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Presentation on theme: "CARTILAGE AND BONE HISTOLOGY"— Presentation transcript:

Dr. Nabil Khouri

2 The Connective Tissue Found throughout the body; most abundant and widely distributed in primary tissues Connective tissue proper Cartilage Bone Blood

3 Connective Tissue cells
Figure 4.6

4 Cartilage Contains no blood vessels or nerves
Surrounded by the perichondrium (dense irregular CT) that resists outward expansion Three types – hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage

5 Connective Tissue: 1. Hyaline Cartilage

6 Connective Tissue: Cartilage
Hyaline cartilage Amorphous, firm matrix with imperceptible network of collagen fibers Chondrocytes lie in lacunae Supports, reinforces, cushions, and resists compression Forms the costal cartilage Found in: embryonic skeleton, the end of long bones, nose, trachea, and larynx

7 HYALINE CARTILAGE A The chondrocytes are located in C lacunae
B The matrix contain collagen fibers that are so fine they are not visible in tissue preparations.

8 Hyaline Cartilage Provides support, flexibility, and resilience
Is the most abundant skeletal cartilage Is present in these cartilages: Articular – covers the ends of long bones Costal – connects the ribs to the sternum Respiratory – makes up the larynx and reinforces air passages Nasal – supports the nose

9 Hyaline cartilage

10 2. Elastic Cartilage Figure 4.8h

11 3. Fibro-cartilage Figure 4.8i

12 Fibrocartilage Highly compressed with great tensile strength
Contains collagen fibers Found in menisci of the knee and in intervertebral discs

13 Cartilages of the Human Body

14 Bone Anatomy Diaphysis Metaphysis Epiphysis – Prox/Dist
Epiphyseal line Periosteum Compact cortical bone Spongy bone Articular Cartilage Medullary cavity Marrow Nutrient artery

15 Histology of bone tissue
Cells are surrounded by matrix. - 25% water - 25% protein - 50% mineral salts Cellulerity 4 cell types make up osseous tissue Osteoprogenitor Osteoblasts Osteocytes Osteoclasts

16 Connective Tissue: Bone (Osseous Tissue)


18 Osteogenic cells are the only bone cells that divide
Osteogenic cells are the only bone cells that divide. Osteogenic cells differentiate and develop into osteoblasts which, in turn, are responsible for forming new bone. Osteoblasts synthesize and secrete a collagen matrix and calcium salts. When the area surrounding an osteoblast calcifies, the osteoblast becomes trapped and transforms into an osteocyte, the most common and mature type of bone cell. Osteoclasts, the cells that break down and reabsorb bone, stem from monocytes and macrophages rather than osteogenic cells. There is a continual balance between osteoblasts generating new bone and osteoclasts breaking down bone.

19 Osteo-progenitor cells:
derived from mesenchyme bone connective tissue is derived from - unspecialized stem cells - Undergo mitosis and develop into Osteoblasts - found on inner surface of periosteum and endosteum.

20 Osteoblasts: Are large cell responsible for the synthesis and mineralization of bone (bone forming cells) during both initial bone formation and later bone remodeling. Found on surface of bone form a closely packed sheet - No ability to mitotically divide - Collagen secretors   They arise from the differentiation of osteogenic cells in the periosteum, the tissue that covers the outer surface of the bone, and in the endosteum of the marrow cavity. The osteoblasts produce many cell products, including the enzymes alkaline phosphatase and collagenase, growth factors, hormones such as osteocalcin, and collagen, part of the organic unmineralized component of the bone called osteoid.  

21 Osteoblasts:

22 Osteocytes: Mature bone cells inside the bone derived form osteoblasts
Do not secrete matrix material Cellular duties include: exchange of nutrients and waste with blood. Some of the osteoblasts turn into osteocytes while the new bone is being formed, and the osteocytes then get surrounded by new bone. They are not isolated, however, because they send out long branches that connect to the other osteocytes. These cells can sense pressures or cracks in the bone and help to direct where osteoclasts will dissolve the bone.



25 Osteoclasts Are bone resorping cells
found in pits in the bone surface which are called resorption bays, or Howship's lacunae. Roll : growth, maintenance and bone repair Osteoclasts are large multinucleate cells differentiate from another type of cell called a macrophage. Osteoclasts are formed by the fusion of many cells derived from circulating monocytes in the blood.


27 Bone Tissue: Supportive Connective Tissue
Extracellular Matrix 25% Water 25% Protein or organic matrix 95% Collagen Fibers 5% Chondroitin Sulfate 50% Crystalized Mineral Salts Hydroxyapatite (Calcium Phosphate) Other substances: Lead, Gold, Strontium, Plutonium, etc.

28 Two types of Bone tissue
Compact Bone Spongy Bone

29 Blood Supply to Bone:

30 Compact Bone: External layer
Compact & Spongy - lamellar bone Called lamellar bone (groups of elongated tubules called lamella) It is arranged in units called osteons (The Haversian systems). Osteons contain blood vessels, lymphatic, nerves - blood vessels and nerves penetrate periosteum through horizontal openings called perforating (Volkmann’s) canals. Surrounding this canal are concentric rings of osteocytes along with the calcified matrix.

31 Histology of Bone Tissue

32 - Osteons Osteon is concentric rings (lamellae) of calcified matrix surrounding a vertically oriented blood vessel are aligned in the same direction along lines of stress. These lines can slowly change as the stresses on the bone changes. central (Haversian) canals run longitudinally. - around canals are concentric lamella - osteocytes occupy lacunae (“little lakes”) which are between the lamella - radiating from the lacunea are channels called canaliculi. (finger like processes of osteocytes)



35 The Trabeculae of Spongy Bone
Trabeculae are thin plates of bone called trabeculae oriented along lines of stress Spaces in between these struts are filled with red marrow where blood cells develop Found in ends of long bones and inside flat bones such as the hipbones, sternum, sides of skull, and ribs. No true Osteons.



38 Zones of Growth at Epiphyseal Plate
Zone of resting cartilage anchors growth plate to bone Zone of proliferating cartilage rapid cell division (stacked coins) Zone of hypertrophic cartilage cells enlarged & remain in columns Zone of calcified cartilage thin zone, cells mostly dead since matrix calcified osteoclasts removing matrix osteoblasts & capillaries move in to create bone over calcified cartilage


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