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Soda Consumption and Dental Decay

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1 Soda Consumption and Dental Decay
Dr. Charles Spalding DMD

2 Bacterial infection Dental infections such as tooth decay and periodontal disease are perhaps the most common bacterial infections in humans. Their non-life-threatening nature and their ubiquitousness have minimized their significance in overall human health. Yet the economic burden for the treatment of these dental infections can be staggering. In the United States the annual cost for the symptomatic treatment of dental infections in 1977 was over 11 billion dollars (69), and this had increased to about 24 billion dollars in 1984 Role of Streptococcus mutans in Human Dental Decay Published in Dr. Walter Loseche Current CDC estimates are 108 billion

3 Oral Bacteria The mouth contains acid producing bacteria
Bacteria can be transmitted (passed) from person to person Bacteria cause infections Streptococcus Mutans Lactobacillus

4 Bacteria and Acid The bacteria in your mouth use sugar for energy (calories) to reproduce and make more bacteria Bacteria have metabolic waste- Acid Lactic acid- same acid produced by your muscles as metabolic waste Critical pH value for enamel is ~5.5

5 Acidity of the mouth related to eating
m: Marsh PD, Martin M. Oral Microbiology. 5th ed. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, London, UK. 2009:12.

6 pH scale- Acids and Bases

7 Ph of various sodas SODA NAME PH Coke 2.525 Diet Coke 3.289 Pepsi
2.530 Diet Pepsi 3.031 Dr. Pepper 2.899 Diet Dr. Pepper 3.169 Cherry Coke 2.522 RC Cola 2.387 Mr. Pibb 2.902 Mountain Dew 3.229 Diet Mountain Dew 3.365 Squirt 2.898 Surge 3.004 Slice Orange 3.059 Sprite 3.202 7 Up Diet 7 Up 3.706 Lemon Brisk 2.868 Lemon Nestea 2.969 Mug Root beer 4.038 Tap Water 7.67

8 OK to drink?

9 Process of Dental Decay
Demineralization (caused by acidic conditions) Microscopic (invisible) “White spot” lesions Yellow Brown Cavitation- physical breakdown and invasion of bacteria

10 Healthy Balance

11 Progression of Lesions

12 Restoration of Decay Small cavities can be restored with simple fillings Larger cavities extending to the nerve cause a tooth ache and require a root canal and crown Extremely large cavities may not be fixable and require extraction of the tooth.

13 Extreme cases from ANMC #1

14 #1 continued 21yr old Male- came into clinic wearing Monster Energy Drink hat- drank 2-5 per day

15 Extreme Case #2

16 #2 continued 27 year old- drank 5 Mt. Dew per day.

17 Extreme Case #3

18 #3 Continued 17 year old male- 6-8 sodas per day. Dentures before 18yrs old.

19 Cost of Soda $12 for a 12 pack Water is free
6 Sodas a day would cost $180 per month $2,160/yr Water is FREE Soda causes poor oral health Water promotes good oral health

20 How Much does this cost? Pulling all 32 teeth + dentures
Dental fees (Anchorage private office) Emergency Exam $118 X-rays $273 Extractions $10,112 (32 teeth) Dentures $3,900 Denture reline- $1,060 Total $15,463

21 How to prevent decay Brush your teeth 2-3 times per day (5 minutes)
Floss daily (1-2 minutes) Parents help children brush and floss until age 8 Eat a healthy diet that is low in carbohydrates Visit the dentist twice a year DON’t snack frequently DON’T drink soda every day DON’T put babies to bed with a bottle

22 How to Prevent Decay Demineralized areas (not cavities) can be remineralized or hardened back up Saliva contains minerals to protect the teeth Fluoride in toothpaste, mouthrinse, and tap water hardens enamel and strengthens it Check side effects of any medications- many medications cause dry mouth

23 Decay in the Barrow Area
Native students in Barrow Kindergarten – dmft = 6.3 (25/27, 93% caries experience) 1st - dmft = 2.0 (20/21, 95% caries experience) 2nd - dmft = 5.23 (44/48, 92% caries experience) 3rd - dmft = 2.75 (30/38, 79% caries experience) Total - dmft = 5.54 (119/134, 88% caries experience)

24 Decay Rates in the Barrow Area
Wainwright 100% Caries experience (dmft) Decayed/Missing/Filled Teeth- Number of cavities found/Number of children Kindergarten – dmft = 12.3 (111/9) 1st dmft = 10.9 (142/13) 2nd grade - dmft = 7.2 (72/10) 3rd grade- dmft = 6.5 (85/13)

25 Traditional Foods Caribou Whale- bowhead, beluga, gray Seal
Berries- blueberry, cranberry, raspberry, nagoon berry, bear berry Fish- salmon, char, whitefish, halibut, cod, pike, burbot Rabbit Birds- ducks, geese, ptarmigan Walrus Wild plants Bear Musk Ox Seafood- clams, shrimp, scallops, mussels, crab Seaweed

26 Sodas Coca-Cola Company See also: List of Coca-Cola brands
Appletiser or Appletise Aquarias Barq's Coca-Cola Coca-Cola Relentless[1] Coca-Cola With Orange[2] New Coke Coca-Cola C2 Coca-Cola Zero Sprite Zero Grapetiser[citation needed] Peartiser[citation needed] Vault (soft drink) Vault Red Blitz Leed Lilt Diet Coke Diet Coke with Lime Diet Coke Lemon Coke Lite Fanta Wild Strawberry Fanta[citation needed] Strawberry Fanta[citation needed] Tangerine[citation needed] Cream Soda[citation needed] Fresca Sprite Tab Tab Clear Coca Cola Black Cherry Thums Up Limca

27 Sodas pg. 2 PepsiCo brands Mirinda Mountain Dew Mug Root Beer Pepsi
Diet Mountain Dew Caffeine Free Mountain Dew Mountain Dew Code Red Mountain Dew Live Wire Mountain Dew Baja Blast Mountain Dew Revolution (Discontinued) Mountain Dew Super Nova (Discontinued) Mountain Dew Voltage Mountain Dew Pitch Black (Discontinued) Mountain Dew Pitch Black II (Discontinued) MDX AMP Energy Mug Root Beer Pepsi Pepsi Cola Pepsi Max Pepsi Lime Pepsi Jazz Strawberries &Cream Pepsi Jazz Black Cherry & Vanilla Sierra Mist Diet Pepsi Duke's 7-Up (all markets except US)  Cherry 7Up

28 Sodas pg. 3 Dr Pepper Snapple Group[edit source | editbeta]
7-Up (in US only) Canada Dry Crush (beverage) Dr Pepper Gini Orangina (in North America Only) Sunkist

29 Sodas pg. 4 Cola Jolt Cola Kiwi Cola Mecca Cola Panda Cola
Panda Pops (drinks brand) Sport Cola Virgin Vanilla Cola American Cola Planet Cola Topsia Cola Pop Cola (Philippines) Kola Shaler

30 Sodas pg. 5 Lemonade Cresta (soft drink) R.Whites (Britvic)
Corona (soft drink) Larkspur (lemonade) Monster (energy drink) American cola Bubble up MAD DOG Energy Lemonade

31 Sodas pg. 6 Citrus Soda Britvic
Tango (drink) Tango Clear Cariba (drink) : See Lilt ( based on [1]) Tropicana Tw!ster Soda Squirt Quatro

32 Sodas pg. 7 Others Barr Bawls Carters Refreshing Root Beer
Irn Bru Tizer Tizer Fruitz[citation needed] Tizer "ItzRed" Colourz[citation needed] Bawls Carters Refreshing Root Beer Cool Mountain Beverages Cupido Drink, Italy Dr Brown's Fizz Freekee Kinnie Lucozade Monster Energy Peanuts (drink) Pocari Sweat Oronamin C Drink Red Bull Schweppes Tonic Sodastream Julmust

33 Nutrition in Soda (none)
Soda has calories per 12oz can Soda has 38-45g of sugar per 120z can A 180 pound man needs about 1,800 calories per day Calories from 6 cans per day- 900 calories per day 27,000 calories per month 324,000 calories per year

34 Soda Sales • AC in Barrow – 145,000 cases (12 cans each) is the conservative estimate on number of soda’s sold per year (404+ per person living in Barrow) • Per AC manager more “sugar stuff” sold here than anywhere else in Alaska that he’s worked • ERA 75-80% all freight carried to the villages is soda or “juice”. Of this volume 50% goes to Wainwright alone. ▫ This means that only 20-25% of the freight consists of food, household items, clothing, etc. needs for general daily living.

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