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Innovation in Construction What do we need…and why?

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation in Construction What do we need…and why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation in Construction What do we need…and why?
Paul Tollervey Knauf

2 CE Annual Themes 2015 2014

3 Constructing Excellence Theme 2016

4 What is Innovation? Innovation is….. “The process for turning an idea or invention into a product or service that creates value which customers will be willing to pay for”


6 Motoring 2015 1990 4 In 2013, Hybrid cars accounted for more than 14% of all sales made by Toyota, with more than 3 million Prius cars sold

7 Vacuum Cleaners 2015 James Dyson launched his first cyclonic vacuum cleaner in 1993 (after 5 years and 5,127 prototypes!) Since then, Dyson have sold over 30,000,000 models – he is now worth $5billion! Bagless vacuum cleaners now account for over 70% of the market. 1990

8 Mobile Phones 2015 The iPhone handset was first launched by Apple in 2007. Since then, Apple has sold over 700 million iPhones 1990

9 Construction – Why is Innovation Important?

10 Innovation in Construction?
25 Years Charles Mills, a leader at Transport for London and chairman of Constructing Excellence’s Procurement Group recently blogged: "by contrast to manufacturing that’s racing towards its fourth industrial revolution driven by digitisation, the construction sector remains largely locked into traditional practices that haven’t radically changed in decades". 1990 2015

11 BIM – An Innovation for today
Increased collaboration Increased productivity Reduced waste Etc, etc

12 BIM – An Innovation for today
BIM Special Interest Group Constructing Excellence 10am onwards Contact: Malcolm Clarke Baxall Construction

13 Offsite Construction

14 3D Printing

15 3D Printing Is this the future of construction?

16 Innovation in CE 2012 2013 2014 2015

17 Constructing Excellence
Innovation in CE Constructing Excellence Innovation Award Winner 2016

18 Coating Technology – Alpha Nano

19 Now it’s your turn…..3 questions!
WHAT? What does innovation mean to you? In your industry/business/role? Is your company “innovative”?

20 Now it’s your turn…..3 questions!
WHY? Why is innovation important to your business/sector? What are the barriers to innovation in your business?

21 Now it’s your turn…..3 questions!
HOW? How can Constructing Excellence help you (coaching/information/seminars etc)? What would you like to know more about in future sessions?

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