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Welcome to our Curriculum Meeting For Parents

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our Curriculum Meeting For Parents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our Curriculum Meeting For Parents
Years 5 and 6

2 Overview of the meeting
Organisation of Diamond Class National Curriculum Expectations in Reading, Writing and Spelling Assessment using end of year expectations Ways to support your child in these areas National Curriculum Expectations in Mathematics Ways to support your child in this area

3 Organisation Guided Reading Monday’s Literacy Lesson
Literacy Lessons during the rest of the week Spelling Lesson Homework – literacy and maths Handwriting Grammar, drill the skill, text examples, modelling, support throughout lesson, individual edit, response partner. Author’s chair. HW 3 week rotation

4 National Curriculum in English Reading
Maintain positive attitudes to reading – range of literature Understand what they have read Discuss and evaluate how authors use language, considering the impact on the reader Participate in discussions Provide reasoned justification for their views Imp of hearing all children read. Also read to them. Answering questions on text, inference, prediction, summary, identify key details,

5 National Curriculum in English Writing - Spelling
Prefixes and suffixes Silent letters and homophones Revise all NC spelling Using dictionaries and thesaurus See handout appendix 1 from NC

6 National Curriculum in English Handwriting and Presentation
Write legibly, fluently and with increasing speed Handwriting lessons – school policy Adapt their presentation to the task Speaking and listening Drama opportunities Speak clearly with appropriate intonation and volume Plays, cross curricular, prod,

7 National Curriculum in English Composition
Plan their writing – identify audience and purpose Write – based on their plan, appropriate grammar and vocabulary, cohesion, structure, organisation Evaluation – self and others Brainstorm, vocab, word banks, form ideas/imagination, time to think,

8 National Curriculum in English Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Clauses – main, embedded, position in sentence Higher level punctuation - ; () : , … New vocabulary SPAG test at end of KS2 Give appendix 2 and explain!!! Demo clauses Inverted commas, statement, article, etc

9 Assessment Using End of Year Expectations
End of each term – school judgements Continuously assessing through day to day work and understanding Tests Key words – entering, developing, secure “Mastery” of end of year expectations Moving into next year group – only after “mastery” Show KLIPS

10 Ways to support your child in English
Weekly homework and spellings Reading aloud Reading to your child Keep the focus of task in mind Computer?

11 Mathematics Organisation Monday to Thursday
Friday – using and applying problems / targets Mental starter – heavy focus on quick mental skills Multiplication tables – speed and instant recall New learning – children need to understand it in context and have visual / practical prompts

12 New National Curriculum Expectations in Mathematics
NUMBER Importance of place value – Y5 numbers to at least 1,000,000 Y6 numbers up to 10,000,000 Rounding; multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000; negative numbers; counting in steps; Roman numerals

13 Addition and subtraction
Mentally Rounding, estimating to check accuracy Word problems – multi-step Y5 with more than 4 digit numbers Decimals Written method - column

14 Column Written Methods for Addition Y5
Children should extend the carrying method to numbers with at least four digits Using similar methods, children will: add several numbers with different numbers of digits; begin to add two or more decimal fractions with up to three digits and the same number of decimal places; know that decimal points should line up under each other, particularly when adding or subtracting mixed amounts, e.g. 3.2 m cm.

15 Y6 Children should extend the carrying method to number with any number of digits.
1 2 1 401.20 428.76 1 Using similar methods, children will add several numbers with different numbers of digits; begin to add two or more decimal fractions with up to four digits and either one or two decimal places; know that decimal points should line up under each other, particularly when adding or subtracting mixed amounts, e.g

16 Written Methods for Subtraction
Y5 Children should: be able to subtract numbers with different numbers of digits; SHOW WRITTEN METHOD begin to find the difference between two decimal fractions with up to three digits and the same number of decimal places; know that decimal points should line up under each other.  If the numbers involved in the calculation are close together or near to multiples of 10, 100 etc., children should be encouraged to recognise that it is more efficient to find the difference by counting up using a number line to support the mental calculation. e.g – 398 = 811  SHOW NUMBER LINE

17 Y6 Children should: be able to subtract numbers with different numbers of digits; be able to subtract two or more decimal fractions with up to three digits and either one or two decimal places; know that decimal points should line up under each other. If the numbers involved in the calculation are close together or near to multiples of 10, 100 etc, children should be encouraged to recognise that it is more efficient to find the difference by counting up using a number line to support the mental calculation. e.g = 1005

18 Multiplication and Division
Y5 – short up to 4 digits and long multiplication for 2 digit numbers Y6– multiply up to 4 digit numbers by 2 digits Long division and short up to 4 digits Remainders as fractions / decimals / rounding Word problems – multi step Estimation / accuracy Y5 squared / cubed / factors Y6 Factors / common multiples / prime

19 Written Method for Multiplication
Y5 HTU x U (Short multiplication – multiplication by a single digit) x 300 40 6 9 2700 360 54 31 1 4 x 4 0.9 3 12 2.7 14.7

20 Y6 ThHTU x U (Short multiplication – multiplication by a single digit)
Long multiplication – HTU by TU / THTU by TU Column Method

21 Written Method for Division Y5
Children can start to subtract larger multiples of the divisor (e.g. 20x). Short division (HTU ÷ U) 196 ÷ 6 1x 2x 4x 5x 10x 20x 120 The key facts in the menu box should be extended to include 4x and 20x. 6 ) 196 x 16 x 4 32 r 4 Answer : remainder 4 or r 4 Any remainders should be shown as integers, i.e. 14 remainder 2 or 14 r 2. Children need to be able to decide what to do after division and round up or down accordingly. They should make sensible decisions about rounding up or down after division. For example 240 ÷ 52 is 4 remainder 32, but whether the answer should be rounded up to 5 or rounded down to 4 depends on the context.

22 Y6 Short division (TTHTU / U) and Long division (HTU ÷ TU) 972 ÷ 36 Bus stop method Any remainders should be shown as fractions, i.e. if the children were dividing 352 by 6, the answer should be shown as 58 4/6 which could then be written as 58 2/3 in its lowest terms.

23 Fractions, decimals and percentages
Y5 Equivalence Compare and order fractions Add and subtract fractions Mixed numbers / improper fractions Ordering decimals Calculating fractions of a quantity Solving problems Y6 Simplify fractions Multiply and divide fractions Calculating percentages

24 Y6 Ratio and Proportion Y6 Algebra
Solving problems including scale factor Y6 Algebra Simple formulae Number puzzles Solve equations

25 Measurement Conversion of units – metric and imperial
Perimeter and area – formulae. Y6 area of triangles and parallelograms Volume of cubes and cuboids Capacity Solving problems with all aspects of measure including time

26 Geometry Draw 2D and build 3D shapes Classify shapes
Draw and measure angles Reason about properties of shapes Radius, diameter and circumference of circles Find missing angles Translation, reflection, coordinates in 4 quadrants – predicting missing coordinates

27 Statistics Y5 Complete, read and interpret information in tables (timetables) Solve comparison, sum and difference problems using info from line graph Y6 Interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs Mean of set of data

28 Assessment Show KLIPS

29 Ideas for helping at home
Tables! Aims for end of year 5 Sharpen and speed up mental skills Solving problems in real life context Promote correct use of mathematical vocabulary Practical work – measuring – conversion of units IT – Ipad Apps; Interactive Resources Homework – Y6 spring term

30 Thank you so much for attending our workshop. Time for any questions.

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