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Math Accessibility A Tour of Tools and Techniques

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1 Math Accessibility A Tour of Tools and Techniques
Presentation offered at AHEAD conference on July 21, 2017 By Portland Community College Disability Services Director Kaela Parks AHEAD Conference 2017

2 Learning Outcomes for this Session
Consider how properly structured math supports inclusive teaching and learning. Apply an understanding of access technology and web accessibility to the challenge of online math. Reflect on the way collaboration can ensure workflows produce properly structured math. Gain familiarity with tools and techniques. AHEAD Conference 2017

3 Important Message Workflows MUST ensure math is structured
Content prepared ahead of time should be fully accessible Activities should be designed to work for AT users Design should support equitable use More than one way to get it done Consider institutional culture – faculty production/adoption Consider student preferences - need for mobile access AHEAD Conference 2017 "Important Message" by Patrick Denker is licensed under CC BY 2.0

4 Math Accessibility - Workflows
If interactive websites are not accessible from the outset, it is very difficult to “fix” with accommodation It is hard to ensure equivalent ease of use in a timely manner when the content is stored beyond a firewall Shared path closed sign" by Orderinchaos is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 AHEAD Conference 2017

5 Math Accessibility - Workflows
Addressing accessibility proactively requires that we: Know when/where accessible versions exist Increase adoption of those accessible options Work interactively and collaboratively with content publishers AHEAD Conference 2017

6 What Works? - Math Support Finder
Options change rapidly – testers evaluate and report on usability AHEAD Conference 2017

7 What Works? – Specific Title Testing
How do we collaborate to support faculty in adoption choices? AHEAD Conference 2017

8 Accessible Math Online
Multiple authoring processes are available, for example: Compiled from LaTeX (or PreTeXt) Published from Word or Scientific Notebook Converted through MathML Cloud Need MathML for proper structure Need MathJAX to render well in Browsers May need MathPlayer to work well with AT AHEAD Conference 2017

9 Key Terms & Tools - MathML
A specification for online mathematical and scientific content Generated from other sources, not typically authored directly AHEAD Conference 2017

10 Key Terms & Tools - MathJax
A JavaScript display engine that is highly modular and works in many browsers Uses MathML, TeX or ASCiimath as input to produce HTML+CSS, SVG, MathML AHEAD Conference 2017

11 Key Terms & Tools - MathPlayer
Allows user preferences to dictate how Math is rendered Works online with NVDA and Firefox or IE (enterprise mode) Works (with MathType) in Word and PowerPoint From Design Science MathPlayer works with Word and PowerPoint (but does require MathType to also be installed) AHEAD Conference 2017

12 Key Terms & Tools – MathType
Plug and play for other authoring environments Has licensing fee - lite mode after 30 day trial Works with MathPlayer in Word and PPT AHEAD Conference 2017

13 Key Terms & Tools - AsciiMath
An easy to write math language AHEAD Conference 2017

14 Key Terms & Tools - LaTex
A document preparation system that allows typesetting of math content, favored by some math/science faculty but also a good option for students who need a way to produce mathematical content for others. Free to use with many open source options for authoring and compiling across platforms PCC offers 1 credit course as well as short list of essential commands AHEAD Conference 2017

15 Key Terms & Tools – PreTeXt + WeBWorK
PCC is creating online accessible open textbooks with homework PreTeXt is an open source authoring system allows authors to focus on content with presentation handled by compilers Integrates with WeBWorK – open homework system AHEAD Conference 2017

16 Key Terms & Tools - MathML Cloud
Enter math (Ascii, LaTeX or MathML) Output (text based description, png, svg, or MathML) AHEAD Conference 2017

17 Key Terms & Tools - Infty
Optical Character Recognition software for math Infty bundle includes Chatty and Reader ChattyInfty is a math editor with voice output, usable by visually impaired people. The default file format of ChattyInfty is identical with that of InftyEditor.(iml) AHEAD Conference 2017

18 Key Terms & Tools – Scientific Notebook
Software licensed through MacKichan Combination of a scientific calculator and word processor providing graphical user interface with text/math modes Can be used to review .tex files before sending to Duxbury to generate .brf or to publish html with MathML It also works with Dragon via MathTalk AHEAD Conference 2017

19 Key Terms & Tools – Central Access Reader
Free software for Windows or Mac that opens Word documents and reads content aloud including Math AHEAD Conference 2017

20 Key Terms & Tools – g(Math)
Free add-on for Google Docs Allows typed entry Handwriting analysis Voice input Inserts graphics Math expressions Graphs Statistical displays AHEAD Conference 2017

21 Key Terms & Tools – Equatio
The free g(Math) was purchased by TextHelp and rebranded as Equatio It works as a chrome extension to add voice, handwriting, and LaTeX authoring of equations to google documents. Has prediction built in for math and chemistry in full version Not accessible to those who are blind AHEAD Conference 2017

22 Key Terms & Tools – Accessible Equation Editor
From Pearson – this editor offers braille users and qwerty keyboard users shared live access to structured math content AHEAD Conference 2017

23 Key Terms & Tools - WIRIS
Accessible authoring environment that outputs equations as images with pre-scripted alt text. AHEAD Conference 2017

24 Key Terms & Tools - Desmos
A free and open source keyboard accessible graphing calculator Provides audio trace and sonification AHEAD Conference 2017

25 Recap - Offering Math via HTML
Multiple authoring processes are available, for example: Compiled from LaTeX (or PreTeXt) Published from Word or Scientific Notebook Converted through MathML Cloud Need MathML for proper structure Need MathJAX to render well in Browsers May need MathPlayer to work well with AT AHEAD Conference 2017

26 Math Accessibility for All
Users need flexibility and robustness when interacting with math zoom/re-size or change color or contrast keyboard navigation of content at preferred level of detail Users need flexibility and robustness when creating math independent authoring checking work in progress working collaboratively with others Users rely on Institutions to ensure materials and activities are usable Professional Development & Technical Support = Ethical Responsibility AHEAD Conference 2017

27 Support for Faculty Creative Commons Licensing attached to entire PCC Handbook AHEAD Conference 2017

28 Support for Faculty Subject Area Studies – Faculty led discipline specific inquiry AHEAD Conference 2017

29 Summary - Math Accessibility Challenges
Math is represented spatially - often treated as image which is hard to OCR Alt text as means of providing access is limited – static rendering "This work" is in the Public Domain, CC0 AHEAD Conference 2017

30 Summary - Math Accessibility Challenges
Math content (even when properly structured) is not always accessible via assistive technology Math content is found in (much) more than just math courses Providing inclusive math is especially important because math is a pre-requisite for many other areas People may have strong emotional associations with math Math can be a “brick wall” if there are teaching/learning mismatches "Brick Wall" is in the Public Domain AHEAD Conference 2017

31 Summary - Math Accessibility Opportunities
Math is beautiful and full of natural connection points that are grounded in reality and leverage all the senses Technology can create structure that is perceivable in many ways, supporting individual learner preferences Collaboration can bring divergent perspectives together to address complex challenges in unique and creative ways "Nautilus" by Chris 73 is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 AHEAD Conference 2017

32 Support for Diverse Learners
The bulk of this session has focused on tools and techniques to make math accessible online, but here are additional links/ideas to share Integrated Study Skills - Alternative Courses - Tactile Learning Objects - Socially Relevant and Contextualized Content! Contact Kaela with questions, ideas, etc. AHEAD Conference 2017

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