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The 1950’s.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1950’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1950’s

2 GI Bill of Rights Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (1944)
Benefits: one years worth of unemployment while job hunting, low-interest loans, college tuition

3 The Suburbs Levittown (Long Island) Mass-produced homes

4 Family Life Rising divorce rate (women reluctant to give up independence from WWII work) More teens staying in school instead of working Music and movie industries targeted teens

5 Economic Recovery People wanted to spend after saving so much during the war Economy booming US defense industries spending money due to Cold War fears Rebuilding Europe helped keep economy strong Strikes were a problem

6 Truman and Civil Rights
President’s Commission on Civil Rights Federal anti-lynching law Ban on poll tax Permanent civil rights commission Ended discrimination in the hiring of government employees

7 Election of 1952 Eisenhower (R) vs. Adlai Stevenson (D)
Richard Nixon as VP Style of governing:“conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to human beings”

8 Business Franchise: a company that offers similar products or services in many location (McDonalds) Conglomerate: a major corporation that includes a number of smaller companies in unrelated industries The company man: conformity (dress, etiquette, pretty secretary)

9 The Baby Boom Late 1940s through the early 1960s
1957: a child born every 7 seconds (4,308,000) Reasons: returning war veterans, decreasing marriage age, desirability of large families, economic stability, advances in medicine Jonas Salk: developed polio vaccine Impact Strained the school systems Economics: more toys, etc.

10 The Automobile Culture
Cars a necessity w/ suburban living Interstate Highway System: created by Eisenhower in 1956 Impact Long haul trucking Decrease in railroad usage Towns along highways grew Visitors to national parks New industries: hotels, restaurants, drive-ins, insurance, shopping malls, gas stations Pollution, accidents, noise Downtown areas falling apart

11 Consumerism Consumerism: buying material goods
Planned Obsolescence: designing products to wear out or become outdated, forcing people to purchase new products A “throw-away society” Buy Now, Pay Later: private debt grew from $73 billion to $179 billion by the end of the fifties Advertising (use of tv)

12 Pop Culture Television FCC (Fed. Communications Comm.)
“golden age” of television Comedies and news programs most popular TV Guide: 1953 Frozen dinners introduced Radio/Movies Radio turned to local programming Movies introduced stereophonic sound Novelties: Smell-O-Vision, 3d Movies


14 Rock n Roll Elvis Themes: love, cars, the struggles of youth
Condemned by adults (more accepted by late fifties) Teens: more money to buy records Many African American artists were played on separate radio stations (race music)


16 The Beat Movement Subculture Preached nonconformity
Followers called beatniks Shunned regular work, used drugs, poetry

17 Duck and Cover

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