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N. [<Gk. autós self + optós visible]

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Presentation on theme: "N. [<Gk. autós self + optós visible]"— Presentation transcript:

1 N. [<Gk. autós self + optós visible]
autopsy— N. [<Gk. autós self + optós visible] a medical examination of a dead body to find the cause of death or the character and site of the disease of which the person died; post-mortem; necropsy Autopsy : examination : : Autograph : ____________ (definition relationship)

2 plutocracy— N. [<Gk. ploûtos wealth + krátos power]
a government in which the rich rule Ploutos : wealth : : autos : _____ (definition relationship)

3 epidemic— N., Adj. [<Gk. epi- upon + dêmos people]
the rapid spreading of a disease so that many people have it at the same time (also figuratively) Widespread : restricted : : Aristocracy : ___________ (antonym relationship)

4 synchronize— V. [<Gk. syn- together + chrónos time]
to occur at the same time; agree in time Synchronize : ____________ : : Dermatologist : skin doctor (synonym relationship)

5 pyromania— N. [<Gk. pyrós fire + mania madness]
an uncontrollable desire to set things on fire; incendiarism Mania : madness : : kratos : _______ (Definition relationship)

6 heterogeneous— Adj. [<Gk. héteros another + génos race] different in kind; not at all similar; unlike; varied Similar : varied : : fire : _______ (antonym relationship)

7 taxidermist— N. [<Gk. taxi- arrangement + derma skin]
a person who practices the art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals and especially vertebrates Taxi : ________ : : pyros : _______ (definition relationship)

8 synthetic— Adj., N. [<Gk. syn- together + tithénai put, place]
made artificially by chemical synthesis Synthetic : artificial : : heterogeneous : ____________ (synonym relationship)

9 astronaut— N. [<Gk. astro- star + naútēs sailor]
a traveler in outer space Astro : ______ : : syn : together (definition relationship)

10 typographical— Adj. [<Gk. týpos dent, impression + graphíā writing]
of or having to do with printing or typing ___________ : pyromania : : autopsy : taxidermist (similar things relationship)

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