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SAT Vocabulary Words.

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1 SAT Vocabulary Words

2 yearling

3 young animal past its first year and not yet two years old
Definition young animal past its first year and not yet two years old

4 Category: animal Function: What goes with it: Size/Shape: Color: Parts:

5 Composition: Location: Synonym: Antonym: adult; mature Use it in a sentence: John was surprised to see the yearling beside the fawn.

6 kernel

7 Definition a grain or seed

8 Category: food Function: provides nourishment What goes with it: soil; plant Size/Shape: usually small Color: any Parts:

9 Composition: Location: anywhere Synonym: nut; seed Antonym: Use it in a sentence: My mother doesn’t like it when the microwave doesn’t pop all of the popcorn kernels.

10 isle

11 an island – usually small
Definition an island – usually small

12 Category: geography Function: What goes with it: water; land Size/Shape: usually small Color: Parts:

13 Composition: land Location: anywhere there is water Synonym: island; atoll; cay; key Antonym: continent; ocean Use it in a sentence: We visited the Isle of Roatan in Honduras.

14 gauge

15 an instrument for measuring
Definition an instrument for measuring

16 Category: measurement; math
Function: measures something What goes with it: numbers; weights; lengths; pounds Size/Shape: any Color: any Parts: dial; needle/indicator

17 Composition: plastic; metal
Location: Synonym: benchmark; guide; indicator; meter; test Antonym: guess; estimate; think Use it in a sentence: My gas gauge on my car indicates that it’s time to fill up!

18 abdomen

19 the cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvis
Definition the cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvis

20 Category: body Function: provides a place for the organs – stomach, liver, etc. What goes with it: Size/Shape: Color: Parts:

21 Composition: human tissue
Location: on the human body between the diaphragm & the pelvis Synonym: belly, gut, midriff, tummy Antonym: back Use it in a sentence: The man was holding his abdomen after the accident.

22 berth

23 a bunk or bed in a vessel, sleep-car, etc.
Definition a bunk or bed in a vessel, sleep-car, etc.

24 Category: furniture Function: provides a place to sleep What goes with it: sheets; blankets; pillows; mattress Size/Shape: any Color: any Parts: mattress; frame

25 Composition: plastic; metal; wood
Location: ship; boat; train Synonym: bed; compartment; cot Antonym: sleeping bag Use it in a sentence: My sister wanted the top berth in our stateroom on the ship.

26 ladle

27 a “spoon” with a long handle used to dip and pour liquids
Definition a “spoon” with a long handle used to dip and pour liquids

28 Category: utensils Function: pours or dips liquids What goes with it: liquids Size/Shape: any Color: any Parts: handle; cup-shape

29 Composition: plastic; metal; wood
Location: Synonym: spoon Antonym: fork; knife Use it in a sentence: Please use the wooden ladle to pour the hot soup into the bowl.

30 obese

31 Definition exceedingly fat

32 Category: health Function: What goes with it: Size/Shape: Color: Parts:

33 Composition: Location: Synonym: fat; heavy; paunchy; plump; pudgy Antonym: thin; skinny; bony; underweight Use it in a sentence: My cat is obese because he eats five times a day.

34 fathom

35 a measure of length, 6 feet
Definition a measure of length, 6 feet

36 Category: measurement
Function: measures depth (in water) What goes with it: Size/Shape: Color: any Parts:

37 Composition: water Location: in water Synonym: length; depth Antonym: diameter; weight Use it in a sentence: The boat’s anchor dropped four fathoms to the ocean floor.

38 mane

39 the long hair on the neck of certain animals
Definition the long hair on the neck of certain animals

40 Category: animal hair Function: What goes with it: animals Size/Shape: Color: any Parts:

41 Composition: hair Location: animal’s neck Synonym: hair Antonym: skin Use it in a sentence: The lion’s mane was a reddish-brown color.

42 dignitary

43 one who holds a high rank
Definition one who holds a high rank

44 Category: Very Important Person (VIP)
Function: What goes with it: Size/Shape: Color: Parts:

45 Composition: Location: Synonym: governor; general; mayor; president Antonym: soldier; secretary; citizen Use it in a sentence: President and Mrs. Obama greeted the dignitary from Japan.

46 By Jane Sellers, Ed.S., CCC-SLP, 2009
GPS Standards: ELA6R2 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and writing. The student a. Determines the meaning of unfamiliar words by using word, sentence, and paragraph clues. c. Identifies and interprets words with multiple meanings. d. Uses reference skills to determine pronunciations, meanings, alternate word choices, and parts of speech of words. ELA7R2 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it d. Determines word meanings through the use of definition, example, restatement, or contrast. ELA8R2 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it a Determines pronunciations, meanings, alternate word choices, parts of speech, or etymologies of words.

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