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Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs

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Presentation on theme: "Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs
Adia Coleman Patent & Trademark Librarian


3 Utility Patent Design Patent Plant Patent PATENT A patent protects processes, methods and inventions that are "novel," "non-obvious" and "useful." If granted, a patent gives you a timed monopoly on selling, using, making or importing an invention into the United States.

4 Word Mark Design Mark Sound Mark TRADEMARK A trademark is any word(s) or symbol(s) that represent a product to identify and distinguish it from other products in the marketplace.

5 TRADE SECRET A trade secret is a declaration made to a patent attorney in the form of a notarized, signed disclosure that you own forever…until someone leaks it.

6 COPYRIGHT A Copyright is protection that gives the copyright holder the exclusive right to copy the work, modify it (that is, create "derivative works"), and distribute, perform and display the work publicly. Music Architecture Plays Movies

7 Where’s the IP?

8 What is the PROCESS?

9 ACTION FEES TIMELINE PATENT PROCESS Search Free | Varies 1 Hour | Months Apply $ | $1500-$2500 12 months | Years Correspond TRADEMARK PROCESS Free | Varies 1 Hour $225 - $325 Per class 4 – 6 Weeks $100 Intent to Use Form

10 What are the BENEFITS?

11 Protection against direct copying
Maintaining long-term competitive advantage Acts as an asset to attract potential investors Gives potential customers confidence in your business Provides licensing and franchise opportunities Serves as a great marketing and negotiation tool

12 What are the RESOURCES?

13 PTRC - Conduct research SBDC - Business Plan DC Government - Con Google - Small Business Diversity Database Patent & Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) Small Business Development Center (SBDC) DC Government Google

14 What can you do TODAY? Intellectual Property CHECKLIST
Start researching File a Provisional Application (Patent Pending Status) Register Your Business Name and Logo (Use the TM symbol) Use the Copyright Symbol for: Website Flyers What can you do TODAY?

15 Thank You

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