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Youth Sunday May 31, 2009 Brother Christian Pierce Martin.

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Sunday May 31, 2009 Brother Christian Pierce Martin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Sunday May 31, 2009 Brother Christian Pierce Martin

2 Table of Contents The Crown of Righteousness 3-14
The Incorruptible Crown 15-26 Modesty 27-28 Listening to God Brother Christian Pierce Martin

3 The Crown of Righteousness
Brother Nicolas Perry Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

4 The Crown of Righteousness
Introduction Why should we desire a crown Scripture Words of Relevance Crown Righteousness How do I obtain the crown? At home At school In the community and abroad When will my crown be presented to me? Who will present my crown to me? What happens after I have my crown? Brother Christian Pierce Martin

5 Why should we desire a Crown?
Christians must make a big personal decision as to how they will live their life on this earth We should desire a crown because it’s an award we receive in heaven Another reason why we should desire a crown is that we’ll be able to wear our crown or crowns and present them back to Christ Finally, a crown is a gift given by God Brother Christian Pierce Martin

6 Scripture Scripture for the Crown of Righteousness 1John 2:3-6
Christ walked righteous Matthew 25:34-37 Example of righteousness 2Timothy 4:8 Enduring and finishing the race Receiving your Crown of Righteousness Brother Christian Pierce Martin

7 Words of Relevance Crown:
any of various types of headgear worn by a monarch as a symbol of sovereignty, often made of precious metal and ornamented with valuable gems There are two words in the Greek for crown Diadem: refers to a crown which is lasting A little garland of wreaths: a wreath of leaves Which was never meant to last It was just something to indicate approval It was to indicate that you have run a race well (was not meant for performance) Brother Christian Pierce Martin

8 Words of Relevance Righteousness:
Morally upright; without guilt or sin: a righteous parishioner In accordance with virtue or morality: a righteous judgment Right living Brother Christian Pierce Martin

9 How do I obtain a Crown (At Home)?
Obey your parents You can do stuff with out your parents telling you to do it Finish all your homework Take care of your house RESPECT other family members Exodus 20:12 Brother Nicolas Perry Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

10 How do I obtain a Crown (At School)?
Get good grades Behave in school Do your best Respect everybody and everyone Don’t get sent to the principals office. Brother Nicolas Perry Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

11 How do I obtain a Crown (In my community and abroad)?
Show discipline and self respect Stay upright and try not to sin Always be aware of whose around you and be prepared to respond in a matter which would glorify and honor God Equipped with your Spiritual Armor Ephesians 6:10-18 Brother Nicolas Perry Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

12 When will my Crown be presented to me?
It will be presented in heaven at the Judgment Seat of Christ Revelation 3:7-13 Brother Nicolas Perry Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

13 Who will present my Crown to me?
The crown I seek to obtain is the Crown of Righteousness Well, you may know who will present this crown That would be God Brother Nicolas Perry Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

14 What happens after I have my Crown?
After we receive our crown, we are going to cast it back like the elders did. Revelation 4:10-11 Brother Nicolas Perry Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

15 The Incorruptible Crown
Brother Christian Pierce Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

16 The Incorruptible Crown
Introduction Why should we desire a crown Scripture Words of Relevance Crown Incorruptible How do I obtain the crown? At home At school In the community and abroad When will my crown be presented to me? Who will present my crown to me? What happens after I have my crown? Brother Christian Pierce Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

17 Why should we desire a Crown?
Christians must make a big personal decision as to how they will live their life on this earth We should desire a crown because it’s an award we receive in heaven Another reason why we should desire a crown is that we’ll be able to wear our crown or crowns and present them back to Christ Finally, a crown is a gift given by God Brother Christian Pierce Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

18 Brother Christian Pierce Martin
Scripture Scripture for The Incorruptible Crown 1Corinthians 9:25-27 Self control, self-denial Not living to satisfy my body Brother Christian Pierce Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

19 Brother Christian Pierce Martin
Words of Relevance Crown: any of various types of headgear worn by a monarch as a symbol of sovereignty, often made of precious metal and ornamented with valuable gems There are two words in the Greek for crown Diadem: refers to a crown which is lasting A little garland of wreaths: a wreath of leaves Which was never meant to last It was just something to indicate approval It was to indicate that you have run a race well (was not meant for performance) Brother Christian Pierce Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

20 Brother Christian Pierce Martin
Words of Relevance Corrupt: antonym (opposite) of Incorrupt Marked by immorality and perversion; depraved To ruin morally; pervert Incorrupt: antonym (opposite) of Corrupt Free of corruption or immorality Free of errors or faults Morality: antonym (opposite) of Immorality The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct Synonyms (same as) Morality Goodness Righteousness Virtue Immorality: antonym (opposite) of Morality The quality or condition of being immoral Synonyms (same as) Immorality Evil Sin Wickedness Wrong doing Perversion Depraved Brother Christian Pierce Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

21 How do I obtain a Crown (At Home)?
Obey your parents You can do stuff with out your parents telling you to do it Finish all your homework Take care of your house RESPECT your elders Exodus 20:12 Things you do that could cause you to loose your crown Not obeying your parents Not Listen Not Doing what your told to do Being disrespectful Talking back Being sassy Brother Christian Pierce Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

22 How do I obtain a Crown (At School)?
Listen to Teachers Be attentive (ready to learn and ask questions) Treat others the way you want to be treated Set examples for your peers Do your best Respect everybody and everyone Don’t get sent to the principals office Things you do that could cause you to loose your crown Not obeying your teacher Not Listen Not Doing what your told to do Being disrespectful Talking back Being sassy Fighting Brother Christian Pierce Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

23 How do I obtain a Crown (In my Community and Abroad)?
Show discipline and self respect Stay upright and try not to sin Always be aware of whose around you and be prepared to respond in a matter which would glorify and honor God Equipped with your Spiritual Armor Ephesians 6:10-18 Things you do that could cause you to loose your crown Not obeying those in positions of authority over your Being disrespectful Fighting Brother Christian Pierce Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

24 The Incorruptible Crown
When will my Crown be presented to me? It will be presented in heaven at the Judgment Seat of Christ Revelation 3:7-13 Who will present my Crown to me? The crown I seek to obtain is The Incorruptible Crown and it will be presented by God Brother Christian Pierce Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

25 The Incorruptible Crown
What happens after I have my Crown? After we receive our crown, we are going to cast it back like the elders did. Revelation 4:10-11 Brother Christian Pierce Martin Brother Christian Pierce Martin

26 Sister Renae Leanne Moore
Modesty Sister Renae Leanne Moore Brother Christian Pierce Martin

27 Sister Renae Leanne Moore
Modesty Introduction Preview Your preview is an over view of your topic. Main topics -- Three main points you’d like to argue. Is modesty cool? Does everyone dress modestly? World’s definition of modesty Reserve in speech, dress or behavior. Renae’s definition -- Keeping yourself right in the sight of God by dressing right. Not wearing mini skirts, tube tops and strapless shirts. Not wearing big hoop earrings or extremely long dangly ones. Biblical definition I Timothy 2:9 Examples of your topic in the Bible Scriptures I Samuel 16:7 Exodus 28:43 Matthew 22:1-13 Questions to the audience and or in general Your own example of modesty Who -- Kayla Reese & Darious J. What -- those to have been going out for a while and their always kissing and hugging each other and he touches her all over just last week he said “ men she’s my wife”. And I thought that wow they must really think that their relationship is going to last from 5 when they started going out through the rest of their life. Where -- at school When -- at the end of the day 2:09 Conclusion please dress nicely and have self respect for you and others and don’t rush your life just take on step at a time and everything will fall in place. Sister Renae Leanne Moore Brother Christian Pierce Martin

28 Brother Richard Louis Moore III
Listening to God Brother Richard Louis Moore III Brother Christian Pierce Martin

29 Brother Richard Louis Moore III
Listening to God Introduction Preview I will talk about ways we listen to God. I’ll also discuss God’s view of us listening to Him. We will talk about biblical examples of biblical saints listening to God. I also discuss listening to sources other than God. What is you definition of listening to God? Do what he says, lay down your will and take up God’s. Main topics World’s view of listening to everyone but God Examples and consequences Good examples Genesis 6:9 - 7:10 Genesis 22 Genesis 39 Judges 13 : 1-23 Bad examples Genesis 3:6 Judges 16 Jonah Biblical Examples and consequences Who What Where When How My view How do I listen to God? Examples of your topic in the Bible Brother Richard Louis Moore III Brother Christian Pierce Martin

30 Brother Richard Louis Moore III
Listening to God Scriptures Questions to the audience and or in general Your own examples from your life What happens when I listen to God Why is listening to God important? Can we see someone when they listen to God? Conclusion Romans 8:28 & 29 Brother Richard Louis Moore III Brother Christian Pierce Martin

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