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USPS Roundtable April 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "USPS Roundtable April 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 USPS Roundtable April 2017

2 eSERS Program Updates

3 RETIRE/SERSREG/SERSDET - Include dock amounts in with 01 or 02 earning code
Many districts were having to make modifications in eSERS to handle DCK and MIS pay types with negative amounts.  Dock and MIS pays were appearing as adjustments(either 51 or 52). SERS has agreed to allow dock and negative MIS pays to appear with the 01 and 02 earning codes.  It appears that most dock and MIS pays are for the current period.  Therefore, all dock and MIS pays will now be included in the 01/02 earning code for eSERS.  This corrects the problem with having to modify the days and hours in eSERS.    ***  IMPORTANT NOTE ***   SERS is requesting that if a dock (DCK) or miscellaneous (MIS) negative pay is not for the current pay that is being processed, the district should go into eSERS and adjust the amount, days and hours for the 01/02 earning code and then create an adjustment record for the correct begin/end dates of the adjustment.

4 RETIRE/SERSREG: Tape count was incorrect on the header
It was discovered that if the earnings amount was very, very small (like .01 cents or under $1), then it was creating an adjustment record and saying that no retirement money was withheld for that adjustment earning code.  SERS states that if there isn't an amount in the retirement amount, then the record is not to be on the tape file.  This caused the record with no retirement withheld to not be included on the adjustment tape file.  This caused a problem with the tape count in the header record to be higher than the number of detail records written.  The program has been modified that if the earning amount is less than a - $1 (retirement contribution is less than -.10, then SSDT will not create an adjustment for this, but instead the program will add the amount to the earning code it would have.  This also helps eliminate a lot of unnecessary adjustments to be written to the adjustment file.

5 Also, if the only earnings the employee has also does not have retirement withheld, then an INFORM error message will appear on SERSERR.TXT stating WARN: ** Cannot process.  No retirement withheld for employee. Notify SERS. **   This cannot be on the tape file, because SERS does not accept earnings with no retirement withheld.

6 RETIRE/SERSREG/SERSDET:  Sometimes hours showing 0 for REG and SUPP earning codes
It was discovered that for small earning amounts the hours were sometimes showing 0, but the days would show 1.  The hours should at least show 1 for earning codes 01 and 02.  This is because earning codes 01 and 02 must have both days and hours.  SERSREG  has been modified so that at least 1 hour will be show for earning codes 01 and 02.

7 RETIRE/SERSREG/SERSERR:  Fatal message for BEGIN/END dates not found in screen is giving the wrong empid and employee name It was discovered that the FATAL message "FATAL:  BEGIN/END dates not found on screen for 99/99/9999 and 99/99/9999" was giving the wrong employee id and employee name. This has been fixed and the correct employee id and name will now print correctly for this error message.

8 RETIRE/SERSREG/SERSDET - POF with negative earnings are going to 01 earning code and should be 54
For a stretch employee SERSREG has been modified that a POF or LPA with negative earnings will go to earning code 54.  Negative earnings cannot go to earning code 01 and gives an error.  This has been corrected so both POF's and LPA's with negatives earnings for a stretch paid employee will now go to earning code 54.  For a non-stretch employee the POF and LPA amounts will go to earning code 01 or 02 depending on the JOBSCN position type.

9 RETIRE/SERSREG/SERSDET - Pickup amount sometimes appearing as an adjustment code
A district was having an issue where an SERS pickup employee was showing one pay with the pickup amount as a code 51 and then the next pay it was showing in with the 01 earning code on SERSDET and tape file. It was determined that the 400 records were not always picking up the deduction by job correctly.  This was only happening when the 400 job 00 record was the first record read, not the 400 job xx was read first.  This would be a rare occurrence. The problem has been corrected.

10 RETIRE/SERSREG/SERSDET -  Report wasn't created when a voided check was found
A district reported a problem where they could not get their special pay to show on the SERSDET report.  On the SERSERR report it had 1 message for stating: "Inform: Voided check".  It was discovered that there was a programming bug for the voided check and therefore didn't process any employees after the voided check.  This has been corrected

11 SERSREG – Non-annuitized employee SERS deductions
The problem affects only those employees who were set up as Non-annuitized employee SERS deductions.  This means the 400 record was set up to take SERS retirement out for both the board and the employee and there is no 590 record.  These employees were not showing up on the report at all.  The employee amount shows up on SERSDET/SERSREG under the Member Deposits. This has been corrected

12 Supplemental and Stretch Pay Employee Reporting
Employees who have a regular job with the district have a job calendar with work days. If they have the supplemental job setup as stretch pay, you should use the same calendar assigned to the regular job on the supplemental job. When INICAL is ran it should pull in REG and negative ACC wages for the supplemental job. When SERSREG is processed, the SERSDET will show their regular earnings with an 01 earnings code and the supplemental earnings with an 02 earnings code. The days will be divided out over the regular job and supplemental job. When the Supplemental job isn’t assigned the same calendar it will pull ACC wages for the supplemental job and will be listed as an 04 earnings code on the tape file which will create an error.

13 RETIRE/SERSMONTH: Add mtd and ftd retire hours to report
It was requested that the month-to-date retire hours and the fiscal-to-date retire hours be added to the SERSMONTH report. Both the mtd and ftd retire hours were added.

14 RETIRE/SERSMONTH: Add sequence number to SERSMONTH in PayrollCD
A sequence number will be included any time SERSMONTH is run as Actual (Clear SERS MTH accumulators = "Y"). This was added in case a special pay had to be run for the end of the month and SERSMONTH was already run in actual. Prior to this change the first report for SERSMONTH would have been deleted and overwritten by any subsequent SERSMONTH reports. This has been corrected. SERSMONTH will be called SERSMONTH_1, SERSMONTH_2, etc and can be found under 99_MTHEND

15 eSERS Payment Issue: Payment Remittance Question?
Our payment remittance for our 3/31/17 pay period has been processed through our bank but liabilities 20539, 20540, 20999, and still show a remaining balance. Please let me know if I need to do anything additional to have these remaining balances adjusted based upon the payment made. eSERS Answer: This is a problem on our end. Your payments have been received. Once our internal issue has been resolved, these will go away. Please know, that there are no penalties being generated at this time.


17 CRDC-Civil Rights Report

18 Overview The CRDC option appears under the USPS/ USPS_ANN sub menu.
CRDC produces a report listing different required variables for specific reporting groups. Specifications of data selection for all schedules include : *the USPJOB record must be set to be reportable to EMIS *the position status is not equal U or a position status of U, but has a separation date after CCYY/06/30, where CCYY is the prior year *the fund source code must = A, B, G, I, L, N, T, or U to be included. The information from the CRDC is based off Federal requirements.  The CRDC report  was created to be a major aid in finding the requirements, but may not be inclusive of everything.  Some additions or subtractions may be needed by the districts

19 Instructional Staff- SCH-0044
These records will be sorted by building IRN then by staff name. The data for the Instructional Staff will contain: building IRN employee name EMPID state assigned ID position code contract amount from the EMIS Contract Info field or contract amount from the JOBSCN, if the EMIS contract field is blank. The contract amount for each building will be totaled and there will be a group total for the Instructional Staff.

20 Position Code Assignment Area 108 Any except blank 109 230 999050 999140 999270 999365 999370 999380 Any 999412 999414 999418 999570 999725 999800 999895 299 The following Position codes and assignment areas are designated for the Instructional Staff:

21 Support Services Student-SCH-0044
These records will be sorted by building IRN then by staff name. The data for the Support Services Student  will contain: building IRN employee name EMPID state assigned ID position code contract amount  from the EMIS Contract Info field or contract amount from  the JOBSCN  if  the EMIS contract field is blank The contract amount for each building will be totaled and there will be a group total for the Support Services Student.

22 Position Code Assignment Area 202 Any 204 318 320 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 399 406 The following Position codes and assignment areas are designated for the Support Services Student Staff:

23 Support Services Staff- SCH-0044
These records will be sorted by building IRN then by staff name. The data for the Support Services Staff Group will contain: building IRN employee name EMPID state assigned ID position code contract amount from the EMIS Contract Info field or contract amount from  the JOBSCN if the EMIS contract field is blank. The contract amount for each building will be totaled and there will be a group total for the Support Services Staff.

24 The following Position codes and assignment areas are designated for the Support Services Staff:
201 Any 203 209 402 407 417 499

25 Support Services Adminstration-SCH-0044
These records will be sorted by building IRN then by staff name. The data for the Support Services Administration Group will contain: building IRN employee name EMPID state assigned ID position code contract amount  from the EMIS Contract Info field or contract amount from  the JOBSCN  if  the EMIS contract field is blank The contract amount for each building will be totaled and there will be a group total for the Support Services Administration.

26 Position Code Assignment Area 103 Any 104 108 Blank Only 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 120 121 199 The following Position codes and assignment areas are designated for the Support Services Administration:

27 Instructional Staff- SCH-0045
These records will be sorted by building IRN then by staff name. The data for the Instructional Group will contain: building IRN employee name EMPID state assigned ID position code contract amount from the  EMIS Contract Info field or contract amount from the JOBSCN, if the EMIS contract field is blank FTE from  the EMIS Contract Info field or FTE from the POSSCN  if  the EMIS contract field is blank The contract amount and FTE for each building will be totaled and there will be a group total for the Instructional Staff.

28 Position Code Assignment Area 108 Any except blank 109 230 999050 999140 999270 999365 999370 999380 Any 999412 999414 999418 999570 999725 999800 999895 299 The following Position codes and assignment areas are designated for the Instructional Staff:

29 Instructional Staff- SCH-0043
These records will be sorted by building IRN then by staff name. The data for the Instructional Group will contain: building IRN employee name EMPID state assigned ID position code contract amount from the  EMIS Contract Info field or contract amount from the JOBSCN, if the EMIS contract field is blank FTE from  the EMIS Contract Info field or FTE from the POSSCN  if  the EMIS contract field is blank absences greater than 10 which  include sick, personal leave, dock, jury duty, military and other. The contract amount , FTE and Absences >10  for each building will be totaled and there will be a group total for the Instructional Staff.

30 Position Code Assignment Area 108 Any except blank 109 230 999270 999380 Any 999412 999414 999800 999050 999895 999570 999418 999365 999140 999725 299 The following Position codes and assignment areas are designated for the Instructional Staff:

31 Running CRDC The program asks you for the Fiscal Year you want your data pulled from. Even if you enter a prior fiscal year, the program will only pull the current fiscal year. In order to get the data from the fiscal year you want, you will first need to set your USPS records back to the fiscal year data you need. The menu option to set the files to a prior year are found on the USPS_LCL menu


33 NEWHIRE - Newly Hired Employee Report
NEWHIRE is designed to assist in the reporting of new employees to the Ohio Department of Human Services. *This reporting is to be done within 20 days of the employee's hire date. When employees are added to the payroll files, the New Hire Reported Field in USPSCN/BIOSCN is a space or Y. The space or Y indicates that the employee has not been reported to the Ohio Department of Human Services. The NEWHIRE program will set this flag to "R" (reported) when the Update BIOSCN option is chosen.

34 Fullfilling New Hire Reporting Requirements
The program provides two methods: 1) via mail using a paper form 2) electronically using a sequential file. When the program completes, four files are generated: NEWHIRE.TXT contains a listing of any employees who should be reported to the Ohio Department of Human Services. This report can be used to verify employees who should be reported. can be used to print the forms to be submitted via mail to the Ohio Department of Human Services NEWFRM.TXT Generated when the 'Update BIOSCN' flag is answered 'Y‘ HIRE ccyymmddnn.CSV, (Transfer Mode = ASCII) (Note-The " " will be the districts Federal EIN number.  The "ccyymmdd" is the current date.  The "nn" is a unique number for the current date, starting at 01.) file can be used to electronically submit new hire data The Ohio New Hire Reporting Center allows for various ways to transmit the csv file. Please refer to the Ohio New Hire reporting web site for further details on transferring the csv file electronically. NEWHIRE.DAT This file should not be printed and is displayed only for informational purposes. Note: The true SSN of the employee will be reported to The Department of Human Services

35 At the menu prompt type Newhire to run the program
Values for the Update BIOSCN? prompt include: Y - Creates output and report files, and changes the "ODHS New hire" field on USPSCN/BIOSCN to "R". The "R" in the "ODHS New hire" field indicates that the employee has been reported. N - Creates only the report file. No change is made to the "ODHS New hire" field on USPSCN/BIOSCN. Values for the Create paper list only? prompt include: Y - Creates a form file summary of all employees that need to be reported on one page. This option prints one line per employee. N - Creates a form file that is a detailed summary of one employee per page. This option prints one page per employee.

36 How the NEWCNT PURGE Option Affects New Hire Reporting
The Reset New Hire date prompt allows the USPSCN/BIOSCN ODHS New hire fields to be updated. When the Reset New Hire date prompt is set to a 'Y', the ODHS New hire date will be set to the value entered in the NEWCNT/MAINT program or the contract start date. The new hire reported flag is set to a space. This allows the employee to be reported using the NEWHIRE program. The Build option of NEWCNT will use the contract start date as the new hire default date. If a different date needs specified, the date may be entered using the Maint option. When a record is added through the Maint option, if a new hire date is not entered, the contract start date will be used by default.

37 NEWHIRE Errors and Warnings
Employee has been reported previously: A specific ID was entered in NEWHIRE that already has the "New Hire Reported" field set to "R". No NEWHIRE form will be created for the employee. Invalid ID, or not in Employee file: A specific ID was entered in NEWHIRE that could not be found in the employee files. In this case, either the employee needs to be added to the employee files or the Employee ID entered was incorrect. No Federal Deduction on file: NEWHIRE was unable to find a federal deduction record for an employee. This situation can be corrected by adding a federal deduction record for the employee.

38 Retirement Reporting for Newhires: RETIRE

39 SERSHIRE This option allows the user to create a new employee enrollment file to upload to the SERS website. SERSHIRE will create a report and can create a submission file for new employees, rehired employees and employees who have had a lapse in service.  The user will run SERSHIRE if they do not wish to manually enter new enrollment information in the SERS website.  The paper enrollment forms have not been accepted by SERS since July 1, 2014. 

40 The user will need to set the New Employee flag in USPSCN/DEDSCN for the 400 record to "Y" in order for the employee to show up on the SERSHIRE report.  The other critical piece is the employee must have a USPSCN/JOBSCN record setup with the position start date entered.  The position start date must be the first day the employee is physically at work.  Also, on JOBSCN the retirement system must be set to 400. It is highly recommended to initially run SERSHIRE using the projection option for all employees.

41 SERSHIRE will read the DEDSCN 400 records for the employee(s) selected or all employees. 
If the new employee flag on the 400 record is = "Y", then it will process this employee; otherwise it ignores this employee.  It will then read the employee record to get the employees name, address, date of birth, gender, marital status, phone number and address.  The gender must be "F" or "M" and the birth date must be valid according to SERS specifications. JOBSCN is then read: SERSHIRE will look for the first job that has a 400 retirement code and a position start date to be included on the SERSHIRE file. The position start date must be the actual first work date.  The program will look at the position start date and allow up to 6 months in the past and 6 months into the future to be included in the file. 

42 Position codes will be evaluated as the following:
The position code on USPJOB will be used to determine the job classification code for the submission tape file.  Position codes will be evaluated as the following: ,  901                     01  Official Administrative ,                                      02  Clerical/Secretarial , 902, 908                                     03  Custodial/Maintenance 200,  ,  ,  415, 505           04  Education Aide 307,  904                                                   05  Food Service                                                     06  Transportation All other positions:                                     09  Other

43 Any employee's with FATALS on the SERSHIRE
Any employee's with FATALS on the SERSHIRE.TXT report will not create a submission tape record.  If running in actual mode, the program will create the submission tape file for those records not having a fatal error.  It will also update the new employee flag on the 400 record to an "R".  An "R" means reported.  There can only be one record per employee on the submission file.  After the submission tape file has been created, the .SEQ file needs FTP’d to your desktop in ASCII mode and uploaded to eSERS. The new enrollment file must be sent to SERS before they receive the Member Contribution Report with the employees SERS deduction amount listed. 

44 Running SERSREG in actual mode:
In order to clear the New Employee Flag for SERS, the user must run RETIRE/SERSREG in Actual mode. Running SERSREG in actual mode: it will list the new employee and the new employee flag will be reset to "N".  If for some reason the new employee is reported on the website and not processed through SERSHIRE, then the user can manually update the new employee flag to an "R" on the 400 record.  This will allow the district to keep track of employees who are reported, either through the SERSHIRE or through the website.

45 FATAL Messages for SERSHIRE
 FATAL: Invalid SERS code. Program aborting. This means that the program was unable to retrieve the SERS code from USPCON or SERS Code is equal to zero. The program is aborting and no data was processed. FATAL: Error reading Deduction file. Contact your ITC. Program aborting. This means that there is a problem reading the DEDAMT.IDX file. FATAL: SERS Employee flag is not Y. This means that the user entered this employee to be selected, but the new employee flag in the 400 record is not "Y". Record not processed. FATAL: Cannot select default record. This means that the user entered the all 1's default record to be selected. Record not processed. FATAL: Employee does not have a 400 record. This means that the user entered this employee to be selected, but the employee does not have a 400 (SERS) DEDSCN record. Record not processed. FATAL: Must have valid Date of Birth. Date of Birth cannot be zeroes in BIOSCN. Record not processed. FATAL: Must have F or M for Gender. Must have valid gender in BIOSCN. Record not processed. FATAL: Verify retire code or position start date within 6 months. There are no SERS jobs for the employee where the position start date is within 6 months of the current date or the retire code is not a Record not processed. FATAL: Unable to update New Emp flag. The 400 SERS record was not updated for the new employee flag.

46 STRSHIRE option This option allows users to create a New Employee Enrollment file to send to STRS.  STRSHIRE will create a report and can create a submission file for new employees and employees who have had a lapse in service.  A rehired retiree MUST be reported manually on the STRS website. Also, the New Employee flag on the 450 record should manually be set to N after running STRSMONTH. The user will run STRSHIRE if they do not wish to enter the new employee enrollment information in the STRS website.  The paper enrollment forms were no longer accepted by STRS as of July 1, 2013.

47 The user will need to set the New Employee flag in USPSCN/DEDSCN for the 450 record to "Y" for the employee to show up on the STRSHIRE report.  The other critical piece is the employee must have a USPSCN/JOBSCN record setup with the position start date entered.  The position start date must be the first day the employee is physically at work.  Also, on JOBSCN the retirement system must be set to 450. It is highly recommended to initially run STRSHIRE using the projection option for all employees.

48 The job record is then read.
STRSHIRE will read the DEDSCN 450 records for the employee(s) selected or all employees.  If the new employee flag on the 450 record is = "Y", then it will process this employee; otherwise it ignores this employee.  It will then read the employee record to get the employees name, address, date of birth and gender.  The gender must be "F" or "M" and the birth date must be valid according to STRS specifications.  The job record is then read.  STRSHIRE will look for the first job that has a 450 retirement code and a position start date to be included on the STRSHIRE file.  The position start date must be the actual first work date. The program will look at the position start date and allow up to 6 months in the past and 6 months into the future to be included in the file.  Any employee with FATALS on the STRSHIRE.TXT report, will not create a submission tape record.

49 If running in actual mode, the program will create the submission tape file and update the new employee flag on the 450 record to an "R".  An "R" means reported.  There can only be one record per employee on the submission file. After the submission tape file has been created, the user will need to run the STRSHSEND program.  STRSHSEND will send the STRS enrollment file using the secure website.  The new enrollment file must be sent to STRS before they receive the Member Contribution Report with the employees STRS deduction amount listed.  In order to clear the New Employee Flag for STRS, the user must run RETIRE/STRSMONTH and choose to clear the MTD accumulators.

50 To report a Rehired Retiree enrollment, you must notify STRS Ohio of the employment of a retiree of an Ohio public retirement system or an alternative retirement plan (ARP)* within 10 business days of his or her first date on payroll. Note: The STRSHIRE program does not support formatting for the Rehired Retiree and therefore, this information must be submitted via the employer website ( using the Employer Self Service (ESS) or the secure file upload application.

51 After STRSMONTH has been ran to clear MTD Accumulators, the new employee will be listed and the new employee flag will be reset to "N".  If for some reason the new employee is reported on the website and not processed through STRSHIRE, then the user can manually update the new employee flag to an "R" on the 450 record.  This will allow the district to keep track of employees who are reported, either through the STRSHIRE or through the website.

52 STRSHSEND option This option allows users to send STRS new enrollment file to STRS via a secure website. Those employees who were reported as New Employee and a submission file was created, will be included in the send file.  The input screen is similar to the STRS_SEND screen.  The employer id is required and the user must select the STRSaaaaHIREccyymmdd##.SEQ file that needs to be sent to STRS.  The aaaa is the STRS employer id, ccyymmdd is the current day and ## is the sequential number starting with 01. The submission file extension will then be changed from .SEQ to .SENT after it has been submitted. 

53 FATAL Messages for STRSHIRE
FATAL: Invalid STRS code. Program aborting. This means that the program was unable to retrieve the STRS code from USPCON or STRS Code is equal to zero. The program is aborting and no data was processed.  FATAL: Error reading Deduction file. Contact your ITC. Program aborting. This means that there is a problem reading the DEDAMT.IDX file.  FATAL: STRS Employee flag is not Y. This means that the user entered this employee to be selected, but the new employee flag in the 450 record is not "Y". Record not processed.  FATAL: Cannot select default record. This means that the user entered the all 1's default record to be selected. Record not processed. 

54 FATAL: Employee does not have a 450 record
FATAL: Employee does not have a 450 record. This means that the user entered this employee to be selected, but the employee does not have a 450 (STRS) DEDSCN record. Record not processed.  FATAL: Must have valid Date of Birth. Date of Birth cannot be zeroes in BIOSCN. Record not processed.   FATAL: Must have F or M for Gender. Must have valid gender in BIOSCN. Record not processed.  FATAL: Verify retire code or position start date within 6 months. There are no STRS jobs for the employee where the position start date is within 6 months of the current date or the retire code is not a 450. Record not processed.  FATAL: Unable to update New Emp flag. The 450 STRS record was not updated for the new employee flag.  Fatals will NOT update or create a submission record for the employee.

55 MASSCHG PROGRAM Mass Change Program
***Run a Pay40 backup prior to any system changes and run a DEDLST for the deduction codes you are working on***

56 Mass Change Options Include:
Convert board amounts to annuity records Benefit accumulation rates Benefit leave maximums Personal leave reset values Employee social security numbers Employee identification numbers Mass load employee identification numbers Deduction records Pay accounts Daily/hourly rates Termination of employee records Increment experience fields Mass change of conceal employee flag Mass update routing numbers Mass change direct deposit notice flag Mass update all the EMIS contract fields on USPSCN/JOBSCN to zeroes Mass change sick leave balances for part-time employees Overview Several options prompt for old and new values. *In each case, the program will only change those records that match the old value entered. *All other records where the values do not match are ignored. Report files are created with each program option for verification purposes Please note that while the ability to mass add information can be time- saving and convenient, it is essential that the reports produced by the program be checked carefully to insure the changes were performed correctly for the intended purpose. It is highly recommended that you run a DEDLST report for the deduction record(s) you are modifying PRIOR to running the mass change programs.


58 Running DEDLST When generating the deduction listing there is an option to Start each deduction on a new page. This field contains either a "Y" (yes) to place each deduction on a new page or "N" (no) not to place each deduction on a new page. When sorting by deduction code, and choosing to start each deduction on a new page, the deduction description will be printed on the report. It is recommended that you do include concealed employees incase they would resume employment with the district. Records with a stop date prior to or equal to the date entered in the Exclude records with stop date, will be excluded from the report. The deduction detail report can be generated for only Specific Deduction Codes by entering them on the provided lines.

59 Convert Board Amounts to Annuity Records BRDANN
This option allows you to combine both the Board share from a regular deduction record and the annuitized employee share, payable to the same deduction company, into a single deduction record. A common example of when this would be useful is health insurance premiums. The program will move the existing board deduction amount from the specified regular deduction record to the specified, corresponding, annuity record. The regular record which contained the board amount will have a stop date placed on it to make the record inactive. The user may delete the regular deductions with the stop date at a later time. The accumulator fields on the regular deduction are zeroed. The board and employee share will then be withheld using the annuity record.


61 BRDANN Convert board amounts to annuity records
In order for BRDANN to allow the board amounts from a regular record to be merged with an annuity record, the following conditions must be met: Fixed or percentage flag must match Pay cycle to withhold must match Deductions must not have already been stopped Deduction start date must be in the past No board amounts already on annuity No employee shares on the regular account Maximum to withhold can't be "Y" on regular account If using Multiple Simultaneous pays, the pay code on the 2 records must match. The all 1's default record will not be changed.

62 Updates made to files by the BRDANN program will be audited.
Concealed employees which have a specified regular deduction record, and the deduction is found to be active, will have a stop date placed on the regular record but the board amounts will NOT be merged onto the annuity record. Updates made to files by the BRDANN program will be audited. An AUDRPT may be generated to review the updates that were made.

63 MISC. Report Options If the regular deduction record which contains the board share has no corresponding Annuity record with an employee share on file for the employee, you have the option of adding an Annuity record for the employee transferring the board amounts over to the Annuity record. The Allow annuity rec to be added field offers the following options: Y - If there is a regular record with board values but there is no corresponding Annuity record on file for the employee, the Annuity record will be added. The board values form the Regular record will be transferred to the new annuity record. A stop date will be placed on the Regular deduction record. The employee share on the new annuity record will be zero. N - An Annuity record will NOT be added for the employee. The board share information will remain on the Regular deduction record. The regular deduction with the board information will remain active.

64 Codes must be entered in pairs.
The Regular deduction is the one which contains the board values to be combined into the Annuity record specified. Codes must be entered in pairs. Enter a valid deduction code in the Annuity field. Enter a valid deduction code in the Regular field. Codes must be entered in pairs.

65 BRDANN Errors and Warnings
The following list describes messages that may appear on the Output report. Each message is followed by an explanation of its meaning and a possible solution. The following are Informational messages. The records will be merged. Annuity record not previously on file, record added. The user elected to allow the annuity record to be created if it did not already exist. The annuity deduction record was added for the employee. The user may need to update the annuity record for any applicable employee share. Annuity record has employee Maximum set to Y. Once the maximum has been reached, the annuity record will become inactive. This means that the board share will not be withheld as well. The user may need to update the Annuity record to not have a maximum. Gross accum not cleared on Reg rec due to gross accum mismatch on Ann rec. The existing annuity record already had an accumulated gross amount. The accumulated gross amount differed between the Regular and Annuity record. The Regular record is still merged with the Annuity record, but the gross accumulator fields are NOT updated on either the regular or annuity record. The accumulated gross amount is used by PAYDED/DEDRPT for informational purposes. When PAYDED is run for Actual to pay the deductions, this gross accumulator is cleared. District should review gross fields and update records as needed so the gross amount reflects the wages paid while the deduction was active.

66 The following are Errors and will prevent the merge from taking place:
Mismatch between pay cycle fields on Reg & Ann records. The pay cycle to withhold on the Regular deduction record does not correspond with the pay cycle defined on the Annuity deduction record for the employee. Employee share amount found on Regular record. Employee amounts on a regular record can not be merged onto an annuity record. If the regular deduction contains employee amounts, the board amounts will not be merged to the annuity record. Regular record inactive due to Start date in future. The regular record is inactive based on a start date entered in the DEDSCN record. The start date is in the future. Annuity record inactive due to Start date in future. The annuity record is inactive based on a start date entered in the future. Regular record inactive based on Stop date. The regular record is inactive based on a stop date entered. Annuity record inactive based on Stop date. The annuity record is inactive based on a stop date entered. Regular record has employee Maximum flag set to Y. The regular record has the maximum flag set to Y. This indicates the employee withholding fields may be currently active. Regular deductions with active employee amounts withheld can not be merged into Annuity records. The regular record should be checked to see if the maximum flag should remain a Y. If changed to spaces or N, and there are values in the employee withholding fields the records will not be merged.

67 No annuity record on file for employee.
The user opted to not allow annuity records to be created when there is a Regular record on file but there is no corresponding annuity record. The non merger of the records will cause the board share regular deduction to remain active, thus still having 2 deductions payable to the same deduction company. Board values already exist on Annuity record. The annuity record already contains board values. The values from the regular record can not be moved over to the Annuity record since it would wipe-out the board information already on the annuity record. Mismatch on payroll code between Reg & Ann record. For districts processing multiple simultaneous payrolls, the deductions can not be merged because the payroll code defined on the Regular deduction record in DEDSCN does not correspond with the code used on the Annuity record. Error writing Annuity record! Error while attempting to write the annuity deduction for the employee. The annuity record was not written for the employee. Contact NCOCC for assistance.

68 Error updating Annuity record!
Error while attempting to rewrite the annuity deduction for the employee. The annuity record was not updated. Contact NCOCC for assistance. Unable to read Regular record for Update! Unable to locate the Regular deduction record. The regular record will not be stopped and the board accumulators will not be cleared. Unable to update Regular record! Error while attempting to rewrite the Regular deduction record. The regular record will not be stopped and the board accumulators will not be cleared. No deductions selected for processing. The user did not enter any Regular/Annuity deduction pairs for selection. In order for the program to process deduction pairs must be entered. Mismatch detected between Annuity and regular (board) deductions, no processing completed. The user entered more Annuity deductions than Regular deductions to process or vice- versa. The Regular and Annuity deductions to process must be entered in pairs. For each Regular deduction code, there must be a corresponding Annuity deduction code entered.

69 Mass Changing Leave Accumulation or Maximum Amounts CHGACC / CHGMAX
Mass changing leave accumulation amounts or maximum amounts requires that you supply: *the current and new rate or maximum *then specify the type of leave: vacation, sick, or personal You can mass change all employees or by pay group.

70 Mass Changing Personal Leave Reset Values CHGRES
Mass changing the personal leave reset values requires that you enter the old reset value and the new reset value. You can mass change all employees or by pay group or appointment type

71 Mass Changing Employee SSNs CHGSSN
This option allows you to change an employee's social security number on all USPS files, in the event of a data entry error. The modification to an employee's SSN requires the old and new SSN be entered. All users must be out of the system in order for the change to take effect.

72 Mass Change Employee IDs CHGEMPID
This option allows you to change an employee identification number. The modification to an employee's identification number requires the old and new identification number to be entered. The new employee id cannot contain any special characters # $ % & * \.) All users must be out of the system to process the update. Extreme caution should be used because KIOSK records will be lost

73 Mass Load Employee IDs MASID
This option allows employee identification numbers to automatically be created based on the employee load criteria specified when the program is executed. The employee identification numbers to be created with a combination of up to four characters from the employee last name and numeric values, or can be strictly numeric. The starting identification number and number the system should increment by can also be specified. Extreme caution should be used because KIOSK records will be lost

74 Mass Adding Deduction Records
The option to mass add deduction records includes the following capabilities: *Add a deduction record for a specific pay group or all employees. *Add a OSDI record for employees with a specific OSDI code set up in their BIOSCN record. *Add a deduction record for employees that already have another active deduction code set up. *For example, you can add a new 602 default deduction record for all employees that currently have an active 601 deduction record.

75 In all cases with mass adding deduction records, if the employee already has the deduction record set up, the system will not replace the deduction with the new default during the mass add. A message will appear on the report stating that the deduction already exists for the employee. The option to add deduction records requires that the following items be set up in the USPS files before using this option: Any new deductions must be set up using the DEDNAM program You must set up a default record (all ones record) for the new deduction in USPSCN/DEDSCN. Supply as many of the common field values as possible thus taking full advantage of the mass add feature.

76 Mass Changing Pay Accounts MASPAY
This option allows pay accounts to be mass changed from one account number to another. The pay accounts from USPSCN/PAYSCN as well as those that may be included in the NEWCNT/MAINT option will be updated by the program. Selection is based on matching the old pay account number.

77 Mass Changing Daily Rates MASRATE
This option allows the hourly/daily rate field to be mass changed on USPSCN/JOBSCN. The selection is based on pay group and the old rate. This may be useful, for instance, if all substitute teachers need to have their daily rate increased upon approval of the board.

78 Mass Stop an Employee MASSTOP
This option allows the mass termination of employee records. The mass termination option includes the following capabilities: USPSCN/JOBSCN: Add termination dates and set job status to terminated Add contract and calendar stop dates Blank out retirement code on terminated records Enter EMIS separation reason Disable benefit accumulations USPSCN/PAYSCN: Set account status to inactive Add pay stop date USPSCN/POSSCN: Add separation reason USPSCN/DEDSCN: Place stop dates on all deductions USPSCN/BIOSCN: Termination date USPSCN/BENSCN: Zero leave balances

79 Mass Increment Experience Types MASINC
This option allows any of the experience fields found on USPSCN/DEMSCN to be incremented or reduced by one in a mass update. Any number of the fields may be incremented or reduced in a single run using this option. These fields include: Total Authorized In District Building OH Public OH Private Non OH Public Non OH Private Accredited Military Retirement Trade Schl Purchased Current Class

80 Mass Change of Conceal Employee Flag MASCONC
This option allows conceal flag on USPSCN/BIOSCN to be set to mass updated. When changing the employees conceal flag to Y, the employee will not be displayed when scrolling. The following fields can be updated: Employee conceal flag Deduction stop date Pay account stop date and account status

81 Mass Update Routing Numbers MASROUT
This option allows the institution number field on USPSCN/DEDSCN and the routing number field on USPSDAT/ROUTSCN to be changed from one number to another. The selection is based on matching the old routing number. The option to update a specific employee is also available. ***If a specific employee is entered and the employee's DEDSCN uses an XREF code, the routing number on USPSCN/DEDSCN will not be changed. The individual employee option should be used to modify records of this nature.

82 Mass Update Email Direct Deposit Flag MASENOT
This option allows the USPSCN/BIOSCN dirdep notice field to be mass updated. The selection is based on a value(s) existing in the BIOSCN/ field. This mass update option should be run once after the enotifications have been implemented. Then the dirdep notice field can be set inidividually as new employees are added.

83 Mass Update EMIS fields on JOBSCN MASEMIS
This option allows all the EMIS contract fields on USPSCN/JOBSCN to be converted to zeroes. The specific fields that it will update are: *EMIS hours per day *EMIS contract amount *EMIS work days *EMIS FTE.

84 Mass Change Sick Leave Balance MASSICK
This option is for part-time employees only.  Mass incrementing of sick leave balance is based on BENSCN current service hours for part-time employees. In order to update the following must be true:  *USPSCN/BIOSCN must have part-time flag set to "Y" *at least 80 service hours in BENSCN *an amount in the Accum/Serv field on BENSCN and at least 1 job is not terminated or deceased. According to House Bill 153the part-time employees receive 4.6 hours for every 80 hours of service The sick leave balance will be incremented (based on Accum/Serv field) for every 80 hours of service. If an actual is run: the BENSCN sick leave balance, current service hours is updated, the ATDSCN entry for AC SI is added and the updated USPBEN fields are audited and can be viewed through AUDRPT.

85 CHGDED ***Run a Pay40 backup prior to any system changes and run a DEDLST for the deduction codes you are working on***

86 USPS_MNT CHGDED CHGDED.TXT report generated upon completion (all options). Option C allows you to change employee or board dollar amounts for a specified deduction. You will need to supply: the sort option (Employee ID or Name) the deduction code the field to be changed (employee share or board share) the old and new amounts Option D allows you to change start and stop dates for a specified deduction based on the deduction's current start or stop dates. the old and new start and stop dates. Option R allows a start date to be placed on all records that match a specified deduction code. You will be prompted to enter: the sorting preference (Employee ID or Name) the deduction start date the deduction code.

87 Option M allows you to change the pay cycle for a specified deduction.
Option P allows a stop date to be placed on all records that match a specified deduction code. You will be prompted to enter: the sorting preference (Employee ID or Name) the deduction stop date the deduction code. Option G allows you to mass change the maximum deduction amount field on applicable deduction records. You will need to supply: the sort option (Employee ID or Name) the deduction code the new maximum amount. Option M allows you to change the pay cycle for a specified deduction. the old and new pay cycle.

88 Option A allows you to change employee error adjustment amounts.
You will need to supply: the sort option (Employee ID or Name) the deduction code the old and new error adjustment amounts. Option B allows you to change board error adjustment amounts. Several options (C, D, M, A and B) prompt for the old and new values. Regardless of the option selected, only the DEDSCN records that match the old value entered in CHGDED will be modified. All other deductions where the values do not match are ignored. The number of records changed is displayed on the screen for each option. A report is generated showing the changes made and the number of records changed.

89 Mass Changing Employee or Board Amounts
sample report Mass Changing Employee or Board Amounts 02/18/93 SAMPLE CITY SCHOOL PAGE: 1 08:38 CHANGE DEDUCTION AUDIT TRAIL (CHGDED) CODE JOB ID EMPLOYEE NAME OLD RATE NEW RATE JONES, JANE SMITH, JOHN TEST, TOM T …73 records were changed

90 ODJFS Quarterly Program
How to trouble shoot your report


92 ODJFSRPT QTD Gross wages paid should equal the total Gross from PAYRPT. QTD ODJFS wages should only differ from QTD Gross wages by amounts that are not subject to ODJFS Reporting and/or wages paid to student employees and board members. If the two wage columns differ by more than that, you can check to see what was paid but marked “N” for ODJFS on the 002 State DEDSCN.

93 ODJFSRPT A quick way to determine total amounts paid to board members and students is to run ACCRPT. There should be amounts in all three months of the COVERED WORKERS Total section at the bottom of the report. Total employees paid 12th of month 1: 3 Total employees paid 12th of month 2: 3 Total employees paid 12th of month 3: 3 If there is not, please contact NCOCC Fiscal staff for We will need to know the pay ending date of the last pay of the month.

94 Another option to find missing Staff:
RPTSUM can be run to view Days & Weeks for Service days(SERS/STRS), ODJFS weeks & EMIS Days. You can also run a SAFARI Query using: DED_Ohio Domain Pull the following fields: Employee_id Full_name Gross_QTD OBES_FLAG (Look for jobs with a “N” & Gross wages) OBES_QTD_GROSS Stop_date Tip: Save your query in Safari so you can just refresh it next quarter

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