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YMCA Camp Orkila Outdoor Environmental Education

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1 YMCA Camp Orkila Outdoor Environmental Education

2 May 22nd-May 24th Meet at Silver Firs early Monday, May 22nd and load the bus. Drive to Anacortes and walk on the ferry. Ride the ferry to Orcas Island. Camp Orkila busses meet at the ferry and drive the group to camp. Arrive back at Silver Firs on Wednesday afternoon on May 24th. Parents pick up their child Wednesday afternoon around 3:15pm.

3 Cost of Camp Camp is $200.00 per student/parent.
We have fundraising planned to reduce the cost for all students. PTA has set aside money for student scholarships. An application will be available for students needing assistance.

4 YMCA CAMP ORKILA Orkila is over 100 years old! Summer Camp
Teen Adventure Conference and Retreats Outdoor Environmental Education

Program established 40 years ago. Serve 70 schools and 5,000 students per year.

Located on Orcas Island, in the San Juan Islands, schools first take the Washington State Ferry from Anacortes, WA. This ferry ride is minutes long with spectacular views and maybe even a whale sighting or two. Students will walk on and walk off the ferry.


8 Once a group arrives to the island, students will take a bus to camp
Once a group arrives to the island, students will take a bus to camp. This is about a twenty minute ride.

9 YMCA Camp Orkila is made up of 285 acres of farm fields, forest trails and beachfront property.
Students have an opportunity to hike on many of the trails around camp. Students spend time on the beaches in our marine science classes

10 YMCA Camp Orkila Instructors
Camp Orkila teachers are a professional group of educators carefully chosen through a highly selective hiring process. All staff are college graduates and have experience teaching students. Many of the teachers come from all over the country to be a part of our program.

11 CABINS Students will stay in open air cabins in groups of 10 to 12 with two adult chaperones present at all times.

12 Each student will have their own bed with a space to store their belongings. Please make sure you send your students with warm bedding.

13 BATHROOMS Male and Female Bathrooms One in each section of camp
Showers, sinks, toilets Running hot water Electricity Deep cleaned before visit Spot cleaned daily

14 ACTIVE DAYS The Daily Schedule BREAKFAST Class 1 Class 2 LUNCH Class 3
Open Recreation DINNER Evening Program Bed The day at camp starts early Students wake up to the sounds of birds and waves crashing to begin the fun filled day of learning

15 MEALS Larry Norman Lodge Eat Family Style Lots of healthy choices
Our kitchen will gladly accommodate needs relating to diet.

16 CLASSES The day is filled with a variety of classes picked by school teachers before the students arrive. There are many areas covered in our classes including: Archery Climbing Tower Initiatives High Ropes Course Habitat Hike Rope Bridge Beach Walk Outdoor Living.

17 Beach Walk

18 Chapel Rock

19 Climbing Wall & High Ropes

20 Outdoor Living Skills

21 Rope Bridge

22 Campfire In the evening, campfires are a traditional favorite. Students have a chance to do their own skits or sing songs led by Camp Orkila teachers.


24 HELPFUL HINTS Follow the “what to bring” list
Label all luggage in bags Do not send electronics or valuables Do not send food Provide advanced notice for food allergies

25 Medication at Camp Staff member will be designated as the nurse
Medication authorization order must be completed prior to camp for any prescription and medicine such as Tylenol, Benadryl Non-prescription medications such as bug spray will need a parent permission slip

26 Parent Chaperone Application Packet Due: November 1st

27 Parent Chaperones We need 8 male and 8 female chaperones.
You will attend your child’s classes/activities during the day and be in their cabin.

28 Fundraising McTeacher Night October 12th 5:00-8:00pm Thomas Lake McDonalds Movie Night November 4th & January 13th Holiday Shoppe December 9th evening December 12th-14th during the school day


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