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GCSE Physical Education

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1 GCSE Physical Education
1.1.1 & 1.1.2

2 Brainstorm Terms from this section in groups
1.1.1 explain what constitutes a healthy, active lifestyle classify the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle as social, physical or mental describe how physical activity can: increase individual wellbeing help the individual to feel good (serotonin levels) help relieve stress, and prevent stress-related illness increase self-esteem and confidence contribute to good health contribute to enjoyment of life explain how participation in physical activity can stimulate: cooperation competition physical challenge aesthetic appreciation the development of friendships and social mixing.

3 Required Knowledge -Exam Spec Students Plc / checklist
1.1.1 explain what constitutes a healthy, active lifestyle classify the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle as social, physical or mental describe how physical activity can: increase individual wellbeing help the individual to feel good (serotonin levels) help relieve stress, and prevent stress-related illness e.g. depression – due to release of serotonin, the feel good hormone increase self-esteem and confidence Self-esteem = Respect for, or a favourable opinion of, oneself. contribute to good health contribute to enjoyment of life explain how participation in physical activity can stimulate: cooperation competition physical challenge aesthetic appreciation the development of friendships and social mixing.

4 explain what constitutes a healthy, active lifestyle
What is the definition of health? A complete state of Physical, Social and Mental wellbeing and not just the absence of disease/ illness What is the definition of a healthy active lifestyle? A lifestyle that contributes positively to physical, mental and social wellbeing, and which includes regular exercise and physical activity. b) classify the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle as Social = physical = Mental =

5 Social Mental Physical
Co-operation Team work Leadership Communication Skills Working with others Making new friends – being with friends THIS MEANS THAT there is less chance of feeling isolated Mental Competition Challenge working at a higher level/ relieve stress/ increase confidence/ feel better about shape These can improve self esteem and make you feel better about yourself. THIS MEANS THAT there is less chance of depression Physical Improving performance Increase fitness Increase / improve health e.g. lower blood pressure if it is high / lose weight if obese / THIS MEANS THAT there is a reduce chance of heart disease less chance of heart attacks Improve any stated component of Health Related Exercise e.g Muscular Strength – Muscular Endurance – Cardiovascular Fitness – Flexibility – Body Composition

6 State what the poor state of health is
Tip State what the poor state of health is Explain how this affects your fitness/ performance Give the reason why it affects your performance


8 Complete Question 2 in your booklet
This means how does it improve it / make it better So your answer MUST imply this

9 Must explain the problem e.g. if overweight

PHYSICAL CHALLENGE. This is where an activity/ or event really pushes you outside your comfort zone, Requires PHYSICAL EFFORT AND MENTAL DETERMINATION E.g. Mountain climbing . London Marathon. These change depending on the individual. AESTHETIC APPRECIATION Recognising the quality/ beauty or skill of a movement in a certain activity. E.g. Trampolinist performing a seat drop with perfect body shape. Striker scoring the PERFECT goal. COMPETITION. This occurs when you are CHALLENGING someone in order to achieve a certain goal/ target as you want to be the best. This can be against yourself (in athletics beating your personal best in the 100m) or against an opponent (football both teams trying to win a game.)

11 Complete Question 2 in your booklet
This is where you get the second mark – explain the problem/condition and how it is improved


13 What are the requirements for a successful team performance?
TIP… What are the requirements for a successful team performance? 3 developed points


15 Required Knowledge -Exam Spec
1.1.2 identify key influences that have an impact on them, and others, achieving sustained involvement in physical activity, including: cultural: age, disability, gender, race health and wellbeing: illness, health problems image: fashion, media coverage resources: access, availability, location, time people: family, peers, role models socio-economic: cost, perceived status of the activity b) explain the opportunities available to become, or remain, involved in physical activity in a range of roles (including leadership, officiating and volunteering) and the qualities needed to participate in physical activity in this way c) explain the sports participation pyramid with regard to the foundation, participation, performance and elite stages d) describe the common purposes of initiatives developed to provide opportunities for becoming, or remaining, involved in physical activity: increase participation in sport to improve health, with a focus on priority groups retain people in sport through an effective network of clubs, sports facilities, coaches, volunteers and competition create opportunities for talented performers to achieve success and their contributions to the development of healthy lifestyles. e) identify agencies involved in the provisions of opportunities for becoming, or remaining, involved in physical activity, including: Sport England Youth Sport Trust National governing bodies.

16 Complete Question 3b in your booklet
These are the KEY INFLUENCES


18 What Qualities are needed?

19 Why do we need a range of roles?
More opportunity to become involved, e.g. If not good enough to perform or doesn’t like to perform to get involved in physical activity / Don’t all have to be good at sport to get involved / wouldn’t make it as a player but can still be involved / Might know a lot about the sport but unable to participate so could take on role of coach/manager/ More opportunity to remain involved Variety of roles over time (e.g. was a player, now too old, so becomes a coach)

20 Participant Skills/Qualities
fitness; motivation; determination; ability; opportunity; knowledge of activity; skilled / focused on improving Leadership/manager/captain Skills/Qualities motivational; organised; good communicator; ability, enthusiastic; committed; ability to analyse performance; Official Skills/Qualities – fair; fit; calm; knowledgeable about the rules; confident; patient; good communicator; authoritative Volunteer ROLES - Coach/play worker/assistant/volunteer/sports coordinator/personal trainer/ teacher – knowledge of activity; ability to analyse performance; patient; good communicator; enthusiastic; committed; motivator / organised Do not accept qualities such as good leadership / management / coaching skills

21 Complete Question 4 and 11 in your booklet
You need 2 reasons! Use these reasons only!



24 The performance pyramid
LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE ELITE / EXCELLENCE International / Professional Competition - Clubs, leagues PERFORMANCE Increasing participation within the community / Extra curricular sport PARTICIPATION Primary School / beginners FOUNDATION

25 Complete Question 3 and 11c in your booklet
Do 2 things! Draw all 4 stages and label


27 Sports initiatives Sport England

28 Sports initiatives Youth Sports Trust

29 Sports initiatives National Governing Bodies eg The FA / RFU / ECB

30 The common purposes of sports initiatives
developed to provide opportunities for becoming, or remaining, involved in physical activity Increase participation in sport to improve health, with a focus on priority groups (groups of people that are under represented- they don’t tend to have a HAL) • Lower social-economic groups • Adults with a limiting disability or illness • Women and girls • Black and minority ethnic groups. 2. retain people in sport through an effective network of clubs, sports, facilities, coaches, volunteers and competition 3. Development of talented performers to achieve success e.g. world titles / Olympic medals

31 This is where you get the second mark –
explain the health problem/ condition and how it is improved

32 2013

33 Must explain the problem e.g. if overweight
2013 Must explain the problem e.g. if overweight

34 State 1 of the 3 aims and then how it is achieved


36 2014

37 Think of influences on a HAL
Tip Think of influences on a HAL


39 GCSE Physical Education

40 Brainstorm Terms from this section in groups – What do you know / can you define / What do you not know? 7 a) Understand the following terms: Health Exercise Fitness Performance b) Understand how they relate to performance in physical activities and a healthy lifestyle 8 a) Know and understand the components of health related fitness: Cardiovascular fitness Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Body composition b) Understand how they relate to different physical activities 9 a) Learn about the six components of skill-related fitness and be able to define them: Agility Balance Coordination Power Reaction time Speed b) And be able to identify the importance of each to different physical activities Topic 1.1.3

41 Understand the following terms: (define)
Health Exercise Fitness Performance

42 Health - Health Exercise - Exercise Fitness - Fitness Performance
b) How do each relate to performance in physical activities and a healthy lifestyle: Health - Exercise - Fitness - Health Exercise Fitness Performance

43 Tip Tip 1) Memorize the four definitions
1) ‘How’...for what reason/to what extent? 2) BAH lifestyle – lead enjoyable lives/avoid illness/feel good.

44 Revise the key terms:



47 Think about ‘relevant’ sporting examples.
TIP… Think about ‘relevant’ sporting examples. Keep it simple!!!

48 Explain...define key term, what is it? Importance of it.
TIP… Explain...define key term, what is it? Importance of it. Practical example must link to question (used in training session) TIP… Multiple choice questions... 1) don’t rush 2) Eliminate the ones it can’t be

49 TIP… TIP… Read the questions CAREFULLY! Read the questions CAREFULLY!
Q. Skill-related... relevant to ALL performers TIP… Read the questions CAREFULLY! Link the statement/definition to the component of fitness!

50 Choose terms you are less ‘comfortable’ with...test yourself!!
TIP… Choose terms you are less ‘comfortable’ with...test yourself!! Prize for the winner!! Any 3 connecting terms win (you must define them correctly to claim your prize)

51 EDEXCEL GCSE Physical Education

52 12- Goal setting Describe and explain the principles of setting SMART goals Apply SMART goals when setting up a PEP in order to gain maximum benefit from it 10 – Assessing your fitness levels Know what is meant by a PAR-Q Be able to assess health-related exercise and skill-related fitness using a number of tests 13- Know and describe the 6 different methods of training Interval Continuous Fartlek Circuit Weight Cross Know which sports and activities each is most suited to Explain how each can improve health and fitness Understand their relationships with the components of fitness and principles of training 11 – Understand and Explain the principles of training Individual needs Progressive overload Specificity Rest and recovery FITT Reversibility Show how to use these principles to improve your fitness and/or skills in a PEP Explain the components of the FITT principle and how it overlaps with other principles of training Understand how reversibility impacts on performance

53 14- The exercise session Understand and be able to explain A warm-up Main activity Cool-down The importance of each in connection with a training session 16- Analysing training sessions Understand what is meant by Resting heart rate Working heart rate Recovery rate Be able to evaluate results on a graph Explain the use of target zones and the thresholds of training 15- Comparing 2 types of training session Understand and explain how a method of training can be used to create different effects and improve physical performance Understand how different methods of training can match individual needs and differences Use the principle of specificity

SKILL RELATED FITNESS TESTS COMPONENT TESTED Coopers 12 min run / Harvard step test Muscular strength 1 min sit up and press up test Flexibility Skin fold calipers Body composition Agility Balance 3 ball juggle Sergeant jump / Standing broad jump Reaction Time 30 min sprint

55 PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire).
A PAR-Q is done prior to starting an exercise programme starting. This makes sure you are safe to exercise. Considers; Medical conditions e.g. heart condition or asthma, injuries and blood pressure. 10 – Assessing your fitness levels HEALTH RELATED FITNESS TESTS COMPONENT TESTED Coopers 12 min run / Harvard step test Cardiovascular endurance/fitness Hand grip dynamometer Muscular strength 1 min sit up and press up test Muscular endurance Sit and reach Flexibility Skin fold calipers Body composition SKILL RELATED FITNESS TESTS COMPONENT TESTED Illinois agility run Agility Stork stand Balance 3 ball juggle Co-ordination Sergeant jump / Standing broad jump Power Ruler drop test Reaction Time 30 min sprint Speed



58 Examiners’ Report

59 11 – Understand and Explain the principles of training
PRINCIPLE OF TRAINING EXPLANATION 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

60 11 – Understand and Explain the principles of training




64 Describe each SMART goal
12- Goal setting SPECIFIC MEASUREABLE Describe each SMART goal ACHIEVABLE Give an example of how you could use each of the SMART goals when planning a PEP REALISTIC TIME-BOUND




68 13- Know and describe the 6 different methods of training ADVANTAGES / DISADVANTAGES?

69 13- Know and describe the 6 different methods of training






75 14- The exercise session




79 15- Comparing 2 types of training session



82 Explain Resting Heart Rate Explain Working Heart Rate
16- Analysing training sessions Define Heart Rate Explain Resting Heart Rate Explain Working Heart Rate Explain Recovery Rate Explain Maximum Heart Rate

83 16- Analysing training sessions






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