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CCE priorities 2017 research, capacity development and engagement

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1 CCE priorities 2017 research, capacity development and engagement
CCE Team CIFOR AM 2016 Jakarta Post, 16 September 2016

2 Climate change, energy and low-carbon development Program structure
CCE Research

3 CCE focus and gaps in research 2017
FTA FP5 CCAFS Projects Projects in the pipeline Norad: REDD+ (Norad, IKI) SWAMP (USAID) BEAF 2 small grants (agroforestry, water towers) BEAF 1 large grants (Migration) Smaller projects independent Monitoring Biofuels Re-Store (DIPI/RCUK) Blockchains and REDD+ REDD+ finance linked to REDD+ outcomes REDD+ performance in Colombia? two research proposals on bioenergy in Pakistan (Nils, Himlal) Blue Carbon CCE Research

4 CCE focus and gaps in research 2017
Funding gaps Adaptation Bioenergy LEDS Funding for Africa Sea Level Rise Forest carbon sinks (secondary forests and restoration) Green growth M&E impact of existing performance based market based instrument such as large national program (PES in Asia and Africa) CCE Research

5 CCE focus and gaps in research 2017
Countries to be emphasized Countries where we need to emphasize the work: Ethiopia Vietnam Indonesia DRC Brazil Peru Mexico (IKI) Pakistan (Nils) New countries: Myanmar Guyana CCE Research

6 Strengthening the capacity of agencies, programmes, national and subnational partners e.g. emission estimates investing considerable resources with universities into academic training of future developing country leaders (PhDs, MSc and Bachelors) enhancing capacity of local partners by working with national/subnational partners, e.g. on bioenergy systems engagement with key actors and networks Governments of Indonesia and Vietnam etc. Governors climate and forest Task Force for capacity building with member states/ provinces direct engagement with subnational governments in Mexico and Peru (and elsewhere?) employing the co-production of science model that enables country partners to develop research capacity 'on the job‘ producing training materials (e.g. online tools) useful for various levels CCE Capacity Building


8 CCE Capacity Building & Engagement
Co-production of knowledge Ownership and use of knowledge INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME (IMPLEMENTERS) Informed implementers in target countries have the will, knowledge and support to implement Existing NORAD NICFI funded research OUTPUTS 3E REDD+ knowledge products and synthesis TARGETED COMMUNICATION, ENGAGEMENT AND OUTREACH ACTIVITIES KNOWLEDGE CO-PRODUCTION OUTCOMES Engaged actors: Learn skills, methods and tools Internalise value of 3E Understand how evidence can support 3E decision making END OF PROGRAM OUTCOMES Implementers: Create enabling conditions for… Design and implement … Assess carbon and non-carbon performance of… …REDD+ and sustainable private sector initiatives. Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 (SUPPORTERS) Informed supporters promote, motivate and enable implementation KNOWLEDGE CO-PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES Relevant groupings of actors (national, sub-national and international policy makers, private sector, proponents, CSOs, round-tables and research partners) are engaged across the research cycle Behavior change in implementers Access to knowledge Change in aspirations Knowledge creation and co-learning IMPACTS Program outcomes contribute to global efforts to: Reduce deforestation Avoid carbon emissions Achieve non-carbon benefits Change in state Sustainable development CCE Capacity Building & Engagement Example: CS-REDD+ (Norad3) Theory of Change

9 Co-production of science model

10 Important issues in CCE
Funding continuity Staffing/re-staffing core positions Reorganization according to roles Handling collaboration across teams/themes Focus on in-country learning & implementation but not losing focus on international level! COP 22, SBSTA, GLF, COP23 Need to take up work in “new” countries CCE

11 Thank you

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