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소아안과 Case Conference Ap. 박신혜 / R2 김근영.

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1 소아안과 Case Conference Ap. 박신혜 / R2 김근영

2 Case 1 6m / F C.C) Tearing(OU) o/s) 출생시
P.I) 상기 6m/F 출생시부터 상기 증상 있어 local 안과 방문하여 결막염 진단 받고 수차례 치료하였으나 호전 소견 없어 further evaluation 위해 내원 Past history BHx : 41wks-4.1kg-c/sec No systemic disease, no developmental delay Ocular trauma/op(-/-) Gls(-), Eyedrops(-)

3 Ocular examination VA OD F & F well OS F & F well After sedation
IOP OD 24,27 OS 24,23 mmHg by tonopen Corneal diameter OD H/V 13/12.5 OS H/V 13/12.5 (grossly large diameter) Fundus C/D ratio 0.3(OU) -> not prominent Axial length OD 24.32 OS Pachy OD 529 OS 524

4 Impression Congenital glaucoma(OU)
R/O Nasolacrimal duct obstruction(OU) R/O Chronic conjunctivitis(OU) R/O Inborn errors of metabolism R/O Intrauterine inflammations (congenital syphilis and rubella)

5 Plan O-BXL x 2(OU) f/u 1month

6 Case 2 1wk / F C.C) leukocoria(OU) o/s) 출생시
1wk / F C.C) leukocoria(OU) o/s) 출생시 P.I) 상기 1wk/F 출생시부터 상기 증상 있어 타대학병원에서 R/O congenital glaucoma(OU) 진단 받고 further evaluation 위해 내원 Past history BHx : 41+1wks-3.88kg-c/sec No systemic disease, no developmental delay Ocular trauma/op(-/-) Gls(-), Eyedrops(+) 미케란x 2(OU)

7 Ocular examination After sedation
Cornea clouding(OD<OS) c megalocornea horizontal diameter OD 12mm OS 13mm AC deep(OU) IOP OD 28, 44 OS 44, 38, 51 mmHg by tonopen Fundus blurry visible, but flat retina(OU) Axial length OD 19.31 OS 20.06 Pachy OD 1039 OS

8 Impression Congenital glaucoma (OU) R/O Aniridia

9 Plan O-COST x 2, O-LTP x hs(OU) 수술적 치료 필요성에 대해 설명 f/u 1month

10 f/u 1month After sedation Plan IOP 30/37 mmHg by tonopen Pachy 990/970
After sedation IOP 30/37 mmHg by tonopen Pachy 990/970 AL 19.86/20.01 Cornea edema OD<OS Plan R/O Congenital aniridia associated with other ant. Segment anomaly(OU) Gene study(PAX6, CYP1B1) -> negative finding Keep eyerops(O-COST, O-LTP) 수술적 치료 (녹내장 수술 +/- 각막이식) 설명

11 f/u 1month Wandering nystagmus(+) by Pt’s mother After sedation Plan
Wandering nystagmus(+) by Pt’s mother After sedation IOP 26/30 mmHg by tonopen Pachy 939/922 Iris visible(OU) OD) round & mildly dilated pupil OS) round & full dilated pupil, 주변부 iris 조직은 보임(산동제 X) Fds blurry visible, but cupping이 뚜렷하지 않음, otherwise normal Plan Keep eyerops(O-COST, O-LTP) f/u 1month

12 f/u 1month After sedation Plan IOP Pupil dilated state(stationary)
After sedation IOP OD 26, 27 mmHg OS 33, 42, 37 mmHg Pupil dilated state(stationary) Pachy 819/824 (초진시 1039/1275) AL 21.94/21.54 (초진시 19.86/20.01) Corneal edema OD<OS Fd blurry visible, disc not so deep cupping Plan Keep eyerops(O-COST, O-LTP) f/u 1month OD OS

13 f/u 1month VA F&F not oberved(OU) After sedation Plan
VA F&F not oberved(OU) After sedation IOP 21/20 mmHg by tonopen Pachy 765/798(1달전 819/824 ) AL 21.94/21.54 Corneal edema OD<OS Fd blurry visible, disc not so deep cupping Plan Keep eyerops(O-COST, O-LTP) PD consult for developmental delay evaluation f/u 1month

14 f/u 2months Adm for brain evaluation Brain MRI(enhance) Plan
Adm for brain evaluation Brain MRI(enhance) Mildly prominent ventricles with uncertain clinacal significance A probable Rathke cleft cyst Plan Keep eyerops(O-COST, O-LTP) PD consult 결과 : 발달은 borderline -> 정기적 관찰 f/u 2months

15 f/u 2month VA F&F (+) to light Bright red reflex(OU) After sedation
VA F&F (+) to light Bright red reflex(OU) After sedation Pachy 691/624 AL /24.43 Fds normal optic disc c not cupping(OU) Plan Keep eyerops(O-COST, O-LTP) f/u 3months

16 Review Congenital glaucoma

17 Classification Primary congenital (Infantile) glaucoma
- dysplasia of anterior chamber angle - at birth or within first 3 years of life Secondary infantile glaucoma - associated with inflammatory, neoplastic, hamartomatous, metabolic abnormalities, etc. Juvenile glaucoma - after age 3 or but before age 16

18 Epidemiology Primary congenital glaucoma Update on congenital glaucoma
Rare eye disorder which accounts for % of total blindness Incidence of PCG is different in different populations Western developed countries : 1 in 10,000 births The incidence of PCG is increased when "founder effect“ The "founder effect" is a gene mutation observed in high frequency in a specific popul ation due to the presence of that gene mutation in a single ancestor or small number of ancestors Slovakian Roms (Gypsies) : 1 in 1250 Middle East : 1 in 2500 Andhra Pradesh, India : 1 in 3300 Male is common(65%) Usually bilateral(70%) Update on congenital glaucoma Indian J Ophthalmol Jan;59 Suppl:S

19 Genetics Most are sporadic
Transmitted through an autosomal recessive pattern, with incomplete or variable penetrance Possibly multifactorial inheritance PCG의 유전적 경향에 대해 알아 보겠습니다. 대개 산발적으로 나타나나 가족력을 가진 환자에서 Autosomal recessive pattern

20 Pathophysiology Impaired aqueous outflow in PCG caused by maldevelopment of anteroir chamber angle (isolated trabeculodysgenesis) Unassociated with any other major ocular abnormalities Characterized by absence of ciliary body band due to translucent amorphous material that obscures trabeculum

21 Clinical Features Triad of symptoms - epiphora - photophobia
- blepharospasm Exam - reduced visual acuity - buphthalmos - corneal diameter > 12 mm - corneal edema - Haab’s striae - elevated IOP - optic disc cupping 다음은 PCG의 임상양상에 대해 살펴 보겠습니다. 3가지 대표적 증상으로 epi, pho, blepharospam이 있는데 이는 안압상승에 의한 각막상피부종으로 인해 삼차신경이 자극받아 발생한는 증상입니다. 이들은 주로 초기에 나타나는 전형적 증상입니다. 그림1 : photophobia & blepharospasm 그림2 : severe buphthalmos & severe scleral thinning

22 Clinical Features Megalocornea / Corneal haze / Haab’s striae / Optic disc cupping

23 Clinical Features Complications - cataract - lens dislocation
- retinal detachment - astigmatism - myopia - amblyopia

24 Exam Under Anesthesia Refraction, using streak retinoscope
Corneal findings: diameter, clarity, Haab's striae A corneal diameter greater than 12 mm in the first year of life is highly suggestive of PCG Both the horizontal and vertical meridians are measured separately by calipers Corneal edema in PCG is initially simple epithelial edema due to elevated IOP Progresses to stromal scarring and irregular corneal astigmatism Haab's striae The increased IOP stretches the corneal endothelium and Descemet's membrane, resulting in breaks in these layers

25 Exam Under Anesthesia IOP
- All anesthetics alter the IOP(almost lower effect) - exception : ketamine increases IOP - The normal IOP in an infant is slightly lower than in an adult, but 21 mm Hg remains a useful upper limit Age, y Mean IOP, mmHg Birth 9.6 0-1 10.6 1-2 12 2-3 12.6 3-5 13.6 5-7 14.2 7-9 9-12 14.3 12-16 14.5

26 Exam Under Anesthesia Gonioscopy
- The Koeppe mm lens with a hand-held slit-lamp provides a good view of the angle - Normal newborn eye, the iris usually inserts posterior to the scleral spur - In PCG, the iris commonly inserts anteriorly directly into the trabecular meshwork

27 Exam Under Anesthesia Optic nerve - normally pink with small cup
- preferential neural loss of superior and inferior poles - cupping may be reversible if IOP lowered initially Pachymetry Axial length - enlarged but may reverse with reduced IOP

28 Differential Diagnosis
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction X-linked congenital megalocornea without glaucoma Birth trauma Corneal dystrophies and dysgenesis Inborn errors of metabolism Intrauterine inflammations (congenital syphilis and rubella) Optic nerve pit, coloboma, or physiologic cupping

29 Treatment Medical - temporizing measures to control IOP and to clear cloudy cornea prior to surgery - weight adjusted dosing of beta-adrenergic antagonists, CAI’s - avoid alpha2-adrenergic agonists under 5 years d/t apnea - miotics is ineffective d/t increasing IOP - occlude nasolacrimal drainage system for 2minutes after administration 다음으로는 congenital glaucoma의 치료법에 대해 알아 보겠습니다. 확실한 치료법은 수술입니다. 하지만

30 Treatment Surgical - mainstay treatment - goniotomy for clear corneas
- trabeculotomy ab externo for hazy corneas - success rates similar - trabeculectomy and shunt procedures only when goniotomy or trabeculotomy fails

31 Goniotomy Involves making a horizontal incision at the midpoint of
the superficial layers of the trabecular meshwork May need to be repeated Eventual success rate is about 85% Results are poor if the corneal diameter is 14mm or more because Schlemm’s canal obliterated

32 Trabeculotomy If corneal clouding prevents
visualization of the angle or when repeated goniotomy has failed Partial thickness scleral flap is fashioned Schlemm canal is found and a trabeculotome is inserted into Schlemm canal and then rotated into the anterior chamber Technically highly demanding, requires previous experience, and good anatomical landmarks to achieve predictable results Schlemm canal may be difficult to canalize because of hypoplasia or angle anomaly

33 Prognosis Good in asymptomatic patients diagnosed before 24 months
Guarded in symptomatic patients diagnosed after 24 months even if IOP controlled after surgery

34 Developmental Glaucoma Associated With Ocular Or Systemic Abnormalities
Microphthalmos Corneal anomalies (microcornea, megalocornea, cornea plana, sclerocornea, corneal staphyloma) Anterior segment dysgenesis (Axenfield-Rieger syndrome, Peters anomaly, iridoschisis) Aniridia Lens anomalies (congenital cataracts, lens dislocation, microspherophakia) Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous Congenital ectropion-uvea syndrome

35 Axenfield-Rieger Syndrome
Bilateral congenital anomalies with abnormal development of neural crest tissues (anterior chamber angle, iris, trabecular meshwork) Autosomal dominant 50% associated with glaucoma Posterior embryotoxon, multiple adherent peripheral iris strands, iris hypoplasia, corectopia Defects of teeth, maxillary hypoplasia, pituitary abnormalities, hypospadius, redundant periumbilical skin corectopia

36 Peters Anomaly Central corneal opacity (leukoma)
with central iris-posterior cornea adhesions 80% bilateral Sporadic Leukoma is central defect in corneal endothelium and descemet’s Lens may be in normal position with or without cataract, or may be adherent to posterior cornea Associated with heart, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, craniofacial anomalis, spine abnormalities

37 Aniridia Bilateral variable iris hypoplasia that may appear to be
completely absent Autosomal dominant PAX6 gene on chromosome 11 50-75% develop glaucoma after rudimentary iris stump rotates anteriorly to progressively cover trabecular meshwork May not occur until after second decade Foveal hypoplasia with pendular nystagmus Associated with Wilms tumor

38 Systemic Anomalies With Glaucoma
Sturge-Weber syndrome Neurofibromatosis Marfan syndrome Homocystinuria Weill-Marchesani syndrome Trisom 21 (Down’s syndrome) Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) Trisomy 18 (Edward’s syndrome) Turner syndrome Lowe (oculocerbrorenal) syndrome

39 Systemic Anomalies With Glaucoma
Stickler syndrome Zellweger (cerebrohepatorenal syndrome) Hallermann-Streiff syndrome Rubenstein-Taybi syndrome Oculodentodigital dysplasia Prader-Willi syndrome Cockayne syndrome Fetal alcohol syndrome

40 Secondary Glaucoma Trauma Inflammation
Retinopathy of prematurity with secondary angle-closure glaucoma Lens-induced glaucoma Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma Pigmentary glaucoma Neoplastic glaucoma (retinoblastoma, juvenile anthogranuloma, medulloepithelioma) Rubella Congenital cataract

41 Reference Indian J Ophthalmol. 2011 Jan;59 Suppl:S148-57.
녹내장 : Chapter 4 -VI 원발 선천 녹내장 Kanski 6th Edition : Chapter 13 Glaucoma Shield 6th Edition Update on congenital glaucoma Indian J Ophthalmol Jan;59 Suppl:S

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