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Fisher House Community Groups Brian Gawne, VP for Community Relations

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1 Fisher House Community Groups Brian Gawne, VP for Community Relations
New Mexico Fisher House Bronx Fisher House Fisher House Community Groups Brian Gawne, VP for Community Relations Community partners consist of some amazing people who do some amazing things. They are one of those balloons that help lift your house up. We talked about the importance of relationships early on. YOU are the VA’s biggest piece in the entire puzzle, and FHF is here to support you. Logos of current “Friends of Fisher House” (FOFH) community groups. Note: FHF new policy – include Friends of FH in group name.

2 2017 Friends Conference 19 Previous Attendees 29 New Attendees
27 of 32 FOFH groups 3 finish houses in next Qtr 3 finish houses in 2018 5 Awaiting construction start 5 opened houses in last 18 Months Program Managers VA USAF & USN

3 Schedule

4 Introductions

5 Group Exercise What are your responsibilities as a FOFH Community Group? FOFH Community Group Responsibilities Key answers provided by attendees: Spread Awareness, raise funds, board management, SUPPORT THE LOCAL FH!!!

6 FOFH Responsibilities (Conference Attendee answers to Exercise)
Awareness Acknowledgment Development Provide Resources Build Relationships Infrastructure to raise funds Volunteers Advocate Level of Excellence Stewardship Continuity Sustainment SUPPORT THE FAMILIES Support the FH Manager Availabilty Maintenance funds Unmet needs Quick response

7 If your Fisher House was Annie …
If your Fisher House was Annie …. Who would you want your community group to be? or

8 FH Construction Last 7 years Typically 9-15 months for construction
Key: Brown text = Not VA Bold = Supporting local Community Group (#) = Number of suites Here is a snapshot of our construction over the last 7 years. We dedicated the Houston III house earlier and have 8 houses currently under construction. We should finish up Orlando, Houston and Charleston in the next quarter, and construction is underway on 5 houses at 4 other locations (two houses at the Bronx) Palo Alto, Cleveland (2 houses) and Dayton are on deck.

9 Future Fisher House Locations
In Construction Charleston, SC Orlando, FL Keelser AFB (2nd) Tampa, FL (2nd) West Haven, CT Joint Base Elmendorf – Richardson, AK Bronx, NY (I & II) Previously Approved Cleveland (I & II) Lexington, KY Birmingham, AL North Chicago, IL Dayton, OH Palo Alto, CA (2nd) Togus, ME Omaha, NE Denver, CO (2nd) Albuquerque, NM San Juan, PR Ramstein, Germany 2016 Approved Bay Pines, FL (2nd) Richmond, VA (2nd) San Antonio, TX (2nd) Ann Arbor, MI Columbia, MO Columbia, SC Huntington, WV Kansas City, MO Montrose, NY New Orleans, LA Perry Point, MD Shreveport, LA White River Junction, VT Locations in gold have supporting FOFH community groups

10 Fisher Houses Without Community Groups
DoD Army Forest Glen Fort Belvoir Fort Bliss Fort Bragg Fort Campbell Fort Gordon Fort Hood Fort Sam Houston I II III IV Joint Base Lewis-McChord I II Landstuhl I II Tripler I II Navy Camp Lejeune Portsmouth Walter Reed I II III IV V VA Albany Augusta Bay Pines Dallas Minneapolis I II Palo Alto Portland Salt Lake City San Antonio Tampa Washington DC Quick question – Who can tell me what percent of VA Fisher Houses do not have a supporting FH community partner? Total 36 of 72 do not have! Recently, FOFH, Inc. (The West Palm Beach FH community group) expanded their mission to include the Miama VAMC Fisher House – which leaves exactly 50% of the houses with a supporting community partner. None of the Army Fisher Houses have community partners, - but they tend to receive ample support from the local military community. All of the USAF Fisher Houses have community partners – primarily, because these groups used to raise funds for operation. Fisher House Southern California board of directors, who are currently raising funds for the new Long Beach FH, elected to support that house, as well as the Navy houses at Camp Pendelton and San Diego.

11 Why have community groups?
In most cases, the community partner’s greatest contribution is towards the capital campaign – raising money to build new houses. Every time 2 community partners (like Long Beach and Milwaukee) can raise half the funds towards construction, that finances a third house. The reason so many houses don’t have community groups is that Zachary and Elizabeth built over 20 houses out of their own pocket. We are building larger houses today – 12, 16, 20 suites – that cost up to $6.8M. At a rate of 5-6 houses a year, that is $30M-$36M dollars a year towards construction. Which is a lot of cash! When we go to a new community to find a group to help us raise funds, we make two key points: This is their opportunity to “make the house their own”. When the campaign is over, it is their decision on whether they choose to “declare victory” and disband, or shift their mission to supporting your house. Why have community groups?

12 Mutually Beneficial How Groups Help the Foundation
Capital Campaign House Support Event Representation e.g., WLGO, Cardinal Health Awareness Pay it Forward How FHF Helps Groups Name Guidelines & Experience Friends Conference Development Grant Assistance Community Fundraisers Donation Pages How you help us…how we help you!

13 Starting a Community Group
Existing Group e.g. Harbour House (Charleston), Build It For the Brave (Ann Arbor) Already has 501c3 status and own donor base FH fits their current mission New Group e.g. Orlando Fisher House, New Mexico Fisher House May or may not choose to file for 501c3 Starting donor base from scratch Two key ways we start a community group to support new construction. One method is to leverage an existing group. The very first group in Cincinnati did this. In Las Vegas, Nevada Military Support Alliance a group already committed to supporting Veterans in Nevada took on the mission. The beauty is these groups already have their own 501c3 status, their own board, their own donor base….and we already fit their mission. The other method is to find a community champion that is willing to take on this role. Often we will take recommendations from the VA for potential candidates – someone who is already working with them. Most groups form a 501c3 – although Tucson did not (until after the house was complete), and New Mexico has not.

14 Who helps the houses “keep their head above water?”
Other Local groups FHF Friends of FH Groups VA/DoD So who supports your house? Who are the key players that help keep the houses’ head above water? Chris Stanley’s balloon model: The Government – VA, Army, Navy, USAF The Foundation Your Community Partner Other organizations – VSO’s, church groups, spouse clubs, local businesses, etc. The size of those balloons is not always equal. While VA/DoD and FHF are common to you all, the other two vary significantly.

15 Fisher House Relationships
VA/DoD Other Orgs FHF How well those balloons lift, or how well those 4 pieces of the puzzle fit together depends on PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS. Each Fisher House is a private-public partnership. That partnership allows access to government property, acceptance and distribution of gifts (money, food, supplies, furniture, assets) to support families…so those families can support their loved one. The only people with an intrinsic right to access a Fisher House is the VA & DoD…because they are the owners. Once we turn over the keys, FHF is a guest. Similarly, the local community partners and other organizations serve at the leisure of the VA & DoD. FHF has a strong relationship with the VA & DoD. They know we continue to build houses on their behalf. That said, we do not take that relationship for granted and strive hard to be good partners. FHF emphasizes this concept to community groups. Community Group

16 Directors’ Concerns Historical Preservation Human Relations
Standards of Conduct Individual Personalities Historical Preservation Public Opinion Local Government Staffing Budgetary Constraints Human Relations Sometimes that partnership may seem strained. Keep in mind your local director (or Military Hospital Commander), as well as Facilities, Social Services, Volunteer Services, etc. have a lot of concerns that influence their decisions, response time, availability….and just like us they are human. Good personalities can overcome bad processes. “Director, how can we help?” Federal Regulations News Media HIPPA Concerns Other Construction Projects

17 FH and VA Guidance for Groups
We provide the groups two documents. First is our own Community Outreach Guide, first drafted by Cindy, updated by Derek and we are now finalizing latest updates for the Friends Conference. Jennifer Koget, the VA Fisher House Program Manager, has also developed a Community Partner guide for the VA houses. These documents are available on the S-Drive. We provide them not only to current Community Partner groups, but also prospective groups…so they know what they are getting in to.

18 VA Fisher House Program
What’s Covered VA Fisher House Program Index Introduction VA FH Program Eligibility VA FH Operations Relationship between VA FH Managers and Community Partners VA FH Donations VA FH Volunteer Management VA FH Public Affairs I won’t go into all the detailed specifics of the material in each document, but I will touch on the topics we cover.

19 FH Community Group Webpage
We have a dedicated page for you on the website. Click the “Houses” tab at the top of the page, There you will find a link to “Community Groups”. Click that, and it will take you to a list of foundation resources available for your download.

20 Community Group Support ..two phases
Construction Sustainment 4 of the 6 houses we opened last year have community partners – Las Vegas, Tucson, Milwaukee, and Long Beach. That is the most ever. It emphasized the concern these groups have as the make the transition from capital program to sustainment. After the pressure of a $3M capital campaign ( half the cost of the house), community partners can get nervous about what it will cost to sustain the house. The bottom line is that it costs as much as they want it to. Advice for new groups is start small. Help stock the shelves, make sure there is food in the pantries and take care of the little things. Build a rapport before taking on the larger projects. Gift cards and supplies are easy to execute. Things get more complex when you talk about bigger projects. Anything the community partner provides is a GIFT…and they first have to make sure that 1) the VA/DoD wants the gift, 2) the VA/DoD can accept the gift, 3) that VA/DoD regulations are satisfied ahead of time.

21 Big Ticket Items Service Contracts: Transportation Assistance
Internet/Cable Contracts Linen Contracts Temp controlled Storage unit Lawn/landscaping services Transportation Assistance Taxis, Shuttles, Uber, etc. Assistance when VA/DoD response time is too slow e.g., Washer/Dryer Repair Hotels when house is full or unique circumstances Building Projects Sheds Playgrounds BBQ Patios Bricks Fountain BBQ Pits Van/Vehicle Some examples of some of the bigger ticket items that some groups have provided. Remember that access and acceptability are key for any of these gifts. They should be coordinated with the appropriate authorities at the local VA medical center or military base in the early planning stages. Often times, the VA/DoD will want to consult legal counsel to ensure acceptability. Additionally, we need to think life cycle of the gift – i.e., are there sustainment/maintenance costs that the VA/DoD must assume after accepting the gift.

22 # 1 FOFH question approaching Dedication
What will it cost us to support a house? What is reasonable for program expenses? …admin expenses? …fundraising? Common asks for new FOFH groups How big should our board be? How often should they meet Do we need an Executive/ Development Director?

23 Our Data At the start of 2017, the Foundation requested an Annual Ops Report from each FOFH group. In the interest of transparency, we appreciate it when groups share this information with us. Most of the information is available on your tax return. Particularly for groups in the capital campaign, - but in all groups – we ask how much (if any) projected support you intend to give the Foundation. You’ve seen the significant number of new locations identified on the future FH list. This information helps us determine how aggressive we can be with new construction starts in the coming year. It also helps us to help new FOFH groups anticipate and plan for expenses as they make the transition from the capital campaign to house support.

24 FOFH Local House Support (Self reported)
8 of 24 Groups responded Avg Board Members 11 Avg Support to FH $56K/year - $4667/month 2 groups $8-$15K year 4 groups $45-55k year 1 group $56-$75K 1 group over $150K 12 groups submitted reports, of those only 8 submitted a complete report. Of those 8, their average

25 How big is the Fisher House Enterprise?
$ FHF + $ FOFH + $ DoD FH + $ VA FH = ? Is that number important? If you asked us “How big is the Fisher House Enterprise”, we could not give you a complete picture. - We can not give Ken Fisher a complete picture, without your assistance. Is that number important? Yes, because it provides the true scope of our public support. Being able to give a new VAMC director of the level of support the community provides to a typical house can allay fears about how is he going to pay the operational costs of this new asset.

26 Ways Donor Give To the VA/DoD Fisher House To Community Group To FHF
The pieces of that aforementioned enterprise are not always apparent to donors – and they often do not understand the differences between Fisher House Foundation, FOFH, and the local FH itself. We all want to honor the donors intentions. We can help that by making a clear distinction between the Foundation, the community group and the local house. All of you are grandfathered regarding names….but we have instituted the guidance the newly forming community groups wishing to use the Fisher House name to use “Friends of FH (locality)” or some other name that will help avoid confusion with the official name of the local FVA/DoD Fisher House.

27 What to Expect When You’re Expecting
In 2016, Fisher House Wisconsin president Andrew Roberts cleverly equated the experience of the transition from the capital campaign to the supporting role to a first born child when the second baby comes.

28 New House Challenges: Surviving the First Year
FOFH Perspective Been the star until dedication Sharing the limelight Lead role to supporting cast Challenge: Shift emphasis from capital campaign to support Switch from $3M+ goal to ??? Manager’s Perspective Hear all the great things from other managers Reluctant to ruin the relationship …and lose their support Self explanatory from the FOFH perspective Similarly, new FH managers may hear about all the great support other managers get, without realizing that some of these other Fisher Houses may have had over a decade to build up to the level of support they currently are able to provide. Or if they have a legitimate concern with the local FOFH group, they may be concerned about offending them..and potentially jeopardizing future support. While we know each FOFH community groups are full of amazing people, you can be intimidating to a FH manager.

29 FH Community Groups and FH Mangers A Vital Relationship
FH Manager’s Responsibilities FOFH Responsibilities See the “What does a Manager do?” hand out from the 2017 FOFH conference. Compare this with previously supplied answers on what are the FOFH responsibilities.

30 FH Alaska pictures from families who have stayed at the JBER FH
FH Alaska pictures from families who have stayed at the JBER FH. The FH managers knew every family and had stories on each. It is a full time job and it is personal.

31 Business Rules & Good Practices for FH Managers
Up to date Wish List Inform of Events Involve VA’s experts when needed PAO Facilities Social Services Set boundaries Establish procedures Assistance with Issues VA/DoD Leadership & FHF Support education about FH mission Don’ts Allow board meetings in house Give groups exclusivity Participate in fundraising Discuss personnel issues Sell naming rights to rooms Here are some Dos and Don’ts advice given to FH Managers regarding interaction with FOFH community partners. - Keep them up to date as best you can - FOFH rely on FH Managers to help keep them out of trouble - Get help from the hospital experts if need it. - Make FOFH schedule visits and explain why…this is someone’s home ( in fact, it is LOTS of someones’ home) - Give FOFH info so they can represent you accurately - Raising awareness is allowed – and encouraged. FH Managers must always separate themselves when efforts shift from awareness to fundraising – that’s the law! Always remember that this advice is based on laws and rules. Remember – somethings (privacy information, fundraising on govt property, preferential treatment of non-government entities) are governed by laws. FH managers can sometimes bend a housekeeping or good practice rule for the right reason and circumstances. Don’t try to bend a law.

32 More thoughts for us… Appropriate Relationships
No Promises about house Donations Eagle/Gold Scout Projects Gifts – Acceptance procedures Receipts & Acknowledgements Watch out for traps. Well intended community partners can sometimes unknowingly put FH mangers in an awkward position: - “Oh sure, I am sure the manager would love for you to do build a aviary, bbq patio, brick walkway, etc……” - “Old books and furniture? Oh, just call the manager, he/she would love to have that…” - Hey, I gave money to your Fisher House and I never got a tax receipt!” - Where would you like me to deliver these 10,000 boxes of girl scout cookies?”

33 Conflict Resolution with Medical Center
Key considerations Independent 501c3 Partnership vs Authority Actions affect other parties Ask yourself… Why is this an issue…to me…to them? Can we find a win/win? What is at risk? What limiting factors? (regulations, $$$, etc.) How can we best benefit families? Address concerns with respect Clearly identify issue Consideration of both sides Governing laws and rules Talks with manager Involve direct supervisor Involve DoD/VA FH Program Manager Hospital Director Keep FHF Informed Allows us to assist If – heaven forbid – you have a conflict with the FH Manager, the VA or the Army/Navy/Air Force…do your best to be a reasonable partner. Here are some tips to help resolve a conflict.

34 FHF Complaint Process What happens when someone calls FHF to complain
Listen Assess Ask for concerns in writing Notify DoD/VA FH Program Manager Assist as appropriate Inform our Chain of Command Almost 1000 people will spend tonight at FH somewhere…and they are not there because their lives are hunky-dory. They are there because life has dealt them a tough hand…they have a loved one in need of critical medical care…in a strange city. FH guests, as well as FH managers, are human. We understand that. So you all understand, this is our simple process when we get a complaint about a house.

35 Potential Energy Force Multiplier Expediter Fairy Godparent
Problem Solver Facilitator Ally Overwhelming Force Corner-cutter Bad Magic Problem Source Impediment Adversary You are good people wanting to do good things…. FOFH groups include former Congressmen, VSO state and national leaders, senior corporate executives, lawyers, bankers, local newscasters. You have tremendous potential. As Spiderman's uncle says…. Use your powers for good! Make sure good potential energy translates to good kinetic energy

36 PASSION pas·sion ˈpaSHən/ noun 1.
strong and barely controllable emotion. "a man of impetuous passion" -  intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction - a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept - Could also mean an outbreak of anger (crime of passion)

37 COMPASSION com·pas·sion kəmˈpaSHən/ noun
sympathetic understanding and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. “…treating families with compassion“ synonyms:pity, sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, care, concern, solicitude, sensitivity, warmth, love, tenderness, mercy, leniency, tolerance, kindness, humanity, charity In all you do – if you can temper your passion with compassion in all you do for your Fisher House….you will do great things.

38 Thank you for all you do! New Mexico Fisher House Bronx Fisher House
Community partners consist of some amazing people who do some amazing things. They are one of those balloons that help lift your house up. We talked about the importance of relationships early on. YOU are the VA’s biggest piece in the entire puzzle, and FHF is here to support you. Logos of current “Friends of Fisher House” (FOFH) community groups. Note: FHF new policy – include Friends of FH in group name.

39 Questions?

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