow of energy and matter within their ecosystems. Essential Questions Student Misconceptions How does coal mining reclamation practice affect the soil/water quality in our community? What are the long-term future plans for land usage in the the Appalachian Headwaters in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field? What are the effects of mining on the environment in the Appalachian Headwaters in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field? What are the financial or legal incentives that will lead to the correct land use decisions that will prevent the over-utilization of the land resources in the Appalachian Headwater region? Origin of coal. Carbon forms have many states. Ground water typically occurs in basin, lakes, and fast-flowing streams. Plants take in food from the outside environment, and/or plants get their food from the soil via roots. Decomposers release some energy that is cycled back to plants. Oil and Coal comes from dinosaurs. Kentucky has always been dry land. The Earth is young. (10,000 years or younger). References & Resources Outcomes ( Coal_mining_in_Kentucky) ( Land Use Accountability ProjectThe Center for Public Integrity Carbon and Climate, an educational website with a carbon cycle applet for modeling your own projection. "Methods of Coal Mining" Great Mining (2003) accessed 19 December 2011 "The Importance of Coal in the Modern World - Australia". Gladstone Centre for Clean Coal. Primary   Students will learn the Appalachian Headwaters biome. Students will learn the major characteristics of the Appalachian Headwaters biome. Students will learn the adaptations of organisms in the Appalachian Headwaters biome. Secondary   Students will utilize engineering technology tools. Students will implement engineering field research methods. Students will enhance their technical presentation skills. Funded by ARI & the National Science Foundation, Division of Earth Sciences Research Experience for Undergraduates Program,  Award

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