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Presentation of planning in Mali

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1 Presentation of planning in Mali
[Presenter] Dr Patrice COULIBALY, PM ACCESS-SMC MALI [January 18th , 2016]

2 MACROPLANIFICATION SMC Macroplanning was an innovation in the country held in 5 days from 25th to 29 May two months before the start of the campaign that gave enough time for the SMC partners such as NMCP, DRS, districts, PPM, LNS, CNAM, DPM, DNS to understand ACCESS-SMC project and Integrate the key activities in their planning. Ex: Drugs arrival date in the country, Microplanning date, training of trainers at national and regional level, campaign launch date. SMC 2015 national restitution meeting in February 2016 will also serve to fix milestones of 2016 campaign SMC Macroplanning key activities are now integrated and well known by national, regional and districts, it is planned to go to Microplanning directly.

SMC Drugs delivery in districts although planned, was impacted by the late arrival in the country, the bureaucracy regarding national procedures about drugs reception, quality control and the insufficiency of trucks to transport drugs Drugs should be in the country in June and in the districts in July at least two week before the start of the campaign.

4 MICROPLANIFICATION 2015 SMC practices in the country is to couple Microplanning with training of regional and district level trainers for 5 days in regional level. The main goal is to save time and resources Implication of NMCP in TORs design, validation and sending to all the partners involved on SMC. Facilitations done conjointly by NMCP and ACCESS-SMC Master trainers Common microplanning and cost share with other NGOs working in SMC

5 MICROPLANIFICATION 2015 The process using new microplanning and training tools started 1 month to 15 days(July) before the beginning of the campaign that not gave enough time to share the planning with local authorities and for the cascade training in district and community Health facilities level SMC site moved from 299 to 329 because of creation of new community Health facilities that impacted the number of distributors, supervisors ,the distances and the SMC kit.

6 MICROPLANIFICATION 2016 Start early with the process in April using national microplanification tool at the regional level with district key involved staff. It will be done in 2 days.

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