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Please create a gmail account if you do not have one already.

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Presentation on theme: "Please create a gmail account if you do not have one already."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARENT ACCESS SUPPORT SYSTEM PORTAL Trainer of Trainers Professional Development

2 Please create a gmail account if you do not have one already.
Welcome! Please create a gmail account if you do not have one already. Any other personal non-lausd should work fine. LAUSD accounts will not work with PASSport parent registration.

3 Learn about the key features of PASSport
AGENDA: Register for an account Link an account to a student Learn about the key features of PASSport Explore PASSport Engage in a gallery walk Create an Action Plan If/when schools use this presentations, they would use this slide as their guide to what they are doing.

4 OBJECTIVES: Build community
Provide the tools for the successful implementation of PASSport parent registration at your school site Provide an opportunity to share ideas and create an “Action Plan” for your school To support Objective 4, participants: Engage in a Treasure Hunt and Gallery Walk (Reflect on what is needed) Start to create an Action Plan Later, participants will look at LAUSD and LDC PASSport data.

5 INCLUSION ACTIVITY What are some of your hopes and fears as you work to meet 100% PASSport registration? Have participants briefly write their hopes and fears about PASSport. In pairs, have participants share their greatest hope and greatest fear. Facilator may ask for a few people to share with the whole-group.

6 Understanding the “Why?”
1. District’s Strategic Plan-100% Parent Enrollment 2. Parent Partnership 3. Direct access to the Schoology Parent Portal 4. Provide parents with readily available data about their child/children (at their fingertips) District’s Strategic Plan (Destination Graduation) This supports 100% graduation and parent empowerment On page 13 of Objective (Parent and Community Service) Ensuring that 100% of LA unified parents will be regist3er3ed and ready to use the PASSport by the end of the school year. 2. Parent Partnership Research shows that when a parent is engaged their child is more prone to being successful… 3. Direct access to Schoology Parent Portal 4. Transparency for schools and parents (two way street)

7 PASSport Parent Registration Data as of
September 11, 2017 LD Central: 6,046 Parents Registered LAUSD: 45,269 Parents Registered Total Number of Students in LD Central: 88,772

8 LAUSD PASSport Account Registration
What does a parent need to be able to register? 1. A personal address and password (cannot be an LAUSD account) 2. First and last name of student(s) 3. Date of birth of student(s) 4. District Student I.D. Number of student(s) Note: If a parent is NOT listed as the Legal Guardian, then he/she will not be able to register for a PASSport account. A form like this one can help speed the process. 7

9 Please go to
How to Register for an Account Please go to Scroll down to Families

10 From Menu on Right, Select
Registering for an Account Select Families From Menu on Right, Select LAUSD PASSport Click Register IMPORTANT: Remind all participants about the sensitivity of the MISIS student info they will use during the registration process. Inform them that everyone will need to remove the student prior to logging off today. Select #4

11 Registering for an Account
First name Last name Code Register

12 Registering for an Account
Please open a new tab to check your .

13 Please check your email account.
Look for this

14 Dear Gabriel, Estimado Gabriel,



17 1. Password Password 2. Re-enter password 3. Submit 16

18 Registering for an Account
Select 17

19 Registering for an Account

20 Registering for an Account
Gabriel 1. Save 2. Select Main Page Luna 19

21 First, select Add Students
Linking the Account to Your Child First, select Add Students 1. Student ID 2. Date of birth 3. First name (as in MISIS) 4. Last name (as in MISIS) Then click

22 6. Your child’s name should appear
Linking the Account to Your Child 5. Click on your name 5a. Confirm this is you Luna, Gabriel Luna, Maria 6. Your child’s name should appear Luna, Antonio FINISH 21

23 First, click on your name
Linking Another Child to the SAME Account To add another child, please repeat the steps 1-6. First, click on your name Confirm Luna, Gabriel Luna, Maria Luna, Teresa Finish

24 To explore PASSport, please click on the student’s name.
Luna, Antonio Luna, Antonio 000000M000 Luna, Teresa 000000F000 Click on name

25 Key Features We invite you to to explore the features of PASSport using a Treasure Hunt activity. Attendance Grades & Assignments English Learner Progress Health and Wellness Student Discipline Invite participants to use the “Treasure Hunt” sheet to explore PASSport. Standardized Testing Special Education Services Online Forms & Applications Progress Towards Graduation Emergency Card Information Transportation and Bus Routes

26 Treasure Hunt

27 At this time, please return to the Main Page (see top, right).
Antonio’s Select Main Page

28 IMPORTANT: Before exiting, please
remove the student by clicking on “Remove”. Luna, Antonio 000000M000 Click on REMOVE 27

29 Parent Click on Logout

30 How might you get parents to use their account on an on-going basis?
Gallery Walk Focus Questions 1. Given the district’s Strategic Plan, how might your school ensure 100% parent registration of PASSport? How might you get parents to use their account on an on-going basis? NOTE: Account inactivity for one year will automatically close the parent PASSport Account. Consider focus days Perhaps some days we can focus on Attendance, perhaps an EL Meeting can be held to explore EL Progress, maybe high school students’ parents can have a day in Progress Toward Graduation, etc. Reviewing Participants’ Responses After working in groups, reunite participants and review their responses for each question. Provide time for groups to share before moving to the next slide.

31 ‪Administrative Leadership Incoming Student Orientation‬
Some schools have shared the following ideas to support PASSport parent registration: ‪ ‬ ‪Administrative Leadership Incoming Student Orientation‬ ‪Transitioning Student Orientation‬ Family Center PFC/Community Representative‬ ‪Coffee with the Principal‬ ‪Back to School/Open House/Parent Conference‬ ‪Weekend and Evening Events‬ ‪Resource Fairs/College Awareness Events PASSport Resource Guide (card) in Enrollment Packet‬ ‪Parent PASSport Registration Grade Level Competition‬

32 Please find your handout with 3 columns.
ACTION PLAN Please find your handout with 3 columns. We invite you to work on an action plan to support PASSport parent account registration at your school.

33 Resource Pages

34 Upcoming Events

35 We appreciate your feedback!


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