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Bell Ringer #3: Hui Neng DIRECTIONS:

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1 Bell Ringer #3: Hui Neng DIRECTIONS:
Write the quote in your comp. book. Read over the quote and the directions and respond to the question by deciding on the task and choosing an appropriate style. This is an independent thinking activity, meaning you must reason through the assignment on your own, even if you have questions.

2 Bell Ringer Example Response
J.K. Rowling’s Response: Hui Neng’s quote means mistakes offer a chance to learn or a chance to blame. The lesson it reveals is individuals should choose to open their minds and learn from their mistakes, rather than defend the thinking that lead to the mistake in the first place. This lesson can improve our lives when instead of choosing to save face by justifying what was wrong, admitting fault and choosing to stretch and grow by learning from the mistakes.

3 Housekeeping Announcements: No Name Paper Wall Home Learning:
Collections textbook (hard cover) needed next class Complete weekly A3Ks by Sunday

4 The Fine Print Standards:
RI.1.2 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone Essential Question: Where does the meaning of a text reside? Within the text, within the reader, or in the transaction that occurs between them?

5 Learning Objectives Today you will define context clues
learn how to recognize context clues in text Write

6 How to determine a word’s meaning when there is no dictionary in sight
Context Clues How to determine a word’s meaning when there is no dictionary in sight


8 Definition Title goes in left column Notes go in right column Copy this Definition: Context Clues are words nearby an unknown term that can help you figure out the meaning of the unknown word. Copy these definitions into your composition book.

9 Types of Context Clues Definition / Restatement Synonym Antonym
Title goes in left column Notes go in right column Definition / Restatement Synonym Antonym Compare Contrast Example Cause and Effect Inference/Implied Meaning 8 types we’ll talk about today

10 Definition/Restatement
Title goes in left column Notes go in right column Definition / Restatement: dictionary definition provided directly in the text. Signals: Definition and restatement are often signaled by punctuation such as a comma, dash, and by certain key words and phrases

11 Synonyms Synonym: Author reveals meaning of word by using another word with a similar meaning nearby in the text. Signals: A definition or synonym follows a comma, a dash, or signal words.

12 Antonyms Antonym: author reveals meaning of word by using another word with an opposite meaning nearby in the text. Signals: words like: but, however, although, not, despite, some…but others, on the other hand, unlike, whereas, yet

13 Comparison Compare: words are revealed through comparisons with other, familiar words or ideas in the sentence. Signals: commas, and words like: especially, like, likewise, also, and, as well as, in that, resembling, identical, similar to, as, and in the same way.

14 Contrast Contrast: When two words are in contrast they have opposite meanings. By noting the similarities and differences between the things described, you can get an idea of the meaning of the unfamiliar word. Signals: unlike, on the other hand, in contrast to, but, instead of, on the contrary, although, however.

15 Example Context Clue Example: The context in which the word appears may contain one or more examples that give clues to the word’s meaning. Read the examples and note what they have in common. Signals: other, including, for instance, this, these, such as, especially, these include

16 Cause and Effect Cause and Effect: The cause of an action or event may be stated using an unfamiliar word. If the effect is stated in familiar terms, though, it can help you understand the unfamiliar word. Signals: because, consequently, therefore, so, since, as a result, if…then, due to

17 Inference & Implied Meaning
Sometimes readers must use reasoning, text clues, and prior knowledge to determine meaning. Readers must infer, or make a logical guess about, the word’s meaning. Clues may be in nearby sentences, several sentences away, or even several paragraphs away. In this case, you will need to keep reading until you find the clue or clues.

18 Who can tell me what this word means?
What are Context Clues? borborygmus Who can tell me what this word means? If you don’t already know, you’re going to struggle with this word. There aren’t any words around it to hint at its meaning. Give your hands a break with this verbal practice.

19 What are Context Clues? borborygmus
I was so nervous about the big test that I hadn’t eaten all day. There I was, in a perfectly silent room, with about 50 other kids, and suddenly my stomach embarrassed me. Everyone could hear my borborygmus as clearly as if a train had rumbled by, and it wouldn’t stop. I coughed to cover the sound, but the kid next to me told me to be quiet. I was so embarrassed. Who thinks they can come up with a working definition now that we’ve highlighted the context clues?

20 “the rumbling, gurgling noise of gas moving through the intestines”
What are Context Clues? borborygmus “the rumbling, gurgling noise of gas moving through the intestines”

21 horripilation What are Context Clues?
She’d never experienced horripilation before, but when the monster hid in her closet and started making scary sounds in the middle of the night, her hair just stood up on the back of her neck. What is our working definition?

22 horripilation What are Context Clues?
“The bristling or standing on end of a person’s hair when he or she is frightened”

23 Jarraracussa What are Context Clues?
While he was sight-seeing in the jungles of Brazil, my cousin almost died when a Jarraracussu slithered out from under a rock without warning and bit him on the leg. That could have ruined his vacation. Luckily, they got him to a hospital in time, and the doctors got the poison out. Now that we’ve identified the context clues, what is our best guess as to the meaning of Jarraracussa?

24 “a venomous, Brazillian snake”
What are Context Clues? Jarraracussa “a venomous, Brazillian snake” Copy these definitions into your composition book.

25 Group Practice Overview:
Work with your group to identify the context clues in these passages. Guess the meaning of the target word. I get bored reading that author’s work because he picks topics that are trite and boring. dull; overused

26 Practice with your group; be prepared to share out
End Your Turn Practice with your group; be prepared to share out

27 1 2 3 Group Presentations Skill Still Learning Sometimes Almost Always
I look at my audience 1 2 3 I speak clearly and loudly I answer the question(s) asked of the group Print out 36 full size or 18 half size

28 1 2 3 Group Presentations Skill Still Learning Sometimes Almost Always
I look at my audience 1 2 3 I speak clearly and loudly I answer the question(s) asked of the group Print out 36 full size or 18 half size

29 Group Practice #1 Work with your group to identify the context clues in these passages. Guess the meaning of the target word. The student who does not care one way or the other if she passes a class is apathetic toward the subject. Lack of concern, enthusiasm; disinterest

30 Group Practice #2 Work with your group to identify the context clues in these passages. Guess the meaning of the target word. The other children constantly antagonized Joe to the point of tears. Cause (someone) to become hostile

31 Group Practice #3 Work with your group to identify the context clues in these passages. Guess the meaning of the target word. Without much to go on the question is rather ambiguous, or unclear. Unclear; not easily describable

32 Group Practice #4 Work with your group to identify the context clues in these passages. Guess the meaning of the target word. He chooses his words with fastidious care. Instead of rushing, Sheldon painstakingly chooses the best word to convey his meaning instead of a synonym, which may lack detail attentive and concerned with detail

33 Group Practice #5 Work with your group to identify the context clues in these passages. Guess the meaning of the target word. A capricious administration is one that gives a directive to manage time effectively, followed by many mandates which waste more time Inconstant; given to sudden/unpredictable changes

34 Group Practice #6 Work with your group to identify the context clues in these passages. Guess the meaning of the target word. Madison was zealous about chasing her dream to become a dancer. Phyllis, on the other hand, could not have cared less. passionate

35 Group Practice #1 Work with your group to identify the context clues in these passages. Guess the meaning of the target word. The student who does not care one way or the other if she passes a class is apathetic toward the subject. Print 6 copies of each slide #35-40

36 Group Practice #2 Work with your group to identify the context clues in these passages. Guess the meaning of the target word. The other children constantly antagonized Joe to the point of tears.

37 Group Practice #3 Work with your group to identify the context clues in these passages. Guess the meaning of the target word. Without much to go on the question is rather ambiguous, or unclear.

38 Group Practice #4 Work with your group to identify the context clues in these passages. Guess the meaning of the target word. He chooses his words with fastidious care. Instead of rushing, Sheldon painstakingly chooses the best word to convey his meaning instead of a synonym, which may lack detail

39 Group Practice #5 Work with your group to identify the context clues in these passages. Guess the meaning of the target word. A capricious administration is one that gives a directive to manage time effectively, followed by many mandates which waste more time

40 Group Practice #6 Work with your group to identify the context clues in these passages. Guess the meaning of the target word. Madison was zealous about chasing her dream to become a dancer. Phyllis, on the other hand, could not have cared less.

41 Work Period Independent Work Technology Early Finisher
Materials Needed: Pencil Context Clues Types Worksheet Computer Article Analysis Sheet Conversation Level 1 Read the directions and complete all four components for each question on the worksheet. When finished hold onto the worksheet. The class will review the answers for today’s closing. Due to the class inbox today complete or incomplete– no exceptions. Navigate to Achieve 3000. Complete the assigned article: “Verbal Communication” (BR poll – Thought Question) Due by the end of next class. Conversation Level 0 Items MUST be completed in the following order: Check over today’s work before submitting. Check the No Name Paper Wall. Check your grades in Focus and work on any absent/late work you still can. Work on weekly A3K articles. Work on work for another class or read silently.

42 Packing Up Checklist HOMEWORK:
Weekly A3Ks due 11:59 P.M on Jan. 15 DO THE FOLLOWING: Hold onto your classwork. It will be your ticket out of class today. Plug in your computers Return teacher’s supplies you borrowed where they belong Throw away trash Pack-up personal belongings Sit silently and wait for teacher to dismiss you

43 Closing Points Earned Letter Grade 32 – 29 points A 28 – 26 points B 25 – 23 points C 22 – 20 points D 19 points and below F Review the Context Clues Types worksheet by doing the following: Leave it alone if answer is right Circle question and fix any missed part if (part of) answer is wrong Each component is worth a point; each question is worth four points Total up score

44 Closing Number five lines on a separate piece of paper. Be sure to skip several lines, so you have space to write

45 1 Closing Caroline made a “yuck” face when the pill dissolved before she could wash it down. It left an acrid taste in her mouth.

46 2 Closing When Marina first realized she left her books at home, she freaked out. Then, she remembered how good she was at making the best of a bad situation, and she knew she could cope.

47 3 Closing After they lost their apartment, Jerry’s family lived like vagrants, moving from place to place with no place to call home.

48 4 Closing The audience wasn’t paying attention until Cierra took the stage. They were captivated by her exciting performance.

49 5 Closing “Don’t use the same sentence structure all the time,” Ms. Barker said. “Vary the word order from time to time.”

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