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Jessica S. Miller, UW-Eau Claire

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1 Jessica S. Miller, UW-Eau Claire
Curriculum map This is a guide for me to keep track of the topics studied in every course that I teach. This map is subject to changes. Last updated on 25/08/2017

2 A.P. Themes French 101 (NM) French 102 (NH) French 201 (IL) French 202 (IM) Personal and Public Identities (La quête de soi) Module 1 Topic: Beliefs and values (Les croyances et les systèmes de valeurs) Question: How are aspects of identity expressed in various situations? Module 1 Topic: Multiculturalism (Le pluriculturalisme) Question: How does one’s identity develop over time? Contemporary Life (La vie contemporaine) Module 2 Topic: Leisure and sports (Les loisirs et le sport) Question: How do societies and individuals define quality of life? Module 4 Topic: Professions (Le monde du travail) Question: How is contemporary life influenced by cultural products, practices and perspectives? Module 1 Topic: Rites of passage (Les rites de passage) Question: How do stages of life define us? Beauty and Aesthetics (L’esthétique) Module 3 Topic: Ideals of beauty (Le beau) Question: How do clothes define us? Module 1 Topic: Architecture (L’architecture) Question: What type of architecture do we consider to be attractive? Module 3 Topic: Visual arts (Les arts visuels) Question: How do ideals of beauty and aesthetics influence daily life? Global Challenges (Les défis mondiaux) Module 4 Topic: Nutrition and food safety (L’alimentation) Question: Why do people migrate? Module 2 Topic: Health (La santé) Question: What helps us stay healthy? Module 4 Topic: Environmental issues (L’environnement) Question: What are some possible solutions to those challenges? Families and Communities (La famille et la communauté) Module 4 Topic: Citizenship (La citoyenneté) Question: How are communities similar to and different from families? Module 2 Topic: Urbanism (L’urbanisme) Question: How do individuals contribute to the well-being of communities? Science and Technology (La science et la technologie) Module 3 Topic: Professional skills (Les compétences professionnelles) Question: How do interdisciplinary skills prepare us for our careers? Module 3 Topic: The media (Les médias) Question: How do media influence who we are? Module 2 Topic: Social Impact of Technology (La technologie et ses effets sur la société) Question: How does technology impact our social ties?

3 French 325 (IM) FREN 395 (IM) French 401 (IH) French 430 (IH) Personal and Public Identities (La quête de soi) Module 1 Topic: Language and identity (La langue et l’identité) Question: How do language and culture influence identity? Module 3 Topic: Nationalism (Le nationalisme) Question: How do countries build their identities? Module 1 Topic: Alienation and assimilation (L’aliénation et l’assimilation) Question: What is an outsider? Contemporary Life (La vie contemporaine) Module 2 Topic: Leisure and sports (Les loisirs et le sport) Question: How do we have fun? Module 1 Topic: Advertising and marketing (La publicité et le marketing) Question: What do we consume and why? Module 3 Topic: Economy (L’économie) Question: How are resources shared in Africa? (Burundi, Cameroon, Morocco) Beauty and Aesthetics (L’esthétique) Module 3 Topic: Performing arts (Les arts du spectacle) Question: How do the arts both challenge and reflect cultural perspectives? Module 4 Topic: Music (La musique) Question: How does music reflect who we are? Global Challenges (Les défis mondiaux) Module 4 Topic: Human rights (Les droits de l’être humain) Question: Why do people migrate? Module 4 Topic: Diversity (La tolérance) Question: In what ways do we differentiate rights from privileges? Module 2 Topic: Health (La santé) Question: What are the origins of health issues in the Caribbean? (Haiti, Martinique, Guyana) Families and Communities (La famille et la communauté) Module 3 Topic: Nature vs. nurture (Inné ou acquis) Question: How does childhood shape adulthood? Module 1 Topic: Migrations (Les migrations) Question: How does geography shape communities in North America? (Québec, New England, Missouri, Louisiana) Science and Technology (La science et la technologie) Module 2 Topic: Research and discoveries (La recherche et les découvertes) Question: What role do ethics play in scientific advancement? Module 2 Topic: Techniques and ethics (Technique et éthique) Question: How do technologies affect our identity? Module 4 Topic: Discoveries and inventions (Les découvertes et les inventions) Question: How do developments in science impact the environment in Europe? (France, Switzerland

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