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BY: Serena, Abraham, ariel, and jasmine

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1 BY: Serena, Abraham, ariel, and jasmine
The Caste System BY: Serena, Abraham, ariel, and jasmine

2 Key words Varnas Brahmins kshatriyas Vaisyas Sudras reincarnation
caste aryans

3 What is the Caste System
The Caste system is a class structure that told if a person was better than any other . The caste system is determined by birth , it is determined by your parents, For example, if you're parents are born in the sudras, you will become a sudra as well in your life . The caste system is usually found in India , but the truth is that there are caste system all over the world . later in india the caste system was later incorporated into the hindu religion . Those who broke the rules of the caste system were banned from their homes and caste.they would become untouchables. finally, if they heard a brahmin a work they would get the punishment of melted lead in their ear.

4 Who created the Caste System
Who Has created the caste system? Well it turns out aryans created the caste system. The caste system has been around since the 1840’s . For thousands of years on the indian subcontinent, a person’s social class was determined by birth. later historians called it the caste system. The caste system can be described as an elaborately stratified social hierarchy distinguishing Aryans' or India’s social structure from any other nation.

5 The 4 main Varnas The caste system is divided in the 4 varnas. The first of the the varnas ,high above all the others, is the Brahmins. The Brahmins are the highest members of the caste they are usually priest or holy men that live apart for other people in temples. The second highest from the caste system are the Kshatriyas . The Kshatriyas were rulers or warriors that ruled with authority in the hindu society and made everyday decision for their civilization. However the brahmins often had authority over the kshatriyas. The third of the caste system is the vaisyas. The vaisyas were craftspeople, traders, moneylenders and farmers. The vaisyas were widely credited for spreading indian culture to the far regions, as far as southeast Asia. The last of the caste system are the sudras. The sudras were labor workers, servants and people who often work in harsh conditions and did work other people could not do. The were called untouchables

6 .

7 Reincarnation into a better Caste.
Indians believed that when a person dies that can be reincarnated into a different body and hopefully into a better caste. However, in order to do this Ancient Indians believe that they must get good karma in the real world and must have done good in their caste. For example, if a person was a vaisya and died, he later would become something higher, like a kshatriya or a brahmin, if he had good karma.

8 Quiz !!! ( ; 1: What is the caste system ?
2: What happens if someone broke the rules ? 3 : Since when was the caste system been around A : B : 1950 4: what did the indians believed would happen to them when they died. 5 : What are the four main varnas ?

9 ANSWER KEY !!!!! ( : 1 . THE caste system is a system that is used to determine if a person was better than another . 2. If someone broke the rules they were kicked out of there homes and caste . 3 : THe caste system has been around since 1840 !!! ALong time ago !!! 4 : the indians believed that after a human died they move / or reincarnate into a animal . 5: the main varnas were brahmin , kasharta , vaisya , and the untouchable .s

10 THANK YOU FOR WATCHING Hope you do good in your test.

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