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The UN to Chinese Communism

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1 The UN to Chinese Communism
The Cold War The UN to Chinese Communism

2 Key words NATO Bizonia Warsaw Pact Berlin Blockade Totalitarian Pravda

3 The Iron Curtain Speech
What did the speech say? Churchill attacked the Soviet Union for exerting its will over the countries of Eastern Europe Europe now divided into totalitarian and free Europe. Churchill said it was the duty of the free countries to prevent the further spread of communism

4 Stalin’s counterclaims...
In an interview with Pravda he likened the UKs position of dominance in the English speaking world to that of Nazism He accused Britain, and by extension the USA of wanting world domination Percentages agreement Soviet annexation of the Baltic states

5 Areas of influence Churchill: Eastern Europe was in the Soviet sphere
Stalin: Greece would fall into the British spere of influence Post War – Britain backed the Greek constitutional monarchy and government The Greek government was fighting a civil war against Greek Communists

6 Greek Civil War USSR remained outside the conflict
Yugoslavia, under communist leadership provided assistance to the Greek communists After two years the British government informed the USA it would not be able to continue its support of the royalist government and would be withdrawing its support.


8 Using the map, answer the following questions
1. List the six countries that border Turkey.  2. List the three bodies of water that surround Turkey.  3. What bodies of water do the Dardanelle Straits connect? 4. The Soviet Union wanted to share control of the Dardanelles Straits with Turkey. Why do you think the Straits were so important to the Soviet Union?

9 The Truman Doctrine and Containment
Greece had not been occupied by soviet forces Turkey was seen as vulnerable to soviet expansion This would give the USSR access to the Mediterranean This forced the USA to confront communism and determine its stance towards the spread of this ideology

10 The Truman Doctrine: March 1947
USA would provide military and military assistance to Greece and Turkey to prevent the spread of communism In his speech to congress Truman outlined the policy of containment that had originated with George Kennan in the long telegram of 1946 and had been further defined as US-soviet relations had declined.

11 The Long Telegram Kennan was a US diplomat and foreign policy expert
Stationed in Moscow at the beginning of the Cold War He was asked to explain Soviet objections and foreign policy to the US executive The result was the long telegram an 8000 word summary of historical Russian objectives and leadership

12 The policy Avoid conflict with the USSR over countries already under communism or soviet domination Prevent further spread of communism This policy remained in place for the duration of the cold war

13 The Marshall Plan and the ERP
European Recovery Plan Covered all countries of Europe including USSR Grants and Loans

14 Marshall and ERP Soviets refused help and pressured all other Eastern European countries to do the same Czechoslovakia was the only country to agree to help – it was also the only coalition government – how did that make a difference?

15 Czechoslovakia February 1948, communists removed all other political groups from power, causing a coup This demonstrated the USSR’s unwillingness to tolerate dissent Prior to this US congress had not been convinced of the merits of ERP but, Soviet actions made them determined to remain in Europe

16 Activity Look at your copies of the Marshall Plan and the Soviet Response In the speech General Marshall stated that his plan was not directed against any specific country or ideology. Soviet foreign minister Vishinsky criticised the Truman doctrine and the Marshall plan as aggressively anti soviet. Choose one that your group disagrees with the most and defend that position.

17 Cold War Episode 3 The Marshall Plan

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