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Christian Motorcyclists Association of Australia (Victoria) Inc.

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2 Christian Motorcyclists Association of Australia (Victoria) Inc.
Bikes For Pastors

3 The Aims of the Ministry
Raising much needed funds to purchase motorcycles that we donate to ministries for Pastors to use in developing countries where transport and travel is difficult

4 There’s a wide range of CMA members from all walks of life

5 Diversity of bikes, people and ages.

6 We have riding groups across Victoria
North East Vic, Gippsland, Geelong, Ballarat, Werribee and individual members from Blind Bight to Nhill to Purrumbete and Mildura.

7 Worshiping together We love visiting churches to encourage the believers in their faith

8 Riding is high on the agenda - for any reason actually.

9 Triennial Meeting of Christian Motorcycling Clubs and Associations April 2012

10 Bike recipient at the Salvos - Bangladesh

11 Terry with 2 fostered children - Thailand

12 Thank you for our 110cc road bike, the red one, and our 125cc road bike (blue), that is slightly raised and fitted with off road tyres.

13 Pastor Robert Ouko with his old form of transport - Uganda

14 Pastor Robert Ouko with the new bike - Uganda

15 Ken & Ali Thomson on the new bike - Cambodia

16 Robyn Collins with a little orphan - Thailand

17 History BfP began in = 2002 Funds raised to-date = $37,508
Bikes purchased = 18 (average $2350) Ministries donated to = 16 Some countries = India, Tanzania, West Timor, Cambodia, Indonesia, Bolivia, Philippines, Uganda & Papua New Guinea. Last year - Pastor Magi Goro (Foursquare Gospel) Remote evangelism & church planting

18 Papua New Guinea “Yamaha AG200”
Pastor Magi Goro Southern Region Supervisor “Foursquare Gospel Church” Remote visitation Evangelism Church Planting

19 Target $2435 (reached)

20 Difficult terrain Church planting (construction)

21 Philippines - Pastor Greg Tancongco
“Hope of Eternal Life Church” Currently relying on public transport (not good) Ministries include visitation in homes Visitation in jails and families of members in jail Ongoing bible study support “2nd hand 250cc motorcycle” Target = $2350 Aussie

22 Christian Motorcyclists Association of Australia (Victoria) Inc.
Facebook:- CMA Victoria Website:- Phone:- Ps Dave Graham -

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