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How to Improve Focus & Concentration of a Child

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1 How to Improve Focus & Concentration of a Child
By Free Science Videos for Kids

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Free Science Videos for Kids Free Science Videos for Kids

3 Factors known to affect concentration
Few factors that are known to affect concentration power in children are listed below: - When a child is not able to focus - When a child is restless or has restless mind - When a child is known to fidget a lot. - When a child is worried or scared about something - When a child is exhausted  - When a child is bored Free Science Videos for Kids

4 Benefits of Good Concentration
- A child with good concentration power has better control over his thoughts and actions. - A child with good concentration power has a greater ability to focus on his studies - A child with good concentration power has good memory - A child with good concentration power is able to build more confidence - A child with good concentration power has strong will power - A child with good concentration power is always free from annoying and disturbing thoughts - A child with good concentration power is always good in studies and other activities - - A child with good concentration power will always score better than others Free Science Videos for Kids

5 Important Tips Everything that serves as a distraction should be kept out of sight A well balanced diet also helps improve concentration power in children Inclusion of vegetables, fruits, fishes rich in omega-3, pulses and whole wheat etc in child's diet can play an important role when it comes to improving memory of children. A proper and regular routine can help improve concentration power in children Free Science Videos for Kids

6 Important Tips The important thing is to set a study routine. Instead of forcing it let children choose their own time. Fixed sleep time are good for discipline but remember that some kids find it easier to concentrate in early mornings and others a bit late in the evening. Free Science Videos for Kids

7 Important Tips A straight back chair and a study table are better at promoting concentration than studying on a reclining sofa or on a bed which is more likely to invite sleep Help your child in organizing study material well before he sits down to study. Give him a goal that he should try to achieve within the hour. Free Science Videos for Kids

8 Important Tips Heavy meals are liable to make the child lethargic and lazy. Feed your child with nutritious but light meals like juices, milk, fruits, and cheese at regular intervals rather than at one go. Free Science Videos for Kids

9 Important Tips Remember there is a limit to your child's attention span. An hour at a time should be enough for the child to concentrate on studying after the initial five to ten minutes of clearing out other distractions. Once the child settles down, make sure there are no disturbances. External disturbances are one of the major factors that divert attention. Free Science Videos for Kids

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