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Advanced 3D Game Project
Unity3D Tutorial Advanced 3D Game Project
FPS Project First Person Shooter Project 게임 환경 제작
Game Object와 Material를 이용한 자체 제작 Asset Store를 이용한 게임환경 제작 Character Controller 적용 Script를 이용한 Shooting Rain {indie}를 이용한 Enemy AI 적용 게임 GUI 구성
Game World 제작 준비 Game World 제작 File Menu New Project “FPS_Starter”
Download RAIN Starter Project 1 Asset Import Package Custom Package Select RAINStarter.unitypackage Open “Starter.unity”
Material 적용 Material 적용 Create New Folder “Materials” in Project View
Copy any image in “Materials” Folder Create New Material “Box” in Project View Select “Box” Material Drag & Drop Sample Image into “Texture” in Inspector View Select a Cube in Hierarchy View Drag & Drop “Box” Material into selected Cube in Inspector View
Asset Store에서 Asset 가져오기
Select Window Asset Store Select Categories Texture & Materials Select Top Free “Metal Texture18 FREE Substance” Download & Import
Character Controller Character Controller 사용 1인칭 컨트롤러 추가 방법
Import Packages > Character Controllers 메뉴 선택 프로젝트 뷰에서 First Person Controller 드래그하여 씬뷰에 가져다 놓음 (캡슐 생김) Rename “Hero”
Shooting using C# Script
Create Empty Object “Launcher” Drag the Launcher object onto the Main Camera object that belongs to the FPS Controller in the Hierarchy panel Create Bullets Using Prefabs Create Bullets Game Object > Create Other > Sphere “bullet” scale 0.2 Attach a rigid body component to the “bullet” Component > Physics > RigidBody Create New folder “Prefabs” Create New Prefab “prefabBullet” drag and drop the bullet game object from the Hierarchy window onto the bullet prefab in the Project window Delete the bullet game object in the Hierarchy window.
Shooting using C# Script
Launcher로부터 총알(Bullet) 발사 Select “Launcher” Object Create C# Script “createBullet” Add Component > New script Open MonoDevelop “prefabBullet” is assigned to the prefab Bullet variable in the script using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class createBullet : MonoBehaviour { public Rigidbody prefabBullet; public float bulletForce = f; void Update() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { // 총알 오브젝트(InstanceBullet) 생성 Rigidbody instanceBullet = Instantiate(prefabBullet, transform.position, transform.rotation) as Rigidbody; instanceBullet.AddForce(transform.forward * bulletForce); // 총알 오브젝트 앞으로 발사하는 힘 추가 Physics.IgnoreCollision ( instanceBullet.collider,transform.root.collider ); // Player와의 충돌 무시 }
Make Tagret Objects 총알과의 충돌 오브젝트 (Target) 생성
Create Empty Object “Target Create Game Object Cube “box” Attach a rigid body component to the “box” Create Prefab “Box” Select Box in Hierarchy View Drag & Drop the box in Project View Duplicate “box” object
Explosion Add Explosion Effect 충돌 파티클 생성 Select perfabBullet
Add C# Script “Projectile” & Open MonoDevelop Import Standard Assets Particles Select “explosion” prefab Drag & Drop “Explosion” variable using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Projectile : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject explosion; void OnCollisionEnter( Collision collision) { ContactPoint contact = collision.contacts[0]; // 총알과의 충돌지점 Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation( Vector3.up, contact.normal ); // 충돌지점의 방향 GameObject instantiatedExplosion = Instantiate( explosion, contact.point, rotation ) as GameObject; // 충돌후 폭파(instantiateExplosion) 오브젝트 생성 Destroy(gameObject); // 총알 오브젝트 제거 }
Explosion Destroy explosion prefab 충돌 파티클 제거 Select “explosion” prefab
Add C# Script “Explosion” & Open MonoDevelop using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Explosion : MonoBehaviour { public float explosionTime = 1.0f; void Start () { // 폭파 파티클 1초후 제거 Destroy( gameObject, explosionTime ); }
Add Sound Import Sound File Shooting Sound Explosion Sound
총알 발사 및 폭파 사운드 추가 Import Sound File Asset store Catagories Audio Sound FX Weapons Select Top Free Futuristic weapon set Download & Import Shooting Sound Select “prefabBullet” in Project View Add Component Audio Audio Source Select Audio Clip & Check Play On Awake Explosion Sound Select “explosion” prefab in Project View
Enemy Health Select “Max” Enemy 총알과의 충돌 감지 : Projectile Script 변경
총알 충돌에 의한 적군 체력치 감소 Enemy Health Select “Max” Enemy Attach a rigid body component to the “Max” Check Freeze Rotation X,Y,Z Check Gravity Attach Box Collider component Max 오브젝트에 “Enemy” tag 달기 총알과의 충돌 감지 : Projectile Script 변경 public class Projectile : MonoBehaviour { // 중략 …… public int damage=10; void OnCollisionEnter( Collision collision) { if(collision.gameObject.tag == "Enemy"){ // 총알과 Enemy 테그와 충돌감지시 “TakeDamage 함수” 호출 collision.gameObject.SendMessage( "TakeDamage", damage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver ); } Destroy(gameObject); // 총알 오브젝트 제거
Enemy Health Displaying GUI Select “Max” Enemy
Create Empty “DisplayGUI” & Reset Create GUI Text “EnemyHealthText” Making Child: Drag into “Display Text” Change Transform : X1, Y1 Change GUIText Pixel Offset X-10, Y-10 Anchor: upper right Select “Max” Enemy Add C# Script “ApplyDamage” Assign “EnemyhealthText” using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class ApplyDamage : MonoBehaviour { public int health =50; public GUIText enemyhealthText; void Start() { enemyhealthText.text =""; } void TakeDamage (int damage) { health -= damage; enemyhealthText.text = "Enemy Health: “ + health.ToString(); if(health <= 0) Destroy(gameObject);
Player Health Select Player “Hero” 적군과의 충돌에 의한 플레이어 체력치 감소
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class PlayerHealthControl : MonoBehaviour { public int curHealth = 100; public int maxHealth = 100; public GUIText healthText; public GUIText gameoverText; public int damage=10; void Start() { gameoverText.text=""; } void OnCollisionEnter(Collision hit){ // 플레이어와 Enemy 충돌 감지 if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Enemy"){ curHealth -= 10; void Update () { healthText.text = "Health " + curHealth.ToString() + " / " + maxHealth.ToString(); if ( curHealth <= 0 ) { gameoverText.text = "Game Over"; // Destroy( gameObject ); Select Player “Hero” Attach Box Collider component Add C# Script “PlayerHealthControl”
Player Health Displaying GUI Create GUI Text “HealthText”
Change Transform : X0, Y1 Change GUIText : Pixel Offset X10, Y-10 Anchor: upper left Create GUI Text “GameOverText” Change Transform : X0.5, Y0.5 Change GUIText Anchor middle center Alignment center Font Size 50 Select “Hero” & Assign GUI Text
Game Over & Restart using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;
public class PlayerHealthControl : MonoBehaviour { public int curHealth = 100; public int maxHealth = 100; public GUIText healthText; public GUIText gameoverText; public int damage=10; private bool gameOver; void Start() { gameoverText.text=""; gameOver = false; } void OnCollisionEnter(Collision hit){ if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Enemy“) curHealth -= 10; void Update () { healthText.text = "Health " + curHealth.ToString() + " / " + maxHealth.ToString(); // ToString() if ( curHealth <= 0 ) { gameoverText.text = "Game Over"; healthText.text = "Press 'R' for Restart"; gameOver = true; if (gameOver) { if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.R)) { Application.LoadLevel (Application.loadedLevel); }
FPS Demo Play It!!!
Character Controller Character Controller 사용 3인칭 컨트롤러 배치 및 동작
프로젝트 뷰로부터 3인칭 컨트롤러를 드래그하여 씬에 배치함 씬에 배치하면 자동으로 표면 스냅 기능 동작됨 플레이버튼을 누르면 3인칭 컨트롤러 동작함 ASDW로 이동, Space로 점프, Shift 달리기, Alt 카메라의 시선을빠르게 움직일 수 있음 캐릭터 변경 교체할 캐릭터에 Component > Script 메뉴를 통해 Third Person Camera와 Third Person Controller 컴포넌트 추가 후 입력에 따른 애니메이션만 설정해주면 됨
Enemy AI Enemy AI Using Rain {indie} 1. Create it from the RAIN Menu
2. Locate it within the Hierarchy 3. Modify it using the Component or Element within the Inspector.
Enemy AI Creating AI Create Capsule Game Object “NPC”
1. In the RAIN menu, select Create AI. 2. AI object on your GameObject in the hierarchy. 3. Selecting the AI object on your GameObject in the hierarchy will display the AIRig component in the Inspector. 4. Within the AIRig component, you will find the basic 6 elements, and an additional custom element.
Enemy AI Creating Waypoints
In the RAIN menu, select either Create Waypoint Network or Create Waypoint Route. “NPCWayPoint” This will add a Waypoint object in the hierarchy. Selecting “NPCWayPoint” Waypoint Rig editor component in the Inspector. Within the Waypoint Rig component: You add waypoints. Modify waypoint vector position. Edit the color. Drop waypoints Edit their radius.
Enemy AI Adding Waypoints
Click the Add (Ctrl W) button in the Waypoint rig. This creates a waypoint at the center of your camera and attempts to get it close to the ground. select Drop To Surface.
Enemy AI Creating a Navigation Mesh
1. In the RAIN menu, select Create Navigation Mesh. 2.This will add a Navigation Mesh object in the hierarchy. 3. Nav Mesh Rig in the Inspector. 4. Within the Nav Mesh Rig component: Adjust Navigation Mesh properties as needed such as Size and Mesh Color for starters. (“Plane” 과 같은 크기로 설정) 5. Click Generate Navigation Mesh to create. Navigation Mesh help with movement across small or large areas quickly while avoiding static obstacles.
Enemy AI Creating Behavior
Open the Behavior Tree Editor by selecting from the menu RAIN » Behavior Tree Editor. You can also access a shortcut from the AI Mind. Create a new behavior tree by selecting it from the drop down. This will create a basic tree with a sequencer container in it. “NPCBehavior”
Enemy AI Select root & Right click
Create Actions Choose Patrol Waypoints Set the property of Patrol Route Name “NPCPatrol” , Waypoint Route “NPCWaypoint” Loop Type “Loop” Move Target Variable “nextStop”
Enemy AI Add Action move Move Target “nextStop” Move speed “2”
Basic Object Rigging in RAIN for Unity Add Action move Move Target “nextStop” Move speed “2” Add Action animate : Animation state “walk” Assign Behavior Tree Asset “NPCBehavior”
Reference Reference FPS Tutorial
Creating Bullet Brick Shooter Enemy AI EVAC-CITY Video Game Development /2014
First Person Shooter FPS Tutorial
Part 1 Introduces fundamental game programming concepts and gives tips on how to think like a games programmer. Part 2 Details how to implement switchable weapons, combat logic and some visual tweaks Part 3 Implements the enemy AI, waypoint navigation, audio effects and an in-game GUI. FPS Tutorial Assets
First Person Shooter Project Setting
copy “” file onto your computer uncompress the FPS_Tutorial Start Unity File OPEN PROJECT browse to the folder and choose select Folder
Unity Project Unity Project Project: Roll-a-Ball Difficulty: Beginner
In your first foray into Unity development, create a simple rolling ball game that teaches you many of the principles of working with Game Objects, Components, Prefabs, Physics and Scripting. Project: Space Shooter Difficulty: Beginner Expand your knowledge and experience of working with Unity by creating a simple top down arcade style shooter. Using basic assets provided by Unity Technologies, built-in components and writing simple custom code, understand how to work with imported Mesh Models, Audio, Textures and Materials while practicing more complicated Scripting principles. Project: Stealth Difficulty: Beginner Create a fully functioning level of a third person stealth game, learn about player characters, enemies, game logic & management systems.
Unity Project : Stealth
Chapter 1: Game Setup & Alarm Logic 101. Stealth: Project Overview 102. Game Setup and Lighting 103. Alarm Lights 104. Tag Management 105. Screen Fader 106. Game Controller 107. CCTV Cameras 108. Laser Grids Chapter 2: Player 201. Player Setup 202. Player Animator Controller 203. HashIDs 204. Player Movement 205. Player Health
Unity Project : Stealth
Chapter 3: Interactions 301. Camera Movement 302. The Key 303. Single Doors 304. Double Doors 305. The Lift Chapter 4: Enemy 401. Enemy Setup 402. Enemy Animator Controller 403. Enemy Sight 404. Animator Setup 405. Enemy Animation 406. Enemy Shooting 407. Enemy AI 408. Stretch Goals
Download Asset Stealth Project Download Asset
Download Asset Stealth Project : Import Package
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