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Civil and Criminal Trials

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1 Civil and Criminal Trials
Includes- Conflict Resolution & The Steps of a Trial

2 What is the Purpose of Criminal Law?
Criminal Law- To prevent people from deliberately harming one another or each other’s property

3 What is a crime? Crime- an act that breaks a federal or state criminal law and causes harm to people or society Penal Code- state’s written criminal laws, spell out the punishment that goes with each crime Federal Government has a penal code State Governments have a penal code Crimes can occur against people, property or be victimless Images may be subject to copyright.Send feedback                                                                            Major crime news stories as captured by GNA by image Related images: View more

4 Parties in a Criminal Trial
Prosecution- The party who starts the legal proceedings against another party for a violation of the law; The government is always the prosecution Defendant- person accused of the crime

5 Penalties for Crimes Punishments serve several purposes-
Make criminals pay for their crimes Keep criminals off the streets Deter people from committing crimes Prepare lawbreakers to return to society

6 People in the Courtroom
Bailiff- keeps order, swears in witnesses Jury- determines guilt or innocence of defendant Judge- presides over trial Court Reporter- makes a transcript of the trial Prosecuting attorney- Tries to prove the defendant is guilty Defense attorney- Represents the Defendant

7 Steps in a Criminal Trial
1. Arrest- Suspect is taken to police station and booked (charged with crime) Suspects are fingerprinted and photographed. Judge must issue an arrest warrant 2. Preliminary Hearing- Suspect appears in court and is told of the charges and the bail is set must show judge there is probable cause 3. Indictment- Grand Jury hears the evidence and determines if there is enough to formally charge the person

8 Steps in a Criminal Trial continued…
4. Arraignment- Defendant gets the opportunity to plead guilty or not guilty and the trial date is set Could accept a plea bargain here and the whole thing would be over 5. Trial- Attorneys for the prosecution and defense present their cases to the jury 6. Verdict Acquitted- found not guilty Hung Jury- the jury cannot make a decision; the judge declares a mistrial (prosecution can retry) Found Guilty and Sentenced People can appeal the verdict at a higher court

9 3 Strikes 3 strike rule- once a person has been charged with a felony for the third time, he or she will automatically be subject to a more severe punishment

10 Civil Trials

11 What is Civil Law? Civil lawsuits may involve property disputes, a breach of contract, family matters, or personal injury Torts- wrongful acts for which an injured party has a right to sue

12 How Can Civil Law Suits be Settled?

13 How Can Parties Try to Solve a Dispute Before Going to Court
How Can Parties Try to Solve a Dispute Before Going to Court? Conflict Resolution Negotiation- resolving disputes by bargaining between parties to come upon an outcome that serves both parties Arbitration- 3rd party listens to both sides then decides how to settle the disagreement; both sides agree before hand to follow what the arbitrator says

14 How Can Parties Try to Solve a Dispute Before Going to Court
How Can Parties Try to Solve a Dispute Before Going to Court? Conflict Resolution Collaboration- resolution that requires different groups to bring expertise in various areas for a mutual goal Compromise- an agreement in which the parties involved get a variation from what they originally sought out to achieve

15 How Can Parties Try to Solve a Dispute Before Going to Court
How Can Parties Try to Solve a Dispute Before Going to Court? Conflict Resolution Mediation- bringing in a 3rd party who tries to help reach an agreement; Mediator tries to create a compromise

16 How Can Parties Try to Solve a Dispute Before Going to Court
How Can Parties Try to Solve a Dispute Before Going to Court? Conflict Resolution Debate- a form of conflict resolution in which two parties take sides of an issue and argue using evidence in order to persuade their opponent Consensus- this is when a general agreement is made by all parties after careful consideration of the opinions of all members of the group

17 Most civil cases are settled before trial – trials are time consuming and expensive!

18 Steps in a Civil Trial Complaint- Plaintiff hires a lawyer, who files a complaint- statement naming the plaintiff & defendant, describing the lawsuit Summons- a document that announces that the defendant is being sued; sets a date and time for court Answer- Defendant responds to the charges by filing an answer to the complaint

19 Steps in a Civil Trial continued…
Attorneys exchange pleading documents- Attorneys for both sides exchange pleadings documents and try to settle outside of court The Trial Verdict- Judge or Jury decides and if the plaintiff wins, the defendant is told how much they must pay

20 Civil or Criminal Trial
Steps during a TRIAL Civil or Criminal Trial

21 What happens during a court case?
Jury Selection- Both sides choose from a large pool of people; Each side can dismiss while choosing Opening Statements- lawyers for each side outline the case they will present

22 Opening Statement

23 What happens during a court case? Continued…
Present Cases Testimony- answers witnesses give under oath Direct examination- lawyers for that particular witness direct them through their statement Cross examination- lawyers for the other side ask questions designed to make the witness’s original testimony appear unreliable or untrue (usually yes/no)

24 What happens during a court case? Continued…
4. Closing Statements Summarizes the case that was presented Images may be subject to copyright.Send feedback                                                                            ILLUSTRATED COURTROOM: June 2013 illustratedcourtroom.blogspot.com1600 × 1166Search by image Mark Ryan giving closing statement to Judge Denise Cote Related images: View more

25 The Jury Jury decides guilty or not guilty Judge decides the sentence
usually 12 people Judge decides the sentence


27 The Jury continued… Requirements in NC
Must be 18 & NC citizen, resident of your county Understand English Not have served on jury within the past 2 years Not convicted of felony Physically and mentally competent Selection is made from list of registered voters & licensed drivers; If selected you serve the duration of the trial

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