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Genetics handout! (Why do this?)

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1 Genetics handout! (Why do this?)

2 Genetic tests conducted at the University of Idaho found that the DNA sample taken from the wolf killed on December 28 (2014) was identical to the DNA in scat samples taken from Echo, the name given to the Grand Canyon wolf following a worldwide naming contest among schoolchildren. …..the animal had been radio-collared roughly a year ago, in January 2014, near Cody, Wyoming—which suggests Echo had traveled at least 750 miles (1,200 kilometers) before being killed.

3 Covered western wolves…
Looked at genetics of Great Lakes Wolves… Has wolf restoration been successful? Y? N? Endangered means any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range Threatened means will become endangered in foreseeable future..

4 On and off the endangered species list….
Listed in 1978…all of them (In Idaho and Montana Congress passed a bill that removed them from the LIST in 2011) Great Lakes DPS and NRM DPS were taken off the list by Fish and Wildlife Service and management passed to states in…2012 Have had hunting seasons since Last fall Minnesota, where 272 wolves were killed, and Wisconsin, where the total was 154. Michigan’s only hunt was in 2013, when 22 wolves were taken. Until last Dec when they were put Back on the LIST “a federal judge in Washington, D.C., last month that threw out an Obama administration decision to "delist" wolves in the western Great Lakes region, where the combined wolf population is estimated at around 3,700. She also said wolves still need federal protections because they haven't repopulated all of their historic range. Back off the LIST? “Several members of Congress are preparing legislation to take gray wolves in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Wyoming off the endangered list in an attempt to undo court decisions that have blocked the states from allowing wolf hunting and trapping for sport and predator control.

5 Now what about …Isle Royale(articles for today)?
Add wolves? Don’t add wolves? Come up with a thorough set of arguments for each.

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