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Target Vocabulary.

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1 Target Vocabulary

2 Accelerate: go faster – develop quickly
The car purred into life and accelerated away. The Aids epidemic is accelerating dramatically.

3 Access: have | gain, get Access to this information
have equal access to education and Employment without easy access to shops Denied/granted access to proper medical care

4 Broadcast: to send out a programme on television or radio
The president gave a radio broadcast news broadcast a broadcast by the prime minister We will broadcast live from the ship

5 Convenient: easy to use or suiting your plans well
Would this be convenient for you? I find the new system much more convenient. We arranged a mutually convenient time to meet. His comment was not politically convenient.

6 Impact: effect, force, action
a high-impact message felt the full impact of the recession how to dress for maximum impact at the all-important audition The severest human impact on the dolphins Have an impact / make an impact minimize the impact of price rises on our customers

7 Pace: speed the slow pace of economic reform
The project had a slow start, but is now gathering pace. The pace of change The pace of life is much slower on the islands.

8 Significance: importance
They failed to appreciate the true significance of these discoveries. The ceremony has great symbolic significance. Let us not attach too much significance to these meetings. The significance of this lies in the fact that he had previously denied all knowledge of the fund a meal that has particular significance for a Jewish family

9 Transmit: to send out signals using radio, television, etc
automatically transmitting data from one part of the system to another the study of genetically transmitted diseases The infection can be transmitted from a mother to her baby

10 Influence: have an effect on sb/sth
He had a profound influence on modern poets. The religious community wished to be independent of outside influence. Her wealth gave her influence over affairs of state. The court was told that he was under the influence of alcohol when he committed the offence.

11 Tradition: A long-established custom or belief that has been passed on from one generation to another. an oral tradition handed down from generation to generation He broke with the family tradition Following in the Hitchcock tradition,… Old habits and traditions die hard. By tradition, nobody interrupts an MP's maiden speech.

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