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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT AND CONTRACT MANAGEMENT - BBA490"— Presentation transcript:

By Patrick Chishika MSc, BA, MCIPS, MZIPS, SPSM

2 Project Management Concepts
Introduction to project Management Concepts - What is a Project? 1. A Project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result (PMBOK, 2013). 2. A Project is a unique endeavor to produce a set of deliverables within clearly specified time, cost and quality constraints. Projects differ from standard businesses because of their unique nature, timescale, budget, resources, risk and change. Project & Contract Mgt

3 Project Management Concepts
Characteristics of Projects Every project is temporal having a starting and a finishing point. It is unique in some way It has specific objectives Every project is a means and a cause of change. Projects involve risk and uncertainty Projects involve commitment of resources, human, money, equipments, material and finances. Project & Contract Mgt

4 Project Management Concepts
Examples of projects include, but are not limited to: Developing a new product or service, Effecting a change in the structure, staffing, or style of an organization, Developing or acquiring a new or modified information system, Constructing a building or infrastructure, or Implementing a new business process or procedure. Organising a wedding….. Initiating and closing a tender or deal. Project & Contract Mgt

5 Project Management Concepts
The need for Project Management What is Project Management? Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements (PMBOK, 2013). - 47 Project Management Processes categorized into five Process Groups: initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and control, and Closing. Operations Management Vs Project Management Operations Management is the activity of managing the resources which produce and deliver goods and services (Slack, 2009). Supports day to day business operations e.g. production operations, marketing operations, accounting operations etc. Project & Contract Mgt

6 Project Management Concepts
Project mgt refer to a series of methods and tools used to plan and implement change. Project mgt is the coordination and control of activities on a project. Project mgt is the art of directing human and other resources throughout the life of the project by using modern mgt techniques to determine cost, time and quality. Project mgt involves planning, organizing, monitoring and control of all aspects of the project and motivation of those involved in the achievement of results. Project & Contract Mgt

7 Project Management Concepts
The Role of Project Managers: To Plan Project activities To organise resources To direct resources To control activities in order to achieve project goals effectively and efficiently To motivate the Project team members etc. Project & Contract Mgt

8 Project Management Concepts
Traits of a project manager: Problem solving ability and result oriented. He/she must have the negotiation ability to negotiate project issues such possible extensions, more resources, etc. Good communication skills Self assured leader to inspire the project team Perspective –look at problem or issues on a broader perspective. Decisive, energy and initiative are equally important skills. Customers services is key. Project & Contract Mgt

9 Project Management Concepts
Leadership styles of Project Managers - Coercive - Authoritative - Affiliative - Democratic - Pace setting - Coaching, etc Project & Contract Mgt

10 Project Management Concepts
Key factors that may hint that a project will be a success include but not limited to: Clear project objectives Early risk identification Proper project planning; including time and finances Project team commitment and technical know how. Team building and synergy Communication Early client involvement A proper contract strategy Project & Contract Mgt

11 Project Management Processes
Initiating Process Group - Initial authorisation is sought - Initial scope is defined/ business case - Initial financial resources is committed - Internal and External stakeholders are identified. Planning Process Group -Consists of those processes that help establish total scope, define and refine objectives and how to attain them. -The following aspects are explored: scope, cost, time, quality, communication, human resources, risks, procurement and stakeholder engagement. -Construction of Work Breakdown Structure, detailed budget, milestones etc. Project & Contract Mgt

12 Project Management Processes
Executing Process Group The executing group completes the work defined in the project management plan. - Involves coordinating people and resources and managing stakeholder expectations. - Changes may occur which may affect project mgt plan. - Large portion of budget is expended during this process. - Longest phase in terms of duration - Build deliverables Project & Contract Mgt

13 Project Management Processes
Monitoring and controlling Process Group - Tracking and review of progress and performance - Control changes and recommend preventive or corrective action. - Monitor ongoing project activities against project mgt plan and project performance measurement baseline. - Influence factors that can circumvent integrated change control so that only approved changes are implemented. Project & Contract Mgt

14 Project Management Processes
Closing Process Group - Obtain acceptance by the customer or sponsor to finally close the project. - Conduct post project or phase end review. - Document lessons learned - Archive all relevant project documents to be used as historical data. - Close out all procurement activities. - Perform team member’s assessment and release resources. Project & Contract Mgt

15 Managing Soft Skills in Projects
Project Teams Internal Staff External Staff Others Legal Supplier design Customer Purchasing engineers focus groups Engineering Supplier Production Financial Control planners Quality Control HR & Recruitment Research & Dev Warehousing & Logistics Marketing & Sales etc. Project & Contract Mgt

16 Managing Soft Skills in projects
Team Building Things to consider when building project team: The nature of the work -Clear short or medium range objectives required. The nature of the work environment and the management style within the team. - Every team member must contribute. Leadership style. Communication in the team. -One to all, middle managers, hierarchy, cycle & all to all Project & Contact Mgt

17 Managing soft Skills in Projects
What makes an effective team? Three approaches to help explain this are: personality theories, content or process and team dynamics Personality Theories Chairperson- focused on achieving objectives, uses human resources effectively, good listener , communicator etc Shaper – Full of enthusiasm, task leader of a group, always looking for opportunities for action etc. Plant – Creative ideas person. Monitor/ Evaluator – Analysis and decision making. Company worker – Methodical, efficient and systematic. Resource investigator – Friendly and sociable. Team worker – Sensitive, aware of feelings and emotions. Completer/ Finisher – concerned with details and order. Specialist – Brings in rare knowledge or other resources. Project & Contract Mgt

18 Managing Soft Kills in Projects
Content or Process: -Content concerned with what team is doing – nature of task & need for particular skills. -Process concerns how the group works together-tasks & maintenance activities. Task process activities are concerned with the way the group focuses on its tasks including: - Initiating: putting ideas forward or starting new activities - Asking: Collecting information or news - Giving: volunteering ideas or info or making suggestions - Clarifying: Helping interpret - Summarising: bringing ideas together -Testing for agreements: Checking on the readiness of the team to take action Project & Contact Mgt

19 Managing Soft Skills in Projects
Maintenance process activities are involved with the way a team holds together in its task and include: - Harmonizing or smoothing: Bringing others together, exploring and reconciling disagreements. - Gate keeping: Allowing everyone to participate. - Encouraging: Agreeing, building, supporting - Listening: Showing understanding - Standard Setting: Surfacing feelings and beliefs, bringing things out into the open. Project & Contract Mgt

20 Managing Soft Skills in Projects
Team Dynamics: Teams go through a number of stages of development. Forming- People check out the rules or norms of the group and begin to plan what roles they might take on. Storming – This stage involves competition for role and purpose. Norming – In this stage, the rules begin to be accepted. Performing – After dealing with internal issues, teams now carry out their tasks or meet their goals. Mourning – Tasks have been completed and members may have to disband. Project & contract Mgt

21 Managing Soft Skills in Projects
Managing cultural and diversity in Projects: Cross cultural Communication Personal space Body language and gestures Tone of voice and emotions Sense of Humour Dress code Project & contract Mgt

22 Managing Soft Sills in Projects
Roles and responsibilities of project team members Assigned full or part time to participate in project team activities Responsible for contributing to overall project objectives and specific team deliverables Escalates policy issues to team lead for referral to appropriate policy making bodies This role includes all various resources necessary to execute the project plan. Project & Contract Mgt


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