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Los Cuates Middle School

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1 Los Cuates Middle School
6th Grade Science Journal by Mrs. Espindola-Moreno Los Cuates Middle School

2 Science Journal A science journal is a way for students to organize all of their science work into one multi – functional set of papers and information. Real world scientists use this organizational tool as they research and conduct their investigations.

3 Expectations Everything that students do in their science class will become a permanent part of their science journal. Journals will include all class notes, homework assignments, lab procedures, and conclusions. Items should be added sequentially. Any handouts and worksheets will be kept in either a binder or folder. 

4 Helpful Hints Use your journal as a study tool! Everything we've done up to a test or quiz is there! Use both sides of a piece of paper. Only use your journal for science materials - not other subjects! Be sure to have your journal with you in class EVERYDAY! Be sure to get absent materials from your teacher upon your return to school. (Ask your teacher if you have any questions!)

5 What Will Be In My Notebook
Warm ups Class Notes Vocabulary Brainstorming Investigations Foldables Activities Concept Maps Labs Illustrations

6 Let’s Get Started On the front of your science notebook write the following: Student Name Ms. Espindola Period ____ My Science Journal

7 Table of Contents Use the first 2 pages for the Table of Contents.
Make a table with 3 columns. (Date, Activity, and Page #) Date Activity Page #

8 First Activity 1st – Add date, activity, and page 1 to the Table of Contents. Date Activity Page 9/2/2013 TEKS 6.4 A Science Tools Pictures and explanation of use 1 - 2 9/ ___/2013 TEKS 6.14 B Safety Equipment pictures and explanation of use 3 - 4

9 Activity 1: TEKS 6.4.A View Science Tools Powerpoint
Identify science tools. Cut and paste science tools in your science notebook. Label the name of the tool and it’s function.

10 Activity 2: 6.4 B Safety Symbols
Cut and paste pictures of safety equipment in journal. Label name and function of all equipment.

11 You are Responsible for:
Bringing your journal to class everyday Keeping your journal neat Asking for work when absent

12 Tests Tests will come from what we are putting into the journals so make sure to study your journal before a test.

13 Questions??? Remember that if you have a question about something, more than likely someone else in the class has the same question. So don’t be scared, just ask me…

14 Good Luck!

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