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Legal Aspects of the Israel National Statistics System

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1 Legal Aspects of the Israel National Statistics System
Brian Negin ICBS Legal Advisor Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

2 Content of this presentation
Historical background Current legislation Implementation Conclusion Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

3 Historical Background
During British Mandate One official Statistics Department Responsible for all “national” statistics From 1948 – 1978 Legal system only recognized CBS In practice, others also produced official statistics Government offices and departments Municipalities Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

4 Historical Background
1978 amendment to the Statistics Ordinance [New Version], Recognized de facto reality ICBS as major official statistical office Others as contributors to the National Statistics System Established conditions for coordination between the various players Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

5 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
Current Legislation The Statistics Ordinance [New Version], Functions of the Government Statistician Functions of the ICBS The Public Council for Statistics (Article 4) Mutual consultation (Article 5) Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

6 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
Current Legislation Functions of the Government Statistician (Article 2(b)) Guide the ICBS Guide the statistical apparatus of the State agencies “State agencies” (Article 1) Government Ministries, local authorities - and authorities, bodies corporate and other agencies established under law or decided upon by the Government Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

7 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
Current Legislation Functions of the ICBS (Article 3) Perform statistical activities and publish results Cooperate with State agencies in performing statistical activities and publishing their results Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

8 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
Current Legislation The Public Council for Statistics (Article 4) Composition Representatives of “State agencies, institutions of higher education and research and public bodies and of experts on statistics and on economic and social subjects” Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

9 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
Current Legislation The Public Council for Statistics Powers and functions Advise Prime Minister and other Ministers regarding statistical activities of State agencies Advise the Government Statistician regarding statistical activities of ICBS Receive from State agencies schemes for performance of statistical activities and give opinion on coordination between agencies Make proposals on efficiency and on developing statistical activities Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

10 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
Mutual Consultation State agencies (Article 5(a)) State agencies must consult with the Government Statistician When an agency plans statistical activity that involves addressing the public (ie – surveys) State agencies must receive advance permission from the Prime Minister If the statistical activity is a census Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

11 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
Mutual Consultation ICBS (Article 5(b)) ICBS must consult with Government Ministries When statistical activity in area of a Government Ministry ICBS must receive advance permission from the Prime Minister If the statistical activity is a census Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

12 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
Implementation Government Statistician only guides the statistical activities of the ICBS and not of other State agencies ICBS cooperates with other State agencies Surveys requested by State agencies Joint surveys Research Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

13 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
Implementation Public Council for Statistics does not Advise PM and other Ministries Receive from State agencies schemes for performance of statistical activities Coordination State agencies do not always consult with Government Statistician regarding their surveys Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

14 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
Conclusion Statistics Ordinance envisions integrated National Statistics System Government Statistician Public Council for Statistics ICBS Other State agencies In practice, this integration is only partially fulfilled Strengthening integration is necessary as the demand for official statistics grows Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

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