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Sports Nutrition 75% Diet + 25% Work = 100% Success.

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Presentation on theme: "Sports Nutrition 75% Diet + 25% Work = 100% Success."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sports Nutrition 75% Diet + 25% Work = 100% Success

2 Average Energy Expenditure
Average 16 y.o. male 165 lbs. 5’8” Sports/Workouts 3-5 Days/Week ~ 2600 kcals Average 16 y.o. female 120 lbs. 5’4” Sports 3-5 Days/Week ~2000 kcals

3 Energy Sources Carbohydrates: Fast & Slow Glycolysis
~20 – 90 seconds Creatine: ATP-PCr System Active for ~ 12 seconds of maximum effort activity Fats: Beta Oxidation Active when oxygen is available Proteins Prolonged activities when glycogen is depleted and stored fat is minimal.

4 Eat Appropriately Everyone is different and there IS NO RIGHT WAY! However there is a WRONG WAY! Eating depending on your goals i.e. weight loss or weight / strength gain or maintenance Macronutrient Make-Up Quality Calories!!


6 Over 50% of high school athletes fall in this category

7 Track, Lacrosse, Basketball, Soccer


9 Guidelines…. Not Laws These are only guidelines to follow in order to develop a diet THAT WORKS FOR YOU!!! FAD Diets and CRASH DIETS are not the answer. Why you might ask??

10 Crash Dieting Low Energy Levels Mood Swings
Binge Eating / Cravings / Eating Disorders Slowed Metabolism Trouble Sleeping Hypothyroidism Muscle degradation Hormone Imbalance WEIGHT GAIN!!!!! DIETS UNDER 1000 Kcals per day for an extended period ARE DANGEROUS.

11 Helpful Tools MyFitnessPal Glycemic Index
Fitbit/Pedometers/Heartrate Monitors

12 Female Triad The pressures associated with competitive sports, and body image weigh heavily on teens. Effects active females who meet at least one if not all of the following criteria. Disordered Eating Amenorrhea “Missed or irregular period” Osteoporosis

13 #1 Disordered Eating Most girls with female athlete triad try to lose weight as a way to improve their athletic performance. The disordered eating that accompanies female athlete triad can be from not eating enough calories Serious eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa Losing “a few” pounds typically does not greatly increase athletic performance. Underlying problems of disordered eating can stem from low self-esteem, anxiety/depression, and distorted body image.

14 #2 Amenorrhea Exercising intensely and not eating enough calories can lead to decreases in the hormones that help regulate the menstrual cycle. As a result, a girl's periods may become irregular or stop altogether. A missed period does not automatically mean female athlete triad!!! It could mean something else is going on, like pregnancy or a medical condition. Some girls who participate intensively in sports may never even get their first period because they've been training so hard. Others may have had periods, but once they increase their training and change their eating habits, their periods may stop.

15 #3 Osteoporosis Estrogen is lower in girls with female athlete triad.
Low estrogen levels and poor nutrition, especially low calcium intake, can lead to osteoporosis, which is the third aspect of the triad. Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones due to the loss of bone density and improper bone formation. Usually, the teen years are a time when girls should be building up their bone mass to their highest levels — called peak bone mass. Not getting enough calcium now can also have a lasting effect on how strong a woman's bones are later in life.

16 Signs & Symptoms If a girl has risk factors for female athlete triad, she may already be experiencing some symptoms and signs of the disorder, such as: •weight loss •no periods or irregular periods •fatigue and decreased ability to concentrate •stress fractures (fractures that occur even if a person hasn't had a significant injury) •chronic other injuries

17 What to do?? It's tempting to ignore female athlete triad and hope it goes away. It REQUIRES help from a doctor and other health professionals. If a friend, sister, or teammate has signs and symptoms of female athlete triad, discuss your concerns with her and encourage her to seek treatment. If she refuses, you may need to mention your concern to a parent, coach, teacher, or school nurse.

18 Helpful Tips DON’T SKIP MEALS!! Small snacks can be helpful in feeling full throughout the day Track your menstrual cycle Know your body, and listen to it. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Great things are RARELY accomplished alone

19 You only get 1 BODY & LIFE TREAT IT RIGHT
Take Home Message You only get 1 BODY & LIFE TREAT IT RIGHT


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