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Presentation on theme: "MULTIPLYING FRACTIONS."— Presentation transcript:


2 If I have one-half of a one-fourth piece, how much will I have compared to a whole square?

3 Multiply ½ times ¼ = x

4 Multiply ½ times ¼ = x

5 Multiply ½ times ¼ = x 1/8

6 If I have three-fifths of a three-fourths piece, how much will I have compared to a whole square?

7 Multiply 3/5 times 3/4 = x 3/5 3/4

8 Multiply 3/5 times 3/4 = x 3/5 3/4

9 Multiply 3/5 times 3/4 = x 3/5 3/4 = 9/20

10 If I have one-half of a two thirds piece, how much will I have compared to a whole square?

11 Multiply ½ times 2/3 = x 2/3

12 Multiply ½ times 2/3 = x 2/3

13 Multiply ½ times 2/3 = x 2/3 = 2/6 = 1/3

14 Multiplying Fractions Model
9 out of 20 boxes shaded

15 Area Model for Multiplication
2 out of 12 boxes shaded

16 You are going to get a new study guide titled MULTIPLY FRACTIONS MODEL
You can use this on your test! Take a look at the 1st example!

17 If I have one-third of a one-half piece, how much will I have compared to a whole square?
Draw one-third (horizontal) Draw one-half (vertical) 1 3 1 2 What is 1/3 of ½? Draw a picture.

18 If I have one-third of a one-half piece, how much will I have compared to a whole square?
Draw one-third (horizontal) Draw one-half (vertical) 1 3 1 2 What is 1/3 of ½? Draw a picture.

19 If I have one-third of a one-half piece, how much will I have compared to a whole square?
Draw one-third (horizontal) Draw one-half (vertical) 1 3 1 2 What is 1/3 of ½? Draw a picture. NOW TRY EXAMPLE#2 We will do this together. Watch as I show you how to do it.

20 Try example # 2 on the front right side.

21 Follow the examples shown to solve each fraction problem
Follow the examples shown to solve each fraction problem. Draw a picture, label it, and circle your answer.

22 1) Two-thirds times one-fourth?
Try the rest of your study guide. I will ask for volunteers in about 5 minutes.

23 Study Guide ANSWERS

24 Multiplying Fractions

25 Multiplying Fractions
Write4 as an improper fraction. 12 2 3 1 2 4 Multiply numerators. –2(9) 3(2) Multiply denominators. –18 6 = Simplify. –3 =

26 Cross Canceling Cross-Canceling - Reducing before you multiply.

27 Cross Canceling

28 Take Out Your Study Guide!!!
That's all Folks! Take Out Your Study Guide!!! That’s all folks

29 One-Third of a Negative One-Half Piece
#14 Draw one-third (horizontal) Draw negative one-half (vertical) 1 3 -1 2 What is of ? Draw a picture (overlay them). + • – = –

30 Multiply #15 You do NOT need common denominators  Multiply the numerators and denominators straight across. 7 4 28 Change the improper fraction to a mixed number = 2 3 6 4 4 Reduce! 6 6) 2 28 4 2 = 4 4 ÷ 24 3 6 2 ÷ 4

31 Extras

32 Multiplying Fractions

33 Multiplying Fractions

34 One-Third of a One-Half Piece
#Extra One-Third of a One-Half Piece Draw one-third (horizontal) Draw one-half (vertical) 1 3 1 2 What is of ? Draw a picture (overlay them).


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