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Wearable Technology Rapid Development

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1 Wearable Technology Rapid Development
Cory Simon NASA Johnson Space Center – TCC MEMBER TCC Wearable Technologies Event - April 26, 2016 – Held at the NASA Johnson Space Center –

2 Wearable Technology Rapid Development
Cory Simon WEAR Lab Manager Human Interface Branch NASA Johnson Space Center

3 Maximizing Productivity with Wearable Tech
Improve Efficiency Maximize time on productive tasks Minimize time on support tasks Minimize errors Automate monitoring Provide Natural Interfaces Comfortable: on-body, long term Controls: hands, voice, eyes, body Display: visual, auditory, tactile Smart: adaptive and collaborative Augment Human Capabilities Monitor and control remote systems Access information on demand Detect danger and respond Translation to medical – Maximize patient quality of life WT has significant potential to improve Safety as well, but I’m wrapping that under productivity/efficiency – we know we have to work safely and as we do that we always want to keep in mind the task we’re trying to accomplish. WT has the potential to remove some of the overhead associated with safe operations, with the goal of improving productivity/efficiency while maintaining and improving safety. HRMs are interesting, but we want to truly lower the barrier between the crewmember and their spacecraft On ISS and beyond - very limited time, very expensive operations, complex tasks – astronauts are the scientists, nurses, human test subjects, test conductors, janitors, maintenance, public affairs, residents (who can’t leave for 6 months).

4 Wearable Electronics Application and Research WEAR Lab
Textile R&D Usability Testing and Analysis Electronic Design, Manufacture, Test Extensive University Collaboration Partner: Soft Goods Design Partner: App Design Partner: 3D Printing

5 Modular Wearable Architecture
Jumpstarts development of functioning wearables Promotes interoperability and design commonality Facilitates a single data interface for all wearables Encourages user-centered design Wearable Device Base Board Common platform with basic features to jumpstart wearable device design Wearability Resources Reference designs and publications for developing comfortable on-body systems Middleware Data management architecture to integrate data from multiple wearable devices

6 Wearable Device Base Board
Common platform with basic features to jumpstart wearable device design Features Bluetooth Low Energy Communication Rechargeable Battery Regulation On-board Data Storage On-board Processing Variety of I/O interfaces Small form factor Unfolded: 2.35 x 1.0 x 0.125 Folded: 1.25 x 1.0 x 0.625 Reference Design: Personal CO2 Monitors Version 1.0, 2014 Integrated with off-the-shelf Sensor Just received latest iteration (version 3.1) last week Version 3.0, 2015

7 Personal CO2 Monitor Rapid Development
Project Start to Delivery in 12 months Launched on March 22 Designed, built, tested, certified, and delivered: Base Board with off-the-shelf CO2 Sensor 3D-printed Clip-on Housing iPad App, user interface and automation Networked Data Server Integration Developed custom testing tools Conducted multiple rounds of user testing, crew briefings Created procedures, ops plans, and training videos Demonstration of Base Board Drove development of Base Board 1.9 oz 1.25 x 1.35 x 3.2 inches

8 Rapid HW Development Other hardware platforms we’ve used for prototyping Punch Through Bean Intel Edison Various Arduino boards Leveraging Student Projects Explore concepts/ideas early on Quick turn-around: 1 or 2 semester projects Wide range of skills, guided by university faculty WEAR Lab has become a clearing house of NASA Wearable Tech student projects

9 Modular Wearable Architecture
Jumpstarts development of functioning wearables Promotes interoperability and design commonality Facilitates a single data interface for all wearables Encourages user-centered design Wearable Device Base Board Common platform with basic features to jumpstart wearable device design Wearability Resources Reference designs and publications for developing comfortable on-body systems Middleware Data management architecture to integrate data from multiple wearable devices

10 Cory Simon Haifa Moses WEAR Lab Manager Human Interface Branch
Avionic Systems Division Engineering Directorate Haifa Moses WEAR Lab Human Factors Lead Habitability and Human Factors Branch Human System Engineering Division Human Health and Performance Directorate

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