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Vocab Unit 10.

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1 Vocab Unit 10

2 Accrue – to grow or accumulate over time; to happen as a natural result
Sounds like: “A Crew” Verb Synonyms- Collect, Accumulate Antonyms- Dwindle, Decrease, Diminish Make sure you keep up with your homework so your work does not accrue. Annotation- a critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a literary work Synonyms- Note, Comment Noun In my English class, I write an annotation when I have a new thought or idea about the text. Bedlam- a state or scene of uproar and confusion Sounds like: “Bed Lem” Noun Synonym- Commotion, Pandemonium, Chaos, Anarchy Antonyms- Peace and Quite, Order, Tranquility When Ms. Brnilovich stepped outside the room, the class went into bedlam.

3 Covert- hidden, disguised, purposefully kept secret; sheltered secluded
- a sheltered place, a hiding place Adjective Noun Synonym: Undercover, Clandestine, Sub-rosa Antonym: Open, Overt, Undisguised He made a covert plan to copy his homework during lunch. Debonair- pleasant, courteous, lighthearted; smooth and polished in manner and appearance Sounds like: Deb Un Air Adjective Synonym: Carefree, Jaunty, Urbane Antonym: Distraught, Agitated, Boorish, Churlish The student thought to herself, “Wow, Ms. Brnilovich is quite debonair.” Dun- to demand insistently, especially in payment of a debt - a creditor -dark, dull, drab, dingy Verb Noun Adjective Synonyms- Hound, Harass, Nag My friend tried to dun me into giving him the money I borrowed. Rude, it was only $1,000.

4 1-12 Exam Efficacious- effective, producing results
Sounds like: Ef Ih Kay Shush Adjective Synonyms: Effectual, Efficient, Potent, Powerful Antonyms: Ineffective, Worthless, Useless Ms. Brnilovich’s new approach to introducing vocabulary was efficacious because all her students aced the test. Equanimity- calmness, composure, refusal to panic Sounds like: Ekwa Nim Ity Noun Synonyms: Tranquility, Imperturbability Antonyms: Excitability, Agitation The situations was handled with equanimity despite the scorpion being set loose in the school. Fortuitous- accidental, occurring by happy chance Sounds like: For Too Ih Tus Adjective Synonyms: Unintentional, Unplanned, Random, Lucky Antonyms: Intentional, Deliberate, Premeditated Trey proved to be fortuitious by selecting all six winning lottery numbers. 1-12 Exam

5 Gist – the essential part, main point, or essence
Sounds like: Jist Noun Synonyms: Substance, Core, Nucleus Ms. Brnilovich’s students understood the gist of her lesson because their completed assignments were award worthy. Gratuitous- Freely given; not called for by circumstances, unwarranted Sounds like: Gruh too ih tus Adjective Synonyms: Voluntary, Unjustified Antonyms: Justified, Warranted The hallways were filled with gratuitous foul language. Imperious-Overbearing, arrogant; seeking to dominate; pressing, compelling Sounds like: Imm peer e us Adjective Synonyms: Domineering, Urgent, Imperative Antonyms: Fawning, Humble , Unassuming Blanche did not like Stanley because of his imperious temper.

6 Invective – a strong denunciation or condemnation; abusive language; abusive
Sounds like: In vek tive Adjective Noun Synonyms: Vituperation, Abuse Antonyms: Tribute, Encomium The speech took a turn for the worse when the speaker started using invectives. Motley- showing great variety; composed of different elements or many colors; a jester’s costume; a jester Sounds like: Mot lee Adjective Noun Synonyms: Variegated, Heterogeneous, Diverse, Fool Antonyms: Homogeneous, Monochromatic The class was comprised of a motley group of students. Munificent- extremely generous, lavish Sounds like: Myoo nif ih cent Adjective Synonyms: Bounteous, Liberal Antonyms: Miserly, Parsimonious The munificent man gave all of his inheritance to charity.

7 Procrastinate- to delay, put off until later
Sounds like: Pro-crast-in-ate Verb Synonyms: Stall, Temporize, Dillydally Although he had plenty of time to write his paper, the student chose to procrastinate until the last minute. Provocative- tending to produce a strong feeling or response; arousing desire or appetite; irritating, annoying Sounds like: Pro-voc- uh-tive Adjective Synonyms: Stimulating, Arousing, Vexing, Galling Antonyms: Dull, Insipid, Bland, Unstimulating The Jerry Springer Show is popular because it features provocative topics. Recondite- exceeding ordinary knowledge and understanding Sounds like: Rec-on-dite Adjective Synonyms: Arcane, Abstruse Antonyms: Simple, Uncomplicated The difficult concept of the physics theory was recondite to everyone but the scientists.

8 Reprobate- a depraved, vicious, or unprincipled person, scoundrel; corrupt or unprincipled; to disapprove of, condemn Sounds like: Rep- ro- bate Adjective Noun Verb Synonyms: Scoundrel, Blackguard, Immoral, Corrupt Antonyms: Saint; Upright, Virtuous, Moral The serial killer was a reprobate who did not care about anyone. Sedentary- Characterized by or calling for continued sitting; remaining in one place Sounds like: Sed-n-ter-ee Adjective Synonyms: Static, Stationary Antonyms: Active, Peripatetic She was sedentary while binge watching her favorite show on Netflix all weekend.

9 Vocab Unit 11

10 Abstemious- Moderate, Sparing (Eating or Drinking); Characterized by abstinence and
self-discipline Adjective Synonyms: Temperate, Sober, Moderate Sounds like: Ab Stem E Us Antonyms: Indulgent, Immoderate, Intemperate He was abstemious at dinner and only ate a little of the food on his plate. Censurable- Deserving of blame or correction Adjective Synonyms: Blameworthy, Discreditable, Reprehensible Sounds like: Sen Sure A Bull Antonyms: Commendable, Laudable, Meritorious The cheating student was found censurable and received a zero on the exam.

11 Contingent- Likely but not certain to happen, possible; dependent on uncertain events; happening by chance; a representative group forming part of a larger body Synonyms: Conditional, Dependent, Detachment Adjective Noun Antonyms: Independent, Unconnected, Certain Sounds like: Con Tin Gent Doing well in the third marking period is contingent to the grade received on the research paper. Corroborate- to confirm, make more certain, bolster, substantiate, verify Verb Antonyms: refute, contradict, undermine, discredit Sounds like: Cor Rob Or Ate The student was able to corroborate their story with evidence.

12 Denizen- an inhabitant, resident; one who frequents a place Synonym: Dweller Antonyms: Alien, Outsider, Foreigner Sounds like: Den- Ih-Zen Noun Blanche, the fish, is a denizen of the luxurious fish tank. Discursive- passing aimlessly from one place or subject to another; rambling, roving nomadic Synonyms: Diffuse, Wandering Adjective Antonyms: Short and to the point Sounds like: Dis Cur Sive The student’s behavior was discursive after staying up all night to write a research paper.

13 Disseminate- to scatter or spread widely Verb
Synonyms: Disperse, Broadcast, Circulate Sounds like: Dis Sem In Ate Antonyms: Bring together, Concentrate, Hide Bacteria disseminated when the student did not cover his mouth when he sneezed. Dowdy- poorly dressed, shabby; lacking smartness and good taste Synonyms: Frumpy, frowsy Adjective Antonyms: Chic, Elegant, Fashionable Sounds like: D- Ow- Dee The woman was dowdy despite her wealth.

14 Florid- highly colored, reddish; excessively ornate, showy
Synonyms: Flushed, Ruddy, Frilly, Flamboyant Adjective Antonyms: Pale, Ashen, Pallid, Austere, Stark Sounds like: Floor- Id The student was florid when the teacher did not believe their printer broke the day the research paper was due. Foist- to impose by fraud; to pass off as worthy or genuine; to bring about by stealth, dishonesty Synonyms: Pass off Verb The thief tried to foist the old lady’s identity as his own.

15 Gauche- awkward, lacking in social graces, tactless, clumsy
Synonyms: Inept, Uncouth, Maladroit Adjective Antonyms: Adroit, Tactful, Diplomatic, Politic Sounds like: Go Shhh His gauche manners made his date leave the restaurant. Heresy-an opinion different from accepting belief; the denial of an idea that is generally held sacred Synonyms: Unorthodox Belief, Heterodoxy Noun Antonyms: Orthodoxy Sounds like: Hair Ih See The new mayor was a dictator whose political heresy saw no value in the public opinion.

16 Inculcate- to impress on the mind by repetition, teach persistently and earnestly
Synonyms: Instill, Implant, Infuse, Ingrain, Imbue Verb Antonyms: Efface, Extirpate, Root Out Sounds like: In Kul Kait The best way to learn vocabulary is to inculcate the words through practice. Palpable- capable of being touched or felt; easily seen, heard, or recognized Synonyms: Obvious, Manifest Adjective Antonyms: Intangible, Insubstantial Sounds like: Pal Puh Bull Facetime allows people in different locations to seem palpable.

17 Perceptive- having sympathetic insight or understanding, capable of keen appreciation
Synonyms: Insightful, Discerning Adjective Antonyms: Dense, Obtuse Sounds like: Per Sep Tive After the speaker finished speaking, the room was filled with perceptive people. Pernicious- extremely harmful; deadly, fatal Synonyms: Injurious, Deleterious, Baleful, Noxious Adjective Antonyms: Harmless, Innocuous, Salutary, Salubrious Sounds like: Per Nish Us The unexpected attack proved to be pernicious.

18 Salient- leaping, jumping or springing forth; prominent, standing out, conspicuous
a projection or bulge, a land form that projects upward or outward Synonyms: Striking, Notable, Protrusive, Obvious Adjective Noun Antonyms: Inconspicuous, Recessive Sounds like: Sale Yent The new sports car was salient in the parking lot. Satiate- to satisfy completely; to fill to excess; full satisfied Synonyms: Surfeit, Gorge Verb Adjective Antonyms: Deprive entirely Sounds like: Say She It Grading the last research paper will be a satiate Ms. Brnilovich.

19 Sear- to make or become dry and withered; to char or scorch the surface of; to harden to make unfeeling; to patch, singe Verb Sounds like: Sear Getting too close to the fire seared the man’s eyebrows. Specious- deceptive, apparently good or valid but lacking real merit Synonyms: Deceptively, Plausible, Sophistic, Casuistic Adjective Antonyms: Valid, Sound, Solid, Genuine Sounds like: Spee Sh Us The advertisement made specious claims about the product.

20 Vocab Unit 12

21 Absolve- to clear from blame, responsibility, or guilt Verb
Synonyms: Acquit, Exonerate, Vindicate, Excuse, Pardon Antonyms: Condemn, Convict, Incriminate, Inculpate Sounds like: Ab Solve The judge absolved the man on trail after the evidence proved him innocent. Caricature- a representation, such as a drawing, that exaggerates a subject’s characteristic features; to present someone or something in a deliberately distorted way Synonyms: Cartoon, Burlesque, Lampoon Noun Verb Sounds like: Care Ick A Ture The caricature made her nose and ears look extremely large and comical.

22 Clangor- a loud ringing sound; to make a loud ringing noise Verb Noun
Synonyms: Din, Clamor, Uproar Antonyms: Silence, Stillness, Peace and Quite Sounds like: Clang Er The clangor of hammers could be heard from the construction site. Contiguous- side by side, touching; near; adjacent in time Synonyms: Abutting, Next Door To Adjective Antonyms: Detached, Apart, Distant, Remote Sounds like: Con Tig U Us The student’s locker was contiguous to their best friend’s locker.

23 Cupidity- an eager desire for something; greed Noun
Synonyms: Avarice, Rapacity, Craving, Lust Antonyms: Contentment, Satiety, Gratification Sounds like: Kew Pid Ity The contestant on Deal or No Deal showed cupidity while playing the game. Deleterious- harmful, injurious Adjective Synonyms: Detrimental, Destructive, Pernicious, Damaging Antonyms: Helpful, Beneficial, Harmless, Innocuous Sounds like: Del Ih Tear E Us Running near a pool can be deleterious if someone trips.

24 Enhance- to raise to a higher degree; to increase the value or desirability
Synonyms: Improve, Elevate Verb Antonyms: Diminish, Degrade Three D glasses enhance the movie for the viewer. Enthrall- to captivate, charm, hold spellbound; to enslave; to imprison Synonyms: Fascinate, Attract Verb Antonyms: Boring, Repel In 2017, high school students were enthralled by fidget spinners.

25 Extenuate- to lessen the seriousness or magnitude of an offense by making partial excuses
Synonyms: Moderate, Mitigate, Diminish, Downplay Verb Antonyms: Intensify, Magnified, Worsen, Exacerbate Sounds like: Ex Ten U Ate The court reduced the criminal’s sentence due to extenuating circumstances. Implicit- implied or understood though unexpressed; without doubts or reservations, unquestioning; potentially contained Synonyms: Inferred, Tacit, Unspoken, Unconditional Adjective Antonyms: Explicit, Expressed, Stated, Revealed Sounds like: Ihm Plis It There was an implicit understanding the students would be respectful for the guest speaker.

26 Incisive- sharp, keen, penetrating (with a suggestion of decisiveness and effectiveness)
Synonyms: Acute, Cutting, Perceptive Adjective Sounds like: In Sice Ive Blanche, the fish, had an incisive stare warning people not to mess with her. Inimical- tending to cause harm or obstruct developments; being oppositional or adverse Synonyms: Unfriendly, Hostile, Antagonistic, Contrary Adjective Antonyms: Friendly, Hospitable, Kind Sounds like: In Ihm Ih cul The opposing teams had inimical attitudes towards each other.

27 Ostentatious- marked by conspicuous or pretentious
Synonyms: Flashy, Overdone, Affected, Flamboyant Adjective Antonyms: Modest, Plain, Simple, Demure, Retiring Sounds like: Oz Ten Tay She Us The ostentatious wedding had trapeze artists, live dolphins, and solid gold decorations. Paragon- a model of excellence or perfection Noun Synonyms: Ideal, Paradigm, Model, Good Example Sounds like: Pair A Gone The teacher used the well written research paper as a paragon for future students to strive to reproduce.

28 Politic- prudent, shrewdly conceived and developed; artful, expedient
Synonyms: Tactful, Diplomatic, Judicious, Circumspect Adjective Antonyms: Unwise, Injudicious, Imprudent, Rash Sounds like: Pol It Tick The conversation turned politic at the family dinner. Prosaic- Dull, lacking in distinction and originality; matter of fact Synonyms: Literal, Pedestrian Adjective Antonyms: Remarkable, Poetic Sounds like: Pro Zay Ick The prosaic movie made everyone fall asleep.

29 Redundant- extra, excess, more than is needed; wordy, repetitive; profuse, lush
Synonyms: Unnecessary, Superfluous, Verbose, Prolix Adjective Antonyms: Terse, Laconic, Scarce, Inadequate Parents tend to be redundant when trying to get their kids to do chores. Sanctimonious- making a show of virtue or righteousness; hypocritically moralistic or pious, self- righteous, canting Adjective Sounds like: Sank Tim Own Ious Antonyms: Heartfelt, Sincere, Humble The sanctimonious woman looks down upon those who do not strictly follow their religion.

30 Scintillating- sparkling, twinkling, exceptionally brilliant (applying to metal)
Synonyms: Stimulating, Glittering Adjective Antonyms: Dull, Boring, Insipid Sounds like: Sin Till Ate Ing During the show, the comedian came up with one scintillating joke after another. Winsome- charming, attractive, pleasing (often suggesting a childlike charm and innocence) Synonyms: Winning, Delightful, Prepossessing Adjective Antonyms: Unattractive, Unappealing, Repulsive The salesman’s winsome personality made him great at his job.

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