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Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter

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1 Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter

2 Nathaniel Hawthorne Born July 4, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts (Hawthorne WAS NOT a Puritan) His father, a ship’s captain, died when Hawthorne was four years old Attended college in Maine, then returned to Salem

3 Nathaniel Hawthorne Hawthorne’s family was prominent, though no longer rich after his father’s death. Hawthorne’s family was one of the first Puritan families to immigrate to New England. Hawthorne was not interested in any career but writing; however, he accepted a government job at the Salem Custom House because he needed money.

4 Hawthorne’s Guilt Hawthorne’s great grandfather served as a judge during the Salem Witch Trials Many of Hawthorne’s works deal are set in the Puritan era Hawthorne struggled with guilt because of what his ancestors did

5 “The Custom House” “The Custom House” is Hawthorne’s introduction to The Scarlet Letter Attacks the government-run custom house and the officials that worked in it Sets The Scarlet Letter up as a true story (even though it wasn’t) Claiming your story is based on a lost manuscript is a common technique

6 The Scarlet Letter Published in 1850, set in the 1640s
Considered to be the first great American novel For its time, the theme of adultery was considered shocking

7 Key Ideas in The Scarlet Letter
Guilt/sin and its impact on an individual Community vs. individual Evolving symbols The inner self (soul) as a reflection of the physical appearance Isolation

8 American Gothic Romance
Nature valued over society Supernatural elements Mystery and suspense Secret or mistaken identity Written in an elaborate and elegant style Strong emotions

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