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Advantages of Local Borrowing

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1 Framework for Local Borrowing Dana Weist Lead Public Sector Specialist PRMPS 31 March 2004

2 Advantages of Local Borrowing
Finance long-lived assets efficiently and equitably Overcome liquidity problems of lumpy investments “Pay-as-you-use” financing Improve selection of investments Increase local revenue mobilization

3 Local Borrowing Risks Macro-instability “Soft” budget constraint
Vertical imbalance; high reliance on transfers Poor loan repayment history Moral hazard

4 Borrowing Risks Can Be Managed
Strengthen intergovernmental fiscal system Apply administrative controls Implement rule-based framework Establish market-based system Impose other controls

5 Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations
Clear expenditure assignments Stable, predictable and adequate revenues Local budgeting and financial management Transparent budgets with public disclosure Standardized financial reports Credible accounting systems Independent audits above defined thresholds Efficient service delivery Rational pricing policies Monitorable performance indicators Monitoring of local debt service and financial ratios

6 Administrative Controls
Central government controls local borrowing directly Set annual limits on overall debt of individual local governments Authorize and review individual loans, including approval of terms and conditions Centralize all borrowing, with on-lending to local governments Controls include ex ante authorization and ex post monitoring

7 Local Borrowing Rules Type of Restriction Description Countries
Affordability Formulae Ceilings on (i) debt service / local revenues; (ii) debt service / local current saving Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Japan, Spain, Lithuania, Poland, Colombia Indebtedness Formulae Limit on total outstanding debt / net revenues Brazil, Colombia, Italy “Golden Rule” Provision Borrowing for capital expenditures Brazil, Canada, USA, Austria, South Africa, Switzerland, India Balanced Budget Local councils are required to pass balanced budgets Brazil, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, USA Local Approval Local councils are required to approve borrowing for individual projects Canada, Switzerland, USA Affordability formulae: ceilings on (i) debt service expenditures (interest plus amortization) as a share of local government net revenues (total revenues net of general allocation grants, special allocation grants, and shared revenues); and (ii) debt service expenditures as a share of local government current saving (total current revenues minus total current expenditures).

8 Market-Based Systems Credit quality determines market acceptance and debt pricing Credit ratings Provide independent “opinions” to investors as to credit quality of debt issuers Based on likelihood of default Reflect both “capacity and willingness” of issuers to make timely payment of principal and interest in accordance with terms of obligations Significant transaction costs

9 Elements of Creditworthiness
Economic base Revenue autonomy and stability Revenue-expenditure balance Intergovernmental fiscal relations Debt burden and contingent liabilities Financial management Use of guarantees, insurance and other credit enhancement mechanisms Quality of collateral

10 Legal and Regulatory Frameworks
Supervision and disclosure Debt issuance, settlement and repayment Bankruptcy/work out procedures (including creditor remedies) Protection against disruption of essential services and moral hazard

11 Options for Lending to Creditworthy Local Governments
Government Financial Institutions Financial intermediaries Municipal bond market

12 Development Funds Desirable characteristics
Market-based interest rates Economically and financially viable projects Transparent eligibility criteria Graduation to private market – level playing field Use of intercepts to strengthen repayments Institutional development Capitalization Financing framework Loan-grant mix Competing funding sources

13 Other Controls Prudential regulations on net worth
Limit overexposure to any single borrower Mandate special provisioning requirements for particularly risky classes of borrowers Colombia, Mexico No “bail-out” provisions National government does not guarantee subnational debt Mexico, South Africa Colombia has 32 provinces, and 1064 municipalities One of most decentralized governments in Latin America About 40 percent of total government spending at subnational level Operational savings = (local revenues + central transfers + interest – operating expenses – transfers paid) Current income mainly includes tax revenue, nontax revenue, royalties and fees, transfers from the central government, national revenue sharing, and interest income. Operational expenses include wages and salaries, honoraria, social welfare benefits, and social security expenditures In 1993, Law 80 forced financial intermediaries to monitor destination of loans and debt capacity of subnational government In 1997, Law 358 limited subnational debt to payment capacity, by means of associating payment capacity with the generation of operational savings.

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