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Presentation on theme: "REPORTS AND CERTIFICATION ADVANCED"— Presentation transcript:

Fall 1 Welcome to the CALPADS Fall 1 Adv Reporting and Certification training. In this training, we will explain what has changed from last year’s reporting and how those changes will impact your fall-1 submission. We will also provide some important reminders.

2 Who’s Supposed to Be Here
Individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance This training is for individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance. While we also encourage management overseeing CALPADS staff to attend our trainings to get a better idea of the workload involved and how best to allocate their staff members’ time, this advanced version of the Fall 1 training will not provide enough detail to those who are new to the process. The Fall 1 Reporting and Certification training would likely be more beneficial to management staff new to CALPADS or Fall 1. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

3 Successfully completed Fall-1 reporting on time
Experienced User Successfully completed Fall-1 reporting on time Understands data required for the submission Can easily extract files from SIS Can upload and post batch files Knows the difference between ODS and Snapshot Understands the validation and certification errors and resolution Can reconcile data on reports with local SIS Knows the difference between Level 1 Certification and Level 2 Certification We expect an experienced user to have… {read each item} If you have not completed one or more of these items then we ask that you attend the regular Fall-1 Reporting and Certification training. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

4 Training Sequence Essential 1: Data Coordinator Orientation Essential 2: Interface & Administration Essential 3: Data Submission Fall-1 Reporting & Certification (RC) Fall 1 Advanced RC Fall 2 Data Population Fall 2 End of Year 1 End of Year 2 & 3 Essential 4: Anomalies Today’s training assumes you have been through the Essential 1-4 , and Fall 1 training. If you have not attended these trainings be aware that you may not understand some content and references used during this training. The submission process and requirements will not be discussed in detail. If you have not been through Fall 1 before or need a comprehensive review of the material, we encourage you to attend our regular, non-advanced, Fall 1 training. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

5 Questions and Courtesy
HOLD Mute yourself There will be time during the Q & A segment to read chat answers and get clarification. Please focus on the presentation so you do not miss something important. Questions may be asked here, but they may not be answered immediately. Lync Chat Box Chat Button Shows or hides the chat box Please include your name and LEA when asking questions Here are our courtesy guidelines to create a session with minimal disruptions/interruptions: 1) Please Do not put your phone on HOLD!!! If you absolutely need to take another call during this session, please end your call with us and then call back into the training once you are done. Even if you do not press a hold button, many phones put a call on hold if you pick up a second one. The music played by the hold can be very disruptive to the training. 2) When we are presenting please make sure to mute your phone. If necessary we will mute everyone, and then you will need to wait for me to unmute everyone before you can ask a question. 3) We will stop periodically for questions. We encourage you to ask questions, That said, please hold your questions until we call for them, which we will try to do at reasonable intervals. 4) When you ask a question, please include your name and your LEA. 5) If you happen to ask a particularly lengthy question or one that is unrelated to the material currently being covered we may postpone addressing the question until the end of the presentation, in the Q & A segment of the training. 6) We want to make sure all of your questions are answered, so if you think we missed your question, please remind us of your outstanding question at the end of the presentation during the Q & A segment or send in a service ticket or attend the live Q&A held each Wednesday at 3pm Last - Lync provides a chat box where you can type questions that CSIS staff will answer, however please try to focus on the presentation so you do not miss something important. If you think that you need a more immediate answer so you can understand the current slide, please ask it verbally when we pause for questions. Also note the chat box can be turned off if it creates a distraction. (explain how to do this) Lengthy or unrelated questions may be postponed until the Q & A segment of the training. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016 SSID Enrollment & Maintenance Key Concepts & Processes v1.0, September 1, 2015

6 Agenda 60 minutes Fall-1 Changes Wrap-Up Certification Review
Common Problems Fall-1 Overview In today’s training: We will start with a brief recap of Fall 1 requirements. Then we will discuss the changes and the overall impact of the changes to Fall 1. After that we will give a brief review of the certification process because not everyone is aware on how to take advantage of various snapshot revisions. We will address some common problems. And then finally we will wrap things up. This training will last approximately 60 minutes Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

7 Fall 1 Overview So we will begin with a recap of Fall 1 with information you should already know. If we mention something and it is new material to you may want to revisit the Fall 1 Reporting and Certification course to get more details. We will spend most of the time discussing the changes. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

8 Certification deadline
Important Dates Census Day Oct. 5th Certification deadline Amendment Window Census Day for Fall 1 is always the first Wednesday in October. For the current reporting year, it falls on October 5th. The certification deadline is currently December 2nd. And the amendment window ends on January 27th. Note: Fall2 snapshots will begin after Fall-1 deadline to help LEAs focus on Fall-1 with the early deadline. Also, these dates can change so it is best to check the CDE’s calendar using the link on this slide. CALPADS Calendar: Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

9 What File Types to Submit
Order Online Batch 1 Student Enrollment SENR 2 Student Information SINF* 3 Student ELA SELA* 4 Student Programs SPRG For Fall 1 there are now four data sets to submit: Student Enrollment Student Information Student English Language Acquisition Student Programs You can submit them either online or using batch files. A lesson learned by all - you need to submit and post the Student Enrollment records before the other records or you will likely get a GERR005 error. This is one of the most common errors we help LEAs with. * Only update as needed to report changes from last year. Student Enrollment must be posted before submitting other files or you may receive GERR005 errors. See CALPADS Error List on the Resources slide for details. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

10 Enrollment Statuses Reported
For the reporting year: the prior year is 2015 the current year is 2016 Prior Year Current Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Active Enrollment Enrolled on Census Day (1st Wednesday in October) with enrollment status = 10 8/16 Completers 8/15 Other dropouts Lost transfers* 5/14 8/16 Among the main enrollment groups reported, records are included for different date ranges. For active enrollments, only students enrolled as of Census day (the first Wednesday in October) are counted. For most dropouts and all completers, the students are reported for a one year range starting on 8/16 of the prior year and ending on 8/15 of the reporting year. So this year’s Fall 1 is counting students who graduated or dropped out between 8/16/2015 and 8/15/2016. There are two types of dropouts – The “Other Dropout” left school without completing and did not attend next school year by census day. The “No Show Dropout” completed the school year and did not attend or enroll elsewhere. No show dropouts have a different exit date range than other types of dropouts. No Show dropouts are students who completed the school year with an exit date between 05/15/ /15/2015 and did not re-enroll by 08/15/2016. Lost Transfers are those who exited on or after 8/16 of prior year as a transfer but did not re-enroll by the previous Census day If you happen to be in CALPADS, note that these ranges currently align with those used for ERD anomaly detection so the ERD anomaly screen can be used to check the date ranges for a specific year. No show dropouts 5/15 8/15 * Lost transfers are those exited as a transfer, but not re-enrolled by Census day Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

11 When to Use Exit Codes Code When to Use Programs auto-exited 181, 182 E150 Student did not exit the school but one or more of these fields have changed: Grade Level, greater than 14 days before the end of the school year Enrollment Status Code Student School Transfer Code District of Geographic Residence A subsequent enrollment record must be submitted with a start date exactly one day after the exit record when using this code. No E155 Student completed the school year and is expected to return next year, includes returning seniors. May be used up to 14 days prior to the last day of school (i.e., “close enough”). Year round schools can treat June 30th as the last day of the school year. Yes T160 Student left and is known to be going to another CA public school. Can also be used when a student has a gap in their enrollment at a single school. E170 Students with a secondary enrollment status (20) should be exited with E170. E230 Student completed the highest grade level at the school. Use completion codes to further detail how the student left and/or where they are going. E450 Use for any K-6 exit where the student is not known to be returning. N470 Student never showed up after pre-enrolling. Note: Students that were enrolled over with E155 but didn’t show up in the new school year should have a new enrollment record with Exit code N470. This slide is for reference only and serves as a reminder of best practice on using the exit codes properly. This table indicates when to use each of the exit codes, and which program records will be automatically closed as a result of the exit. NOTE: Exit code E155 must be used for all students who completed the school year and are expected to return next year. Students that were rolled over with E155 but were no shows in the new school year should have a new enrollment record with Exit code N470. The E155 enrollment record from prior year should not be changed. When submitting your enrollment record for N470 (No Show Other), the Enrollment Exit Date must be on or one day prior to the Start Date in the current academic year. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

12 Student Subgroups Reporting
GATE Special Ed Data Sources: Title III Eligible Immigrants Student Program Migrant Ed Student Information Active Enrollments Completers Dropouts Socio-Economically Disadvantaged (SED) Student English Language Acquisition Homeless CALPADS Weekly/Monthly CDSS Match * Online Manual Foster Match English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) The Student sub-groups shown here are reported for Fall 1 for all active enrollments, completers and dropouts. Gate, Special Ed, Migrant Ed, Free and Reduced Price Meal, Homeless are reported as program records, ELs as part of the Student English Language Acquisition records and Title III is reported based on fields in the student information records. Foster youth counts are based on weekly matches available in CALPADS. Direct Certification counts come from the monthly matching done with CDSS For Socio-economically subgroup, students qualified based on parent Ed level are reported in the student information file (SINF) and students qualified based on FRPM status are reported in the program record and other categories as follows: Free or Reduced Price Meal ( ) Migrant Ed (135) Homeless (191) Foster Youth, Direct Certification Parent Level of Education = 14 (Not a High School Graduate) Note: NSLP program records through 10/31 would be included in the census counts. Foster Youth * SED is defined as: Migrant Ed-135, Homeless-191, Foster, Direct Certification, NSLP-181 or 182 OR - Parent Level of Education = 14 (not a high school graduate) Direct Certification Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

13 FRPM Eligible Reporting
Free or Reduced-Price Meal (FRPM) Eligible Homeless Migrant Ed Free or Reduced-price Meal Program Direct Certification (Nov) Foster Youth Student Program Direct Certification (Nov) Count Source: CALPADS Weekly CDSS Match A quick mention of the FRPM Eligible subgroup. These 5 elements make up the FRPM group for the 1.17 aggregate report. Parent Ed info is not included. On the right indicates where the counts are derived from: Homeless/Migrant Ed/NSLP 181 & 182 data comes from the SPRG record. DC comes from the auto matching done at the beginning of each month. Fall 1 will include DC matches through November pull. Foster counts come from the weekly matching through the CDSS. Fall 1 will include Foster matches with the Episode Start Date on or before Census Day regardless of when the record was matched. LEAs will need to understand how the FRPM data is used in other programs as the business rules may differ in who to count —such as ERATE. FRPM is also used for accountability and may be used for after school program grants. Check with local staff to understand the ramifications of the FRPM data. Tip: FRPM data can be found on report 1.17 Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

14 English Language Acquisition Reporting
English Language Acquisition Status now reported once initially and then only when status changes TBD IFEP EO EL RFEP* English Language Acquisition Status is reported in the SELA record. The SELA only needs to be reported once at the initial enrollment, and then when the student's status changes. ELAS is used in the LCFF calculations to identify English Learners and used in Fall-2 for EL services. The validation of the ELAS data has been tightened due to the importance of accurate ELAS data for LCFF and tracking of EL Services. A student's initial status may be any status except for RFEP, but once the initial status has been reported the only changes allowed are shown here. So a student can go from TBD to IFEP, EL, or EO, or from EL to RFEP, but a student reported as IFEP or RFEP should never be subsequently changed. In rare instances, a change from EO to EL and EO to IFEP is allowed for students initially identified as EO, but later determined to need EL services. The initial status may be any status except RFEP, but subsequently only the changes shown above are allowed Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

15 ELAS History Examples Typical 1 2 3 4 Less common, but allowed 5 6
Here are some examples of what a clean ELAS history might look like. Note that TBD can precede any ELAS status except RFEP. 5 6 Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

16 Local student information system (SIS) Activities
 Fall 1 Preparation CALPADS Activities Audit CALPADS accounts Identify roles and responsibilities Establish target dates for submissions and reviews Review upcoming fall changes Local student information system (SIS) Activities Check with vendor for updates Verify sites and district on same SIS version Audit SIS records to ensure required data are populated Is there anyone who has yet to do these activities? With regard to your local student information system you may also need to do some preparation. You should check with your SIS vendor to see if there are any updates you need to apply. If you have independent installations of your SIS for you district and schools, you need to make sure that your district and schools are all using the correct version. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

17 Fall - 1 Suggested Milestones
Now – 10/5 Complete Fall 1 data population in local SIS Obtain necessary SSIDs Now – 10/21 Upload SENR, SELA, and SPRG files. Review validation errors and reconcile as needed (SINF optional) Post SENR, SPRG, SELA & optional SINF files 10/21 – 10/28 Resolve certification errors, resolve anomalies, review certification reports and update records if necessary 10/31 – 11/11 Send reports to site leaders for approval 11/14 – 11/23 Certify Fall-1 (level 1 & level 2) 11/28 – 12/2 Done Sometimes it is difficult to determine how to pace yourself through the CALPADS work because the deadlines start off so far in advance. Here we’ve provided a list of suggested milestones that you can use to break up the work and use as a checklist. Note that you should adjust the dates based on staff availability and other factors. Some LEAs may be able to complete each milestone sooner now that snapshot reports refresh during the day and you do not have to wait overnight for the snapshot refresh. Lastly, keep the Thanksgiving break into consideration and allow enough time for report review and approval. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

18 Fall-1Changes Now we will discuss changes for Fall 1.
Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

19 Summary of 2016-17 Changes Functionality Change Code Set
New – SPRG code 192 (Armed Forces Family Member) - Collection of Pupils of Military Families Based on New ESSA Legislation as a program record (see FAQ for details) New – Student Exit Code E170 – Added for secondary (20) enrollment exits Modified - Student School Transfer codes 2 and 3 definitions updated Modified - Definitions of Student Exit Reason Category Codes T160 and T180 were updated to include clarifying exits verbiage for NPS Schools Retired – Grade level UU (Unknown) Here we will discuss the changes for this year and their impact. Check CP Code Sets document for details and update local SIS as necessary Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

20 Summary of 2016-17 Changes Functionality Change Validation
New – SELA0301 (Fatal) Validation to prevent LEAs from submitting an ELAS for IN (infants), TD (toddler), PS (pre-k), and AD (Adult) New – SENR0302 (Fatal) - Validation to ensure SENR records with Enrollment Status of 20 (secondary) are exited with the new secondary enrollment exit code E170 Disabled – SENR0030 (Warning) – Validation applied to Expected School of Attendance since not all district level entities are represented in the dropdown if was disabled Certification Activated – CERT110 - Non-Trend – triggers when Start and End Date range for Migrant Program (135) record is outside of the maximum eligibility period of 3 years Activated – CERT111 - Non-Trend – triggers when there are no Homeless program submitted for an LEA Remaining Trend Warnings disabled for Here we will discuss the changes for this year and their impact. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

21 Summary of 2016-17 Changes Functionality Change Reports
Modified – Snapshot Reports – New SED expanded definition is applied to all applicable Fall-1 reports Modified - Snapshot and C/A Report 1.9 updated following the retirement of No Show Same School Exit Code N420 (column removed) Modified - Report Footers for Snapshot and CA Reports updated to clarify academic year of exits as follows: AY clarification note added to Graduates, Dropouts, Exit Reports “Graduate and dropout counts are based on students who exited during the prior AY” note added to report 1.6 Modified - Snapshot Reports 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, CA/1.17 updated to count free (181) and reduced-price (182) records if the start date is between 7/1 and 10/31 (inclusive) of the current academic year Modified - SN Reports 1.19 & Age Eligibility Filter added to Distinguish FRPM/Title 1/LCFF Eligibility Here we will discuss the changes for this year and their impact. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

22 Summary of 2016-17 Changes Functionality Change Reports
Modified - CALPADS business rules updated for Ethnicity/Race Roll-up to Match DataQuest for Fall SN Reports (Filipino added) Modified - Transitional Kindergarten (TK) subgroup added to SN reports 1.1, 1.2, and C/A 1.1 Modified - Juvenile Court Students added to SED, ED (Economically Disadvantaged) & FRMP Eligible business Rules User Interface New – Education Program Code filter added in Online Maintenance (main program page) in June of 2016 Reports - DC Modified - Direct Certification Display Codes to breakout "O-Other" to: "OH-Other in Household" and "OF-Other in Family” Anomalies Modified - CALPADS display of ERD type E anomalies modified to include subsequent enrollment records Here we will discuss the changes for this year and their impact. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

23 Summary of 2016-17 Changes Functionality Change Documentation
Modified – SSID & Enrollment Procedures document updated to: Address how to exit matriculating students Provide guidance on proper exit code for transfer to a private school when student is a matriculating 8th grader Modified – DataGuide updated to delete Exit Code T280 statement: “K-6, ungraded elementary optional" as it conflicts with Valid Code Combo which only allows “grades 7-12” to be used. Modified – Updated reports documentation and disabled glossary terms due to the retirement of No Show Same School Exit Code N420 Glossary term definition updated for SED to include expanded definition for Fall 1 and 2 Snapshot Reports Here we will discuss the changes for this year and their impact. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

24 All Trend Certification Warnings Disabled for 2016-17 Fall 1
LEAs will need to do their own analysis against prior year submissions No data Graduates (among last year’s 12th graders) Dropouts (in a school with grades 9-12) FRPM GATE Special Ed Title I Part C Migrant Title III Significant changes in school School LEA Enrollment X Enrollment by grade Enrollment by race/ethnicity Graduate % Graduate % (UC/CSU requirements met) Dropouts and dropout rate LEP and LEP % ELs / FEPs / RFEPs FEP proportion FRPM Gate Special Ed Title I Part C Migrant Title III Eligible Immigrants Conflicting numbers More Graduates than prior year 12th Graders Special Ed Exit Code for Non-Special Ed Student Normally it is also important to review your certification warnings. However, the certification warnings have been temporarily disabled. It is recommended that your LEA manually review the related counts and records to ensure they do not have these discrepancies. For example, your LEA should compare it’s previous year enrollment counts to the current year counts to make sure any discrepancies are intended. Invalid records FRPM Questionable proportions Over 25% of students in school are in Special Ed Over 25% of students in LEA are in Special Ed Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

25 Certification Review Now we will review the Fall 1 certification process Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

26 Certification Requirements
Review all eight* aggregate reports Zero fatal errors Resolve anomalies at least below 2% Quick review: There are three certification requirements, there are eight certification reports you need to review make sure you have zero fatal errors and resolve enough anomalies so you are below the 2% maximum. * COEs will have an additional report for non-disciplinary transfers Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

27 Review and Verify Reports
Establish Report Review Process Data stewards should review reports Have reviewers sign off to verify they have reviewed Evaluate Certification Aggregate Reports 1.1 Enrollment – Primary Status by Subgroup Filter Grade Levels to KN-12, UE, and US 1.6 Graduates and Dropouts by Subgroup 1.9 Completers and Dropouts – Count 1.17 FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth – Count 2.1 Title III Eligible Immigrants – Count 2.8 English Language Acquisition Status – Count by Primary Language 2.9 English Language Acquisition Status – Census Comparison 2.12 English Language Acquisition Status – Els Reclassified RFEP As part of your Fall 1 work you should establish a report process. We can’t stress this enough. It is important that you identify your data stewards, the people who are responsible for the content of the reports, so they can approve the reports. These individuals might include site principals and program coordinators, like a GATE or a Special Ed coordinator. We also recommend that you have your data stewards sign or initial and date the report printouts to confirm that have reviewed them and that they are correct. {Really need to emphasize this!!} Note: ODS reports will not be updated to stay in sync with snapshot reports – rely on snapshot reports only . Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

28 Snapshot: Keeping revisions
Revisions can be marked to be kept so you do not lose the errors or reports you are currently working on. You can maintain multiple revisions of your snapshots to help you with your review and analysis Do not de-certify until you have looked at updated revisions and you are ready to certify a new one The system provides an option to mark the current revision as “In Review”. This feature does not have to be used. Typically it could benefit those of you who send out reports for review and do not want a particular revision to be refreshed. Applying this mark will preserve the revision for ongoing review. LEA could use this feature near the end of their certification process as they get closer to having accurate reports. Once you send the reports out for review you may want that revision to be saved while the reports are being verified. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

29 Snapshots: Revision Status
Click on drop-down to reveal additional Snapshot Revisions Revision Status Definition Revised Uncertified Most recent revision that has not been certified. In Review Uncertified Revision flagged by the LEA to be kept. Newer revisions may exist. Certified LEA has approved snapshot revision as complete and accurate. Decertified LEA chose to remove its certification. Most recent decertified revision will be kept. Snapshot revisions have an additional status to let you know what state that particular revision is in. Revised Uncertified is typically the first status you will see and just means that your snapshot has been updated but not certified. If you decide to mark a snapshot revision to be kept, the revision’s status will change to In Review Uncertified. Once you decide that your snapshot revision’s data is complete and correct you should certify the snapshot revision. If you certify a snapshot revision its status will change to Certified. If you decide that further changes need to be made to a snapshot after certifying it, you will need to decertify the snapshot revision before you can re-certify. If you do, its status will change to Decertified. Mini Tutorial Clip - Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

30 Superintendent or Administrator
Certification 2 3 1 4 Data Processor Superintendent or Administrator CALPADS can only require you to review the reports, but it is your responsibility for the accuracy of these reports. Remember: Elementary districts and charters need to review even if they do not have any graduates or dropouts—this is because all aggregate reports for a submission requires the green check mark. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

31 Fall 1 – After Certification
One key benefit to certify Fall 1 by the submission deadline is so that you will get a preview of reports on DataQuest. You can check to ensure you have accurate PI apportionment. Certified data is sent to the CDE after the amendment deadline. Some adjustments are made to the data and then it is posted to DataQuest where it can be accessed by the public. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

32 Common Problems Let’s review some of the common problems…
Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

33 Common Problems Problem
GERR0005 Error received online or batch submission for SINF, SELA or SPRG “LEA does not have ownership of student enrollment to make the update” The SELA0255 error occurs when there is an invalid change in English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) Code The SELA0283 error occurs when the ELAS Start Date being submitted is different than the ELAS start date on file in CALPADS for the same ELAS code. The GERR0005 error is one of the more commonly misunderstood errors. What it means is that the effective date in the data you are submitting, either student information, Student SELA or student program, does not align with the student’s enrollment record in CALPADS. The most common reasons for SELA0255 error are: ELAS file not submitted or submitted, but not posted Validation errors in the ELAS file that were not corrected and resubmitted Students that are no longer enrolled, but have not been exited Concurrent enrollments preventing updates Another common error is SELA0283. The most common reason this error is detected is your SELA file contains all data, not just the changes, and the ELAS status date in your file doesn’t match the CP status date. The original owner of the ELAS record can change the data if it was incorrectly submitted. We are currently recommending LEAs to ignore this fatal error and post your SELA file. SELA validation has tightened up and more validation errors will be detected. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016 33

34 Common Problems – Errors
The SENR027 error occurs when an enrollment record being submitted overlaps with an existing enrollment record in CALPADS or another record within the SENR file. Solution Compare the enrollment records in your extract file to those in CALPADS and determine if any of them need to be updated (applicable fields include Student School Start Date, Enrollment Status Code, Student School Exit Date, and Student Exit Reason Code). Another common error is SENR027 which gets reported when an enrollment record being submitted overlaps an existing enrollment record in CALPADS. In this situation the records in your SENR extract file need to be compared to the enrollment records in CALPADS to determine why they do not match. Note that because the extract may not be pulling from the fields you believe it is, you need to compare your extract file, not just what you see in your SIS. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

35 Common Problems - Anomalies
Errors when combining SSIDs in MID resolution “Combination includes an open enrollment that is not the focus ID” “The update will create one or more overlapping enrollments” Solution Exit or delete overlapping or duplicate enrollment records A student can only have one enrollment on any given day among all SSIDs being combined Exit duplicates using an exit date equal to the start date and an exit code of N470 Clean up enrollment history after combine In working through your anomalies you may also receive errors when trying to resolve MID anomalies. These errors typically occur because among the SSIDs being combined, more than one SSID has an open enrollment record. CALPADS does not allow you to create a CCE when resolving a MID so you must make sure that the enrollment history records for the SSIDs being combined do not overlap. Also, make sure that you are reviewing MID anomalies owned by your LEA, by setting the MID Ownership filter to “Reporting LEA-2”. The system will let you view anomalies owned by another LEA, but not resolve them. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016 35

36 Common Problems - Certification
CERT114 errors occur when most recent enrollment contains Exit Code E150, but a subsequent Enrollment is not present. Solution Post student enrollment for the current school year Batch processing - submit and post a current SENR file Updating manually online - enter a current year enrollment record Effective Start Date must be within 7/1/16 to Information Day CERT003 is one of the most common certification errors. This error occurs when a student is missing a grade level record with an effective date in the current academic year (7/1/12 to 10/3/12, census day). Causes for this problem include: The student information file was not submitted The student information file was submitted, but not posted The student information file was submitted for the wrong SSID Validation errors in the student information file caused the record to be rejected The student is no longer enrolled, but has not been exited in CALPADS Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

37 Common Problems - Certification
The CERT004 error occurs when the ethnicity or race data is missing for any enrollments during the reporting period (8/16/16-Information Day), including those with exit dates and reasons Solution Post student information Batch processing - submit and post a current SINF file Updating manually online – make sure race and ethnicity are entered for all demographic record(s) owned by your LEA CERT004 is another common certification error. It occurs when the student is missing a demographic record corresponding to one of their enrollment records or a portion of an enrollment record. Causes for this problem include: The student information file was not submitted The student information file was submitted, but not posted The student information file was submitted for the wrong SSID The student information file was submitted with the wrong start or exit date Validation errors in the student information file caused the record to be rejected The student is no longer enrolled, but has not been exited in CALPADS Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

38 Common Problems - Certification
Important Details Students must have demographic records that correspond to their enrollment records. Students active on Information Day must have a current year Student Enrollment record. For batch processing, Grade Level is updated by the Student Enrollment (SENR) record. Some important details to remember for Fall 1 are: {read sub-bullets} Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

39 Common Problems - Certification
Subgroup counts are too low Solution Post student program records for the current school year (SPRG for batch processing) Review 1.1’s subgroups for accuracy prior to certifying For certification reports 1.1 and 1.6 a common problem to find is that the sub-group counts are too low. The most common causes of low counts are: Student program file not submitted or submitted, but not posted Validation errors in the student program file that were not corrected and resubmitted When submitting you SPRG file, make sure to review the passed record counts to ensure that the records you expect to be reporting are in your file Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

40 Common Problems - Certification
New Revision does not display once I certify Causes User has not selected the Revised Uncertified version from dropdown {step through slide} Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

41 Common Problems - Certification
The certify button is grayed out Causes Outstanding fatal errors Anomaly rate exceeds 2% All eight reports have not been reviewed LEA Admin cannot certify The account does not have the certifier role {step through slide} Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

42 Wrap-Up Let’s wrap things up now..
Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

43 LEA Administrator Responsibilities
* See Essential 2 training slide on Administrator Responsibility (p. 73) for detailed steps on reviewing the security reports Create/revoke accounts Reset passwords Update roles Review security reports Manage accounts Answer questions Provide training Support local users Submit CALPADS support requests on behalf of the LEA Act as liaison {step through slide} When revoking accounts, remove all roles from the user first. There is a known issue with users showing up as the anomaly contact even after their account has been revoked. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

44 Resources CALPADS Calendar LCFF Information
LCFF Information System Documentation Document Description Sections CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) File layout and requirements for batch submission SENR, SINF, SELA & SPRG tabs CALPADS Error List Detailed error message descriptions Student Enrollment, Student Information, Student English Lang Stat, Student Programs, and Fall 1 Certification tabs CALPADS Data Guide Detailed requirements Sections 2.1.1, 2.1.2, & – 3.1.9 Add or remove documents and Web pages as necessary. 44 Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

45 Resources Self-paced Trainings
CALPADS Q & A Sessions – Every Wednesday Enrollment - FAQs CALPADS - Race and Ethnicity - LCFF - Free and Reduced-Price Meal (FRPM) Income Eligibility Under the LCFF Unduplicated Pupils at Schools with Provision 2 and 3 or Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Status English Learners Under the LCFF Foster Youth Under the LCFF County Office of Education Schools and Alternative Education 45 Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

46 Did You Get It? What is the proper exit practice for no show students?
Keep the last enrollment with E155 and submit a new enrollment with N470 for the current year. Should LEAs de-certify before making new updates & in order to see a new revision? No, updates can be made anytime. Once CP is updated, a new revision is auto generated and available in addition to the certified revision. Under which circumstances should a SELA record be submitted to CALPADS? Only Students who have no SELA records(initial CA public school enrollments) or those who have had an ELA status change. Should LEAs take any action locally due to lack of trend certification warnings this year? Yes, LEAs should do local comparison of data groups from this year to last year and resolve discrepancies. What changed in the SED definition and what is the impact? It has a broader definition (See S-12) and as a result reports were updated with the new rules. What happens to a Migrant Ed record after 3 years? Should be updated when Start and End Date range for the record is outside of the maximum eligibility period of 3 years {Read questions and answers} {Must be in presentation mode to see answers revealed} Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

47 Support Web: Phone: Listserv: The preferred method of requesting support is through the service ticket. If you have not taken the opportunity to save this URL, please do so today. Saving this URL allows you the ability to send a service request even if you can’t access CALPADS. This URL is also on the FCMAT/CSIS site and the CDE’s. The service ticket allows you provide information which assist support to quickly respond to the ticket. This helps in our peak service request times—close to the deadlines to expedite service requests. If you call , you will go immediately into our voice mail system. is another way to request support. But both the phone message and this URL requires a support staff to take the information and create a service ticket. The list service is the CDE’s one-way listserv, which means LEAs cannot respond but only receive notices. This Listserv notifies you of changes for deadlines, data submissions, etc. You will want to join today if you have not done so. Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016

48 Please Complete Our Survey
Training Evaluation Please Complete Our Survey or Questions Please take the time to complete our training survey. Your responses assist in improving our trainings. Please indicate what you like, if there were areas you thought should have been covered that weren’t, and any suggestions to improve our training for you. We review these surveys on a regular basis—in fact due to LEAs’ suggestions we have changed our survey, have included more visual aids, and demonstrations in our trainings. If you experience any technical difficulty with accessing the survey, please try the alternative long URL: Thank you for providing us the opportunity to evaluate are trainings. 48 Fall 1 - Advanced Reports and Certification v1.1, September 15, 2016 48


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