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By: Jessica,Reinn, Lindsey, Mariah, Eliya, Samira

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1 By: Jessica,Reinn, Lindsey, Mariah, Eliya, Samira
Animal Farm By: Jessica,Reinn, Lindsey, Mariah, Eliya, Samira

2 Question: Using Boxer and the sheep as your prime examples, explain why an intelligent, educated populace is necessary for a good government to work (or show how an uneducated citizenry can enable a bad government to succeed). 

3 Claim In the story, Animal Farm by George Orwell, the uneducated populace of the animals enabled the corrupt government to continue to take advantage of it's citizens, by blindly accepting all of the changes and manipulation happening in their society.

4 Evidence "Ah, that is different!' Said Boxer. 'If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right" (Orwell, Chapter 7). "They had thought the Fifth Commandment was 'No animal shall drink alcohol,' but there were two words that they had forgotten. Actually the Commandment read: 'No animal shall drink alcohol to excess" (Orwell, Chapter 8). 1st Quote: Boxer says this multiple times throughout the novel. 2nd Quote: They caught Squealer changing this rule, yet they accept the rule blindly, and dismiss that Squealer and the rest of the pigs were conspiring against the dumber animals

5 Reasoning Since the animals weren't educated, it was easier for the government to manipulate them and Napoleon was an idol to the animals so since he was already their leader, the animals automatically believed him because they thought that he was smarter than them, the animals without doubt would not question him and his commands. Even after seeing Squealer with paint standing next to the commandments, the animals were so dumb to understand that they were being manipulated.  The animals took it upon themselves for their incompetence, without questioning the events that took place the night before. This is a continuing theme throughout the book. The pigs were able to work themselves upward towards power over the other animals through these tactics. They thrive off of their uneducated minds and blind acceptance. By doing this, their peaceful society turned towards corruption.

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