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ISBN -13: 978-1540827685 Genre: Historical Fiction.

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Presentation on theme: "ISBN -13: 978-1540827685 Genre: Historical Fiction."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISBN -13: Genre: Historical Fiction

2 Synopsis In a time-travel experience, Emily is taken back to February 1897 to join British troops in the Niger Rivers area as they prepare for the Punitive Expedition to Benin. She is in the company of a young valet to an officer. They develop a close bond and it is soon apparent that they are from different worlds, he'd never seen a mobile phone and there is trouble when Emily tries to use it to call her teacher. Their march to Benin takes them through unspoilt rainforest which is simply a marvel to Emily. Towards the end of the story she gets into very serious trouble with the officers and her life is in danger.

3 Vocabulary Expedition, punitive, kingdom, village, town, troops, column, scouts, guide, valet, advance, Maxim gun, rifle, surgeon, workshop, auditorium, Agogo bell, lass, bugle, lieutenant, annihilate, tranquil, formidable, dislodge, rocket, execute.

4 Activities ideas • Locate and discuss Benin in present day Nigeria. • Research the reasons for the Benin Punitive Expedition by the British. • Write a biography of King Ovonramwen who was the king on the throne at the time. • Discuss reasons why the British wanted control of the palm oil in the Benin Rivers areas. • List features of pristine rainforest as Emily saw it. • What are the dangers facing rainforests of the world today? • Write a letter to Emily when she is in hospital back home. Tell her your views on the behaviour of the soldiers. • Research and write a report on the Benin Bronzes which the British troops brought back to England with them after the expedition. • Should the looted Benin Bronzes be returned to Benin? Discuss. • Paint a picture of the pristine rainforest from one of the scenes described by Emily. • Dramatise favourite parts of this story.

5 For chapter by chapter reading comprehension questions download the Reading Comprehension Questions leaflet from the

6 Aim to provide strategies for developing and improving vocabulary
Language work Aim to provide strategies for developing and improving vocabulary Web page link:

7 Word of the day Word of the day: Expedition (noun)
Definition a journey undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, especially that of exploration, research, or war Example: Ms. May is going on an expedition to the Borneo Rainforests in July. Synonyms Trip, excursion, voyage, mission, project, tour, quest, trek Antonyms This has to be a true antonym Challenge: Use WOD in a sentence.

8 Synonym race Happy You have 1 minute
Think about as many words as you can for : Happy Choose one of the listed happy words to act out or use in a sentence.

9 Synonym exercise Page 19, second to last paragraph, use suitable synonym in the spaces below:

10 Classify the word ‘Miss, can you bring your class this way please?’
Page 33. Name the function of each word in the sentence below: ‘Miss, can you bring your class this way please?’

11 Talking verbs Page 33, last paragraph.
How many verbs can you find in this paragraph? Think of alternative words for the verbs.

12 Fast poem Aim to practice using noun, adjective, verbs and adjectives in a short poem. Page 11 Emily’s mum takes her to buy a sketch book and some gel pens from the stationary store. Help the class compose a mini poem on the service she received from the shop keeper: 1 Noun Lady 2 adjectives Charming, helpful 3 adverbs, Kindly, quickly, elegantly, 4 verbs Directing, selling, counting, packing. Ask students to compose mini poems on selected sections of the story.

13 Shades of meaning Page 38 Look at the sentence:
Find 3 synonyms for impressive Rank them according to strength of meaning. Complete same exercise for : Colossal (pg47, beautiful (pg55) powerful (pg64)

14 Similes and metaphors Pg. 61
Find one simile and one metaphor in the book and use them in sentences to share with the rest of the class. Compile a class list of similes and metaphors.

15 Describing settings Look at this photograph ( pg114).
If you were in this place what words could you use to describe what you can: see, hear, feel, smell? Use some of your words to write a paragraph about this setting.

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