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Deterministic genetic models

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1 Deterministic genetic models

2 Terminology Allele Chromosomes Diploid Dominant Gamete Gene Genotype

3 Haploid Heterozygous (genotype) Homologous chromosomes Homozygous (genotype) Locus Meiosis Mitosis Panmixia Phenotype

4 Recessive Recombination Segregation Zygote

5 Mendel’s Laws Law of segregation Law of independent assortment

6 Hardy – Weinberg Principle
Two alleles A and B: Relative frequencies: pA, pB Frequencies of genotypes in offspring are: AA BB AB (pA) (pB) pApB

7 Two loci - Recombination
Two loci – each with two alleles: A a, B, b Discrete generations, random mating Allele frequencies: pA, pa, pB, pb remain constant over time r – recombination probability pAB(n) – probability of A, B in gener. no n

8 Two loci - Recombination
pAB(n+1)=(1-r) pAB(n)+r pA pB pAB(n+1) - pA pB =(1-r) [pAB(n)- pA pB] pAB(n+1) - pA pB =(1-r)n [pAB(1)- pA pB]

9 Selection at single locus
One locus with two alleles: A, a Discrete generations Random mating Selection, fitness coefficients: fAA, fAa, faa

10 Allele frequencies in generation no n :
pA(n), pa(n) pA(n)+pa(n)=1, Zygote frequencies: pAA(n)=[pA(n)] 2, pAa(n)=2 pA(n) pa(n) , paa(n)=[pa(n)]2

11 Zygote freq. with fitness taken into account:
p’AA(n)=fAA [pA(n)] 2, p’Aa(n)=2 fAa pA(n) pa(n), p’aa(n)=faa [pa(n)]2 Allele frequencies in generation n+1 :

12 Normalizing factor must be:
fAA [pA(n)] fAa pA(n) pa(n) + faa [pa(n)]2 - average fitness in generation no n. No need for two equations. Equation for pA

13 Equation for evolution
pA(n+1)=F[pA(n)] where

14 Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection (Fisher, 1930)
Average fitness: fAA [pA(n)] fAa pA(n) pa(n) + faa [pa(n)]2 always increases in evolution, or remains constant, if equilibrium is attained.

15 Equilibria pAeq=0 pAeq=1 if belongs to <0,1>

16 Possible scenarios fAA < fAa < faa - A dies out, a becomes fixed
Underdominance: fAa < faa , fAA A1 dies out, A2 becomes fixed if p(0) < peq otherwise A2 dies out, A1 becomes fixed Overdominance fAa > faa , fAA peq is a stable equilibrium

17 Example of overdominance
Sickle cell anaemia and malaria Two alleles HBA – normal HBS – mutant Homozygotic genotype HBS HBS - lethal Heterozygotic genotype HBA HBS – protects against malaria

18 Weak selection Transition from difference to differential equation
Assume: fAA=1-sAA, fAa=1-sAa, faa=1-saa where  is small. Continuous time dt= , which means that t is measured in units of 1/  generations

19 Differential equation

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