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Correspondence between Brain Waves and Human Trust using EEG in Autonomous System Seeung Oh.

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Presentation on theme: "Correspondence between Brain Waves and Human Trust using EEG in Autonomous System Seeung Oh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Correspondence between Brain Waves and Human Trust using EEG in Autonomous System
Seeung Oh

2 Outline EEG, Brainwaves Introduction-TRUST in Automation Hypothesis
Method Experiment Data analysis Expected results Conclusion

3 ElectroEncephaloGraphy :EEG
A recording(graphy) of electrical signal (electro) from the brain (encephalo)

4 Brainwaves Thoughts, emotions, and behaviors communication between neurons. Brainwaves synchronized electrical pulses from masses of neurons communicating. Signatures of what is happening inside the brain.

5 Brainwaves (cont’d) Four simple periodic rhythms(by frequency and amplitude) recorded in the EEG

6 Brainwaves(cont’d) Alpha(8-13hz): during quietly flowing thoughts, and in some meditative states. –resting state of brain. -mental coordination, calmness, alertness, mind/body integration and learning. Delta(1-5hz): deepest meditation and dreamless sleep. -healing process. Theta(4-8hz): most often in sleep and deep meditation. -In a dream, vivid imagery, intuition and information beyond our normal conscious awareness.

7 Brainwaves(cont’d) Beta(13-30hz): normal waking state of consciousness when attention is directed towards cognitive tasks and the outside world. -Beta1(SMR,13-15hz): quiet, focused, introverted concentration -Beta2(mid-,15-20hz): in energy, anxiety, and performance. -Beta3(high-,18-30hz): significant stress, anxiety, paranoia, high energy and high arousal.

8 Brainwaves (cont’d)

9 Introduction Technology ↑ : Automation ↑↑
Humans --- TRUST --- Autonomous systems TRUST tends to be less important in well-structured, stable environments, such as stability minimize transactional uncertainty (Moorman, Deshpande, & Zaltman, 1993). However, many organizations have complex automation increase complex, unstable and uncertain situation increase cognitive complexity. Cognitive processes affect the appropriateness of trust. TRUST in unexpected, uncertain, and dynamic situation.

10 Introduction(TRUST in Automation)
Helps people to accommodate complexity. Guides reliance 1)when the complexity of the automation makes a complete understanding impractical, 2)when the situation demands adaptive behavior that procedures cannot guide. (Lee, & See, 2004). Important factor in understanding automation reliance decisions. Operator’s strategies --- TRUST --- use of automation(Lee, 1994). TRUST plays a critical role in decision making to optimize performance in Autonomous systems.

11 Hypothesis Brain waves will be different in trust and mistrust situations. By analyzing the recorded brain waves of trust and mistrust, correlation will be found between trust and performance.

12 Participants: 15~20 Equipment: Method
g. Hiamp – multichannel amplifier g. GAMMAsys- active electrode system

13 Method (Cont’d) Seated in front of the computer.
Fitted with a cap of electrodes. Filled with gel using a syringe. Measure electrical signals.

14 Experiment Selected words from an existing word elicitation study related to trust and mistrust (Jian, 2000). During two slideshows, participants’ brain waves will be recorded in a real time

15 Data Analysis Power spectrum Analysis- using frequency
Event Related Potentials (ERPs) Marker codes and raw EEG data will be stored. (in real time) Signal averaging will be performed to extract the ERPs elicited by the tasks.

16 Data analysis(Cont’d)

17 Anticipated Result The result of the experiment expects that sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) and mid-beta waves can be detected and affected by trust and mistrust.

18 Conclusion Through the research, EEG techniques add a new dimension to understanding trust in decision making in the use of automation. This research will contribute to various applications of autonomous systems which trust is highly required for effective decision making in unexpected, uncertain, and dynamic situation. Various examples: aviation, maritime operations, process control, motor vehicle operation, and information retrieval.

19 Thank you!

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