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Metron - Greek root - measure Definitions from

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1 metron - Greek root - measure Definitions from

2 meter noun the base unit of length in the International System of Units FYI – a meter is equal to the distance traveled in a vacuum by light in 1/299,792,458 second or to about inches It is also very nearly 1 ten millionth the distance from the equator to the poles.

3 meter- noun - the base unit of length in the metric system (International System of Units)
-an instrument for measuring, esp. one that automatically measures and records the quantity of something, as of gas, water, miles, or time, when it is activated. FYI – a meter is equal to the distance traveled in a vacuum by light in 1/299,792,458 second or to about inches It is also very nearly 1 ten millionth the distance from the equator to the poles.

4 Mystery Word- branch of mathematics concerned with the properties, relationships, and measurement of points, lines, curves, and surfaces noun ) geometry From geo = earth and metron = measure: measuring the land (earth

5 geometry- noun branch of mathematics concerned with the properties, relationships, and measurement of points, lines, curves, and surfaces From geo = earth and metron = measure: measuring the land (earth

6 Kilometer noun A unit of measure equal to 1,000 meters
from Gk. Khilioi = "thousand," A unit of measure equal to 1,000 meters

7 kilometer- noun -A unit of measure equal to 1,000 meters
from Gk. Khilioi = "thousand,"

8 From ‘baros’ = weight or pressure
barometer noun From ‘baros’ = weight or pressure 1. an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, usually to determine altitude or weather changes 2. anything that shows change or impending change: the barometer of social change

9 barometer- noun 1. an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, usually to determine altitude or weather changes anything that shows change or impending change: the barometer of social change From ‘baros’ = weight or pressure

10 Mystery Word- a wind gauge - an instrument for recording the speed and often the direction of winds
noun anemometer From ‘anemos’ = wind

11 anemometer- noun a wind gauge - an instrument for recording the speed and often the direction of winds From ‘anemos’ = wind

12 From ‘dia’ = through, across: literally means to measure across
diameter noun From ‘dia’ = through, across: literally means to measure across 1a. - a straight line connecting the centre of a geometric figure, esp a circle or sphere, with two points on the perimeter or surface  b. the length of such a line

13 diameter- noun 1a. - a straight line connecting the center of a geometric figure, esp a circle or sphere, with two points on the perimeter or surface  b. the length of such a line From ‘dia’ = through, across: literally means to measure across

14 From ‘sym’ = same or equal: literally means to measure the same
symmetry noun From ‘sym’ = same or equal: literally means to measure the same an exact correspondence in position or form about a given point, line, or plane This is the mathematical definition. There are other definitions related to art, poetry, design, music etc. but generally the idea of harmony or equal measure applies to other definitions. Rotational symmetry Line symmetry

15 symmetry- noun- being balanced or well proportioned; an exact correspondence in position or form about a given point, line, or plane symmetrical (adjective form) This is the mathematical definition. There are other definitions related to art, poetry, design, music etc. but generally the idea of harmony or equal measure applies to other definitions. From ‘sym’ = same or equal: literally means to measure the same

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