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Unit 13 - The Origins of the Cold War

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1 Unit 13 - The Origins of the Cold War
HW#13 P Answer: P. 847 Comparing Viewpoint #1-2, P. 848 chkpt, P. 849 Map Skills #1-2, P. 850, chkpt, P. 852 chkpt. HW#14 P Answer: P. 855 chkpt, P. 857 Map Skills #2-3, P. 858 chkpt, P. 859 chkpt  Do Now: 1. Take out terms 2. Who started the Cold War?

2 Unit 13 - The Origins of the Cold War
Do Now: What issues occurred during WWII that caused tensions to rise between the US and the Soviet Union?

3 I. Causes of the CW A. The Iron Curtain
Winston Churchill gave the Iron Curtain speech in 1946 Map of the Iron Curtain

4 B. The Truman Doctrine, 1947 Asked Congress to aid Greece & Turkey ($400 B) Policy of containment Promise to aid all countries w/ Communist threats President Truman outlined the Truman Doctrine to a joint session of Congress in March of 1947

5 A map showing how the plan’s $20B was distributed by country
C. The Marshall Plan, 1947 1. $13 billion in grants & loans to Western Europe Photo shows a delivery of wheat from the U.S. being unloaded in Rotterdam, Netherlands A map showing how the plan’s $20B was distributed by country

6 D. NATO Treaty, 1949. E. Warsaw Pact, 1955.

7 F. Berlin Airlift Stalin blocks access to W. Berlin Truman sends supplies via air drops Stalin contracts Berlin Wall

8 Who started the Cold War?
Essential Question: Who started the Cold War? HW#14 P Answer: P. 861 chkpt, P. 862 Connect to World, P. 863 chkpt, P. 864 Map Skills #1-2, P. 865 Critical Thinking #5-6 Do Now: Finish completing the documents from yesterday on the Early Cold War

9 Was involvement in the Korean War necessary for the US?
Essential Question: Was involvement in the Korean War necessary for the US? HW#15 P Answer: P. 869 APC #1, P. 871 chkpt, P. 873, chkpt, P. 875 Critical THinking #4-5  Do Now: Who started the Korean War? Why?

10 II. Korean War Mao Zedong wins Chinese Civil War (Communist)
Korea split into two at 38th Parallel North = Communist, Totalitarian South = Capitalist, Democratic North invades South 1. Desire to reunite Korea under communism 2. Truman vows to support S. Korea 3. UN Security Council votes to also

11 D. Intervention UN Enters Chinese Stalemate MacArthur Fired by Truman

12 E. Results Eisenhower ends the war Border remains at the 38th parallel
Precedent set to send troops w/o declaring war Increase in Military SEATO formed

13 How did tensions increase between the US and the Soviets?
Essential Question: How did tensions increase between the US and the Soviets? HW#16 due Tuesday Do Now: Did Truman make the right decision in firing Macarthur? (use two pieces of evidence to support your answer)

14 III. Cold War Tensions Soviets have nukes by 1949
Truman vs. Eisenhower Both believe in containment Dulles’ Mass retaliation Policy Arms Race 1. Hydrogen Bomb Stalin dies 1953 Khrushchev takes power Meets with Eisenhower “Peaceful co-existence”

15 III. Cold War Tensions Cont.
E. Uprisings in Eastern Block F. Suez Canal Crisis G. Eisenhower Doctrine 1. Lebanon & Jordan H. CIA – Central Intelligence Agency 1.Guatemala Space Race Sputnik NASA J. U2 Incident

16 How did tensions increase between the US and the Soviets?
Essential Question: How did tensions increase between the US and the Soviets? HW#15 due tomorrow Do Now: Finish Stanford Document Guatemala from yesterday. 1. List three things the CIA did to countries like Guatemala. 2. Why did they do it? 3. How does this impact our foreign policy?

17 How did tensions increase between the US and the Soviets?
Essential Question: How did tensions increase between the US and the Soviets? HW: 1. Practice Regents #1 due Monday 2. Test Tuesday Do Now: 1. Take out HW 2. What was the Alliance for Progress similar to during the 1930s?

18 IV. JFK Foreign Policy Eisenhower vs. JFK
1. flexible response – Nuclear or guerilla a. Green Berets B. Peace Corps C. Alliance for Progress 1. resurrects FDR’s Good Neighbor Policy

19 V. JFK Foreign Policy (cont.)
D. Bay of Pigs 1. CIA sponsored revolt of Cuba 2. Invasion Fails 3. JFK takes blame E. Cuban Missile Crisis 1. USSR places missile silos in Cuba 2. JFK places naval blockade 3. Both sides agree to remove missiles a. US in Turkey and Italy 4. US-USSR Hotline installed

20 EQ: What impact did JFK have on the Cold War?
HW#17  Review Book P Answer All questions in the margins (i.e. Analyzing Documents & Key Themes and Concepts) Do Now: Watch JFK Inaugural Address 1. What three main points does he make?

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